Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Was probably a bad idea to post this in the first place :/

Oh well. You guys may not be looking forward to it. But for me, BEST GEEK NEWS EVER!! :D

Now I will go and mingle with those who are equally as excited as I am about this!

*swaggers out the room*
If it was Nolan or if Man of Steel hadn't let itself down in certain areas I would be excited as any one else for this but I still think Snyder and co could have done a better job with Man of Steel, all the pieces were there it just needed a little more care on the story telling side of things.

That's why we have sequels! Also, Nolan is going to be executive producer!
Could Levett Not play batman seeing as he found the bat cave?

Nolan's Batman is done and dusted! This won't have any ties to that universe. Seeing as there was no actual universe to it.

But if Joseph does happen to get cast (which I think won't happen). Then people will throw arms and all sorts cos that ties it back to Nolan's Batman.
Oooh, Superman/Batman team up *could* be an interesting thing. Maybe something along the llines of the Public Enemies animated movie with Luthor setting up Superman with Batman helping to clear his name.

Clearly going to be a prequel to the JL movie.

Finally. Someone who sees a bit more logic in where the sequel might be going!
Having just re-watched both "World's Finest" and "The Dark Knight Returns part 2". I have a feeling that the Man Of Steel sequel will borrow from both of those stories and also, hopefully, Public Enemies.

While I don't think they will avoid conflict between the two characters. Having them pitted against each other should last no more than about 5mins tops! Don't let the movie focus too much on their differences. The world is bigger than them. They will still have Superman's character in development to some extent.

The way I see it. It's Superman's movie. Batman is just guest appearing. If he gets around 20mins screen time max, then I am happy with that. An actual full on team up should not happen until the Justice League movie itself!

All I ask is that Warners, Zack, Goyer and Co to not screw this up! This is their one chance to prove to people that they really mean business!! It's their move now.
Correct, Superman (Man of Steel) is a god compared to Batman (Dark Knight and earlier films).

There will be more arguments about balancing these superheros than even the longest threads about balancing the guns Battlefield 3!

Batman. In some ways has been seen as a god as well. There's a reason Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are known as "The Trinity".

What you have to understand is that Superman trusts Batman more than anyone to watch his back. Should Superman ever go rogue, Batman has ways to contain him. And it's because Superman has told him that he should take drastic action if that ever happens.

I highly recommend reading the following to get an idea of how these two really trust each other:

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
Superman/Batman: The Search For Kryptonite

The latter will give you a real insight into how much Clark believes in Bruce and that he will do the right thing to protect Clark should he ever feel the need to.

There are other stories to look at featuring the two. But these are a start.

I hope I have made some sense to this.
No-one batted an eyelid about Black Widow and Hawkeye in Avengers. Or Iron Man fighting Thor.

and that's exactly what people are forgetting! But then they bring in their own excuses as to why the likes of Iron Man and Thor battled it out. Fair enough. The point is, a Norse God and a billionaire genius playboy philanthropist still duked it out with each other. What difference would a super powered alien and a billionaire with hi-tech toys having a little face off make?
I know that this is more for a wider audience than anything else. I totally get where Warners are going with this in terms of money making.

I just don't want them to screw this up. It has the potential to be epically awesome. The potential to be the biggest selling box office superhero/comic book movie ever!

But! It also has the potential to bomb epically. They just need the right formula. And everyone (not just the geeks, like myself) will enjoy it a lot.

I know a lot of the average movie goers will expect this, that or the other. But those of us who know the characters inside and out will look deeper into things. Easter eggs, nods, hints, etc. We still don't know if this decision to put Batman into the sequel was Warner's or Zack's idea. I am going with the former because I know how protective they are of the Big Two!

There is so much speculation coming out of this announcement and the buzz it is creating is what Warners want right now. People are talking. Not just comic book fans, but movie fans as a whole. I've already spoken to a couple of guys at work about it. Neither of them are comic book readers but both are looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.
Im more of the opinion that after the success of Nolans Batman, anything that uses Batman is going to ruin him further. I just dont want a reimagining of Batman if we cant get anything like what we got in the Nolan era, hell Id rather have nothing.

The last thing I want to see is a buddy cop film with Superman and Batman in. Superman as far as Im concern needs to disappear from film, he just doesnt work on the format as it will never pick up the nuances to make him anything but a one dimensional character. After the mediocre MoS (which still isnt the worst Superman film by a distance the bar is that low) I just have no taste to see Superman on the big screen, so why IMHO ruin Batman to shovel Supes down our throats...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Then for you, it's very simple. Ignore the movie when it comes out. Let those of us who want to see Superman on the big screen, go see it and enjoy it as best as possible.

It's not for everyone. But then not everything in this world is meant for everyone. As the saying goes: "You just can't please everybody."
DC seem far to desperate to copy Marvel with their unified universe. Why not just make good films with your characters? They don't mesh together at all so don't start forcing them together. Why not just hire some competent directors and writers to make good Green Lantern/Flash/Superman etc films.

Because then people will be asking "Why are they making these solo movies and not putting them in the same universe?"

Yes, Warners are desperate. We know that. Warners have said that Superman will be their "Iron Man" for their shared universe. He will still have his solo outings even after Justice League (hopefully). But for now. Let's at least look forward to what the sequel does and go from there. Still have Flash coming in 2016 (still yet to be confirmed!) and of course Justice League in 2017!

People will say that Warners are rushing their movies. But Marvel made 6 movies in 4 years. By 2015, they will have made 12 movies. That's including Ant-Man which kicks off Phase 3.

Warners need a game plan much like Marvel have done. People are just thinking they are rushing. They're not. They have a plan. They just haven't quite finalised it to tell everyone about it.
Who has asked that?

Who saw Dark Knight and said "Well that was a really great film but it was a shame it didn't have The Flash in it."?

If anything most places I've seen have been begging for this not to happen.

Strange, ever since Avengers was annouced most places I've seen have been begging for JL movie

Well Warners kinda stepped on their own feet when a logo appeared in the movie "I Am Legend". A year later Iron Man is released. 4 years later Avengers.

Justice League movie was in the process of being made back in 2007. Cast was set, including Lone Ranger frontman Armie Hammer set to play Batman. Then it fell through epically. That's when Warners gave up on the idea.

But now that they have seen what Marvel have done and the success of Man Of Steel so far. No better time if you ask me. And yes, people have been begging for a Justice League movie long before Marvel even thought of making the Avengers.
Real shame that Green Lantern was a massive failure, could have been to the DC universe/WB gamplan what Iron Man was to Marvel/Disney.

Agreed. I still don't know why that movie was made when it didn't bear any fruit at all. Too many people got involved with the making of the movie. The cast was wrong. Certain characters were underused and others should never have appeared in the first place.

They could have used Green Lantern to open the DCU but they missed that boat.
...but that's not what they did. Sure Begins had a lot of influence from Year One and the other two took influence from various stories. But they changed characters, equipment, locations to better fit a film.

Note, I'm not saying they should take all their licenses and make them 'dark'. But they've spent many years and a lot of money showing audiences a Batman.....which they're now going to have to wave their hands and say "forget about that guy! This is actually Batman, who hangs out with Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter" It's a big ask (especially as Nolan's films were so popular)

Just because one formula worked for Marvel does not mean it will work for Warners! Both will be approaching their movies differently. But both will still be borrowing from the comics.
I'd say the evidence says it's not working for Warner Brothers! The films so far have ranged from crap to average. I'd love to see some good DC films (personally I'd rather they did some Vertigo stuff though) but I just don't think the source material outside of Batman is as strong.

In fact it might be better if they just did Justice League without Batman. Then they could have a connected universe for the 'super' characters and still make some great gritty Batman films.

And there is the underlying problem! You suggesting something like that. You might as well not bother including Superman as well. And Wonder Woman.

Marvel managed to do the Avengers without 2 of the founders.

There is no reason they couldn't write a good story with the rest of the Justice League, rather than sacrificing a successful format and attempting to reboot a character so quickly.

And yet Avengers are bringing in Ant-Man. He will probably cameo in the sequel next year before his solo outing later on.

Either way. I am happy about this news. I just want to see where it takes them and hope they don't fluff it up!
In all the hoohah around the announcement, people seem to be overlooking that Goyer actually announced what the title of the film will be too...

I saw that. I choose not to comment. Besides, in other places on the Interwebz, it's just gone totally overboard the way many people have reacted to this. So I am slowly backing away and will just sit back and await further details and a final confirmation on the movie's title. But dear God please do not let it be a vs kinda movie title!!
Jaime Alexander would've been the better choice IMO.
Gal Gadot is lovely and all that, but she's hardly an Amazon. Too skinny for WW if you ask me.

This is all I am hearing from people on the internet! You guys ever hear of physical training? They said the same about Chris Hemsworth and Henry Cavill. Look what happened there!

Gal was even in the Israeli Army. So I am sure she knows how to handle heavy training.

While I know a lot of people wished it was Jaime Alexander. There was a high possibility that Marvel told Warners to do one and leave Jaime as Sif in the Thor movies.

Let's just wait and see how her physical training goes, how much muscle she'll put on and how she looks in the costume! For all we know they probably screen tested her in Lynda Carter's costume. We don't know the full audition process. So let's just be patient!
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