I just got out and thought it was complete and utter dog ****.
I think I spent as much time watching my watch as the movie hoping and praying it would hurry up and end, if I hadn't been with friends I would have left before it finished. I read it somewhere (it may have been in here) that it felt although they were trying to cram a huge story similar to marvel but whereas marvel have taken ten films to date DC tried to ram it into the first 90mins. Oh god was it horrible watching, watching the film I felt was like watching the lex scene with him drumming his fingers pointlessly on the desk, that's what I was feeling.
The end battle was horrible. Typical Snyder all flash and no trousers, lots of bangs and flashy lights but very little actually happening. Then to top it off the end 15mins(it may have been more or less by this point my eyes were about rolled back in my skull) it was just a long drawn out tedious dance to show the inevitable "he not dead" moment. Urgh.
Few pluses; Ben Afleck was fantastic, the actual Bat/Superman fight was quite good (though the reasons of being forced into it was terrible) and Wonder Woman... Well suffice to say the nightmares about how bad this film is will be happily offset with dreams of her
Really, really bad film. I love DC, I love their comics and much prefer the overall the and themes they take in their books but dear god they are almost as bad as the games workshop at murdering their IP on the big screen, especially when compared against marvel. I will probably watch a Wonder Woman film (yum) I would watch a Ben Afleck Bat film but I won't watch their justice league dross especially if they continue with Snyder.
3/10 (that a point for Ben, WW and the fight. The rest was dross)