Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I see Affleck is getting quite a bit of praise for his take on Batman but I notice there's not many people talking about Henry Cavill, how's his Superman performance?
I see Affleck is getting quite a bit of praise for his take on Batman but I notice there's not many people talking about Henry Cavill, how's his Superman performance?

He was pretty good. Superman is a boy scout which suited him.
I enjoyed it. No where near as bad as some would lead you to believe (especially in comparison to some Hollywood blockbusters).

It suffered from being a bit disjointed and trying to shoehorn in various pieces as it looks like the studio trying to catch up to Marvel. Snyder it brilliant at imagery but a movie needs a bit more than that!

Batfleck was the best thing about the movie - liked the older, slightly broken take on him.

Solid 7.5/10 - may go up or down I guess if the pay off in future movies justifies some of what was in it.
I don't get the hate either. I'm pretty critical and often scathing about movies these days and was fine with Batman vs. Superman. It was leagues ahead of Prometheus, Man of Steel, Crystal Skull etc etc. Sure, it could have been better, more focused, but it was a solid super hero movie and better than a fair few Marvel efforts.
I enjoyed it also , I think the problem is with movies like this from growing up we all have an idea in are heads on how and what superman really stands for , so if someone goes and does something they don't like as they have in this movie they hate it lol , its not a bad movie but its also not a great movie , it could have been a lot better, there are so many lame parts from L Lane acting stupid too Batman having moments of rage and then acting mr nice guy again , a lot of the movie was pretty lame.
I have to say, after all the reviews, I went to see it with low expectations and enjoyed it. It was much better than what I was expecting.
Just watched it, without any expectations.

I enjoyed it. I was entertained. It wasn't the best but it could be worst. It is certainly no car crash. Plenty of potholes and lazy script writing in place and Lex Luthor is the wrong casting choice in Jesse Eisenberg.

The best new character is Gal Godot I think, she totally killed it as Wonder Woman, she literally kicked arse. Ben Afleck did good as Batman too.

9/10 for enjoyment, fight and action, 5/10 for plot and story.

7/10 overall.
I just got out and thought it was complete and utter dog ****.

I think I spent as much time watching my watch as the movie hoping and praying it would hurry up and end, if I hadn't been with friends I would have left before it finished. I read it somewhere (it may have been in here) that it felt although they were trying to cram a huge story similar to marvel but whereas marvel have taken ten films to date DC tried to ram it into the first 90mins. Oh god was it horrible watching, watching the film I felt was like watching the lex scene with him drumming his fingers pointlessly on the desk, that's what I was feeling.

The end battle was horrible. Typical Snyder all flash and no trousers, lots of bangs and flashy lights but very little actually happening. Then to top it off the end 15mins(it may have been more or less by this point my eyes were about rolled back in my skull) it was just a long drawn out tedious dance to show the inevitable "he not dead" moment. Urgh.

Few pluses; Ben Afleck was fantastic, the actual Bat/Superman fight was quite good (though the reasons of being forced into it was terrible) and Wonder Woman... Well suffice to say the nightmares about how bad this film is will be happily offset with dreams of her :p

Really, really bad film. I love DC, I love their comics and much prefer the overall the and themes they take in their books but dear god they are almost as bad as the games workshop at murdering their IP on the big screen, especially when compared against marvel. I will probably watch a Wonder Woman film (yum) I would watch a Ben Afleck Bat film but I won't watch their justice league dross especially if they continue with Snyder.

3/10 (that a point for Ben, WW and the fight. The rest was dross)
I see Affleck is getting quite a bit of praise for his take on Batman but I notice there's not many people talking about Henry Cavill, how's his Superman performance?


Film probably between 6 & 7 out of ten for action. It was a pity they appeared to be emulating Marvell with the ending build up. Quite a lot of people remained after the movie finished expecting an end credit which didn't transpire.
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I see Affleck is getting quite a bit of praise for his take on Batman but I notice there's not many people talking about Henry Cavill, how's his Superman performance?

He's playing Superman who tends to be pretty emotionless so it's hard for the bloke to shine.

He comes across quite well in the scenes as Clark when he's getting passionate about things, his interaction with Fishburne was good but ultimately there wasn't enough opportunity for him.
Seen this yesterday. While not a great movie is still good and I really liked it.

The Script was pretty pap but I think a lot of that has to do with MOS not being set up as a Justice league movie from the very start and they where throwing scenes into this movie that stopped the flow and continuity.

Just a lot of the scenes where unneeded.

There should have been a batman movie.
There should have been a superman movie. not mos
there should have been a WW movie before we got to this part.
He's playing Superman who tends to be pretty emotionless so it's hard for the bloke to shine.

He comes across quite well in the scenes as Clark when he's getting passionate about things, his interaction with Fishburne was good but ultimately there wasn't enough opportunity for him.

they need to show superman being more 'human'.
He doesn't seem to care very much and they should give him some light hearted stuff, even if its just a little.
Marvel has made its heroes likeable and relate-able because they can be light as well as dark, but DC is drowning in its seriousness.

Aside from that it wasn't terrible, it was just very sterile - bit like all snyders films really.
I have to say, after all the reviews, I went to see it with low expectations and enjoyed it. It was much better than what I was expecting.

That's probably the best Outlook, too many people jumping onto the bandwagon and giving ridiculous scores and reviews. there was flaws but by all means was not 2 or 3 out of 10 which is unfair. I suspect the studio had a hand in this. Zach was probably told he had to fit required parts into this movie, inc JLA.

Quite a lot of people remained after the movie finished expecting an end credit which didn't transpire.

Zach Snyder is very stubborn and prided himself not to "copy" Marvel with post credit scenes. But he rather shoehorn the JLA characters using database with all meta humans, Names and even their symbols and all :(
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Why did batman....

Bother to set up numerous miniguns considering he knows they won't affect superman? The sonic device i can understand, for one its a throw back to the cartoon, and considering he has super hearing it may have had an effect. But miniguns? :confused:

Check out half in the bags discussion on the movie, pretty much nails it. Can't link directly as it has some swearing but this is their channel :)
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That's probably the best Outlook, too many people jumping onto the bandwagon and giving ridiculous scores and reviews. there was flaws but by all means was not 2 or 3 out of 10 which is unfair. I suspect the studio had a hand in this.

Why is it on ocuk whenever someone disagrees with someone the "fanboy" or "bandwagon" BS comes out? Why cannot people accept others have differing opinions or if not at least discuss the specifics as opposed to slating others pointlessly?

I went with 4 others I hated it, 1 loved it, 3 were indifferent. We had a sensible chat over a pint without once insulting each other (well beyond what is reasonably expected :p) despite having differing opinions.
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