Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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you could get bf2 multiplatform though? and although buggy as hell on the pc a lot of us still play as you can see from the comments. So unless they 'console' bf3 up like most modern games it should be good!

Updated the first page read it:

Please let this be the truth PLEASE, sod i'm putting my hands together and praying:

Dear God, we ask that you not gives us another waste of space battlefield game and instead curse the retarded producers of BC2. We ask of you to please give us BF2 2.0........... So Lord lead us not into temptation to buy MoH, but deliver us from EA: For DICE is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever Battlefield 3.....
I hope there is another way to get BF3 beta access without MOH, it looks poop!

Hope the info you have up remains the same, none of this silly bullet damage perk stuff.
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MoH out soon..... which means after DICE fix the total mess they'll no doubt get in to server wise..... They'll give us some solid info on BF3....i think this thread is going to be a big one!!!

IMO - BC2 had its faults but after going away and coming back to it, i'm in love it again.... So BF3 surely must be better than BC2 so i'l be happy :D
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Realy hope its good. IF it doesn't have bigger mapps and better/more toys then its a fail. bc2 was good but it wasn't and never will be a bf game.
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