Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Needs a public unranked server release to encourage the competitive scene imho. Otherwise its just another pretty, short life pub stomp.
Needs a public unranked server release to encourage the competitive scene imho. Otherwise its just another pretty, short life pub stomp.

i agree, but only if the unranked servers have all weapons unlocked - otherwise what's the point?
They are still banging the "its to complicated to release" drum. Which might be the case. But they could assist it if they wanted by releasing unranked code and allowing a cfg file to be used to alter variables. This is all the likes of procon did so successfully on cod 4. The competitive scene doesn't need a great deal to make this game fly. Alas they won't listen to anyone.
Ranked BF2 is still averaging 10k players every night, hardly short life is it.

Sorry but what are you talking about?

Do you actually get what LOAM is trying to say? You need to read over the conversation again, come back and say something constructive or not!

Just incase you didn’t understand tho…. What he’s saying is BF2 had great clan support, server side options and MOD’s…. not once did he say BF2 is rubbish and died an early death….

Jeewiz Raven you make out like you know everything about BF3 but to me its seems you know jack!
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Who needs a competitive scene, who cares....clans still get their servers, they can obviously play ranked or unranked, majority will play ranked.

And yeah I'm the BF guru. You're crying over nothing, what more do you need than an unranked server.

Tough look mods look to be out.
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Who needs a competitive scene, who cares....clans still get their servers, they can obviously play ranked or unranked, majority will play ranked.

Haha, You’ve now lost all of what very little respect I had for anything you say!!

That comment is nothing short of hilarious….. I have a funny feeling your about to get bombarded for saying that!!

Who do you think pay for the public ranked servers? Why do you think clans are made?

You sir have absolutely no idea what so ever what your talking about…. That above comment is so stupid I’m feel offended replying to it!!!

EDIT: saw your update post…… in fact forget I mention anything you carry on in your own little world :rolleyes:

And yeah I'm the BF guru

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Ranked is where it's at, fact is the competitive scene in BF3 will be as dead as it is in BC2, Dice don't care. Majority will play ranked pub anyway.
Ranked is where it's at, fact is the competitive scene in BF3 will be as dead as it is in BC2, Dice don't care. Majority will play ranked pub anyway.

PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS….:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Look Raven mate I know you mean well but what your saying has nothing to do with what we’re talking about, it’s actually is making you look stupid.

You have absolute no clue what so ever about clan’s and what they do, you’re jibbing on about things which make no sense…. When you say things like “No body cares about competitive play and things like BF3 competitive scene will be dead” gets peoples backs up.

The fact you repeatedly spammed this thread saying “DICE said it’s a true sequel to BF2” makes you look like an utter idiot because if you knew BF2 aswel as you say, you’d know BF2 was great because of the sandbox, server options and MOD’s.

On top of that you yourself said BF3 will be nothing like BC2 so why are you comparing BF3 to BC2?
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Ranked BF2 is still averaging 10k players every night, hardly short life is it.

You misunderstand, theres a large reason its still got 10k players every night. It will probably out live bc2, and again there's reasons for that, and these are features. Many of which encouraged an active competitive scene.

Whilst BC2 has been without doubt a good game for the pc, it was for many only half a game. I don't think many would argue if I were to say that it wont be played in 6 years time. From a personal pov I don't think it would have been as popular had the pc platform not been starved of product for a long time. Again personally, I disliked public BF2 for many reasons. I don't think ranks have brought anything positive to the series either.
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