Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I would like the planes to be easier to shoot down. On BF2 I didn't go on the maps with planes as if a good pilot got in one then they were pretty much flying the whole round with zero deaths.

In general just a nice balance of power really.

But it could be balanced with a decent pilot on the opposing team, I do agree with you because most of the time there were never any decent pilots. I was one of those "once in the air, always will be" but I had friends on the ground over comms that would mark targets for me. I didn't base rape out of principle and prioritised armour over infantry.

Was really easy to shoot other people out of the sky :D

Air assests are an extremely powerful tool, especially in a game we have mentioned, thus limited munitions would balance this, making it a "use when really needed" and not "spam it and see what I get".
But, problems start when tanks/light armor respawns, then what? maybe have munitions supply on a timer so that you still can't rape everything and need to prioritise targets.
This still gives skilled pilots the ability to go that one step further.
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(bullet holes in things instead of just a decal)

Sounds too much. Would I then look through the holes in the fence and shoot back like something out of Leon

I expect BF3 to be like Doom 3.
Bf2 was like a pinnacle of new and old, I think its significant they bought in the original engine from an outside company so whoever made that is long gone and so is the engine and basis for gameplay
I cant see them taking a U turn on certain things. Like bf2 could be modded, but thats too much competition for DLC type e-commerce so these motivations are what will guide their design of bf3.

Its going to take an entirely new game to be the next bf. More then bf3 I hope a mod for Arma will achieve or something else less known about, maybe next version of crysis will be it
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Oh and if you want to play BF2 2.0 you can have Battlefield F2P or w/e it is called. I am in beta and it brings back good memories of Karkand. But the free engine is god awful.
Bf2 was like a pinnacle of new and old, I think its significant they bought in the original engine from an outside company so whoever made that is long gone and so is the engine and basis for gameplay

The engine was made by refractor which Dice bought over and used for Codename Eagle 1942, Vietnam and a racing game. Battlefield 2 engine was apparently an enahnced version of this.
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I would like the planes to be easier to shoot down. On BF2 I didn't go on the maps with planes as if a good pilot got in one then they were pretty much flying the whole round with zero deaths.

In general just a nice balance of power really.

yea bf1942 had it just right the planes werent to fast , they didnt auto lock on with missiles and guided bombs.

straffing and carpet bombing were tons of fun , dog fights werent twitch based combat and anti aircraft guns while beeing extremly powerful were just about balanced right.

modern vehicles are just to DERP DERP to be fun in a game
I did own BF1942 but I was quite young and bought it thinking it would like Allied Assault. Also I had to wait 3-4 months before I got a graphics card to play it (crappy Rage 32mb wouldn't even work). Even then I didn't have internet in my room so I just never really played it.

I can't complain about the planes too much as I was an enourmous nade ho on Karkard Infantry only on BF2.

BF2 was brilliant, it really was, but that was 2005 and BC2 in 2010 has taken over it for me.
I am expecting BF3 to be 40 vs 40 with bigger-than-BF2-maps and destructable buildings.

All BF3 really needs to be is BF2 crossed with BC2 with PC standard graphics.

Also I am level 40 of 50 on BC2. BF2 I could play daily for 10 years and not be top rank. BF3 needs a very high ranking system that takes years to max out.
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As a lot have said, BF3 basically need to be BF2 but with BC2 graphics and some elements of MoH. All wrapped up with some nicely designed maps.

That is it. Simples.

If this game fails, it will be the end of my PC gaming days.

^ What he says . So here we are nearly 6 years on from BF2 and as far as i am concerend only 3 games have been worth playing other than BF2 on PC since ,TF2 , Left 4 Dead and Star craft 2 .

Anything else has been nothing short of terrible or just a crappy comsole port , BC2 included.

I feel that if this game is noting short of Miraculous then PC gaming will truly start to die over the next three-five years .
Name another fps that isn't a consolified piece of **** and people wouldn't be worrying about the end of pc gaming.

Off the top of my head...
Metro 2033
Arma II
killing Floor

Calling every other FPS a p.o.s is a bit harsh to be fair. It's this elitist pc gamer attitude like yours that i hate about some of the pc gamers on here. Nothing is ever good enough and apparently, unless it's got every single graphical option in the menu, or it's a pc exclusive, it's slated a consolised p.o.s port.

It's not true imo.

Currently all i am playing is RTS games as the FPS market is just a bunch of children's games these days.

That's a bit rich coming from someone who plays with little robots or action figures. If anything, RTS games have the image of being children's games. COH is excluded of course :p
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I would like the planes to be easier to shoot down. On BF2 I didn't go on the maps with planes as if a good pilot got in one then they were pretty much flying the whole round with zero deaths.

In general just a nice balance of power really.

I hope that they give us Hand Held stingers. On that AIX mod theyre awesome.
It would be great if its WWII, almost like a remade 1942 but with destruction and greater class choice - pretty sure it won't be though.
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Got to love the posts that go something like this:

"If this game isn't exactly the way I want it to be then I'm giving up playing PC games forever and ever and ever and will be writing strongly worded letters to anyone who will listen to me whine!!!"

Almost as hilariously daft as the fools on the EA forums talking about filing a 'Class Action Lawsuit!!!' against EA because they didn't like the changes Dice made in one of the patches for Battlefield 2.

There's so much negativity and we haven't even seen a proper screenshot yet.
I bet Dice and EA are quaking in their boots at the thought of all those strongly worded letters.

Game will sell a ton no matter what anyone, DEMANDS from it.
Why do some people have to whine about the whiners, ironic.

If the game is console cack (like MOH) then I wont play it, if its PC class like BF2 then I will.
how many of these people banging on about BF2 still play BF2 I wonder?

I do,though I'm not a Whiner.:p

I feel optimistic and it's better not to tempt fait.:D

I support DICE and I'm pretty sure that they will Deliver a great game.

BFBC2 is an Awesome game and BF3 will be even Better ! ;)
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