Why? Seriously, who cares?
It's obvious you've got a chip on your shoulder about being a 'pro' player and cant wait to have a dig at HC players all the time - I don't think I've once seen you mention HC mode without some sly or subtle attack on it. You don't like it, we get it, but lots of us do. I don't care much about how good I am at the game, I play for the experience, not to prove to people like you how "skilled" I am by your definition of what constitutes skill.
Stop calling everyone who doesn't play the game the way you like it low, unskilled, nabs, or whatever. Just because you say it, doesn't make it gospel and it's getting tiring.
Ive hit many jets recently and heli's too. I guess its easy to blame the game when you suck.
Hardcore mode just means you'll die pretty quick on a decent server if you tried doing what he does in the video.
fps gaming has always been about playing on a decent server, nothing new there at all.
Have you seen what happens when your team doesn't have an attack chopper in the air ? Or doesn't have any jet pilots ? Your team gets rinsed. The only really effective deterrent to any of the air assets is their counterparts. Without it, they can just wipe out the entire team and pin them to their spawn. I've seen it done on caspian many a time and anything that trys to come out of the base is shot before it gets out of the base.The chopper crew were playing a vital air support role and helping win the game for your team. The only person who doesn't benefit from this is you because you wanted to be flown around in the gunner seat for nice easy kills. I'd much rather have my clan mate as a gunner with voice comms, than some random with no comms and no way to co-ordinate flares and spot together.
You're just sore because you didn't get a go in the chopper
Have you seen what happens when your team doesn't have an attack chopper in the air ? Or doesn't have any jet pilots ? Your team gets rinsed. The only really effective deterrent to any of the air assets is their counterparts. Without it, they can just wipe out the entire team and pin them to their spawn. I've seen it done on caspian many a time and anything that trys to come out of the base is shot before it gets out of the base.The chopper crew were playing a vital air support role and helping win the game for your team. The only person who doesn't benefit from this is you because you wanted to be flown around in the gunner seat for nice easy kills. I'd much rather have my clan mate as a gunner with voice comms, than some random with no comms and no way to co-ordinate flares and spot together.
So many servers only play 1 map now, its ok but i get bored after 1 game if its the same map again. Anyone know of any decent map rotation servers that are always busy?
Most of the servers i added at release are dead now.
As long as you can behave like a normal person, then come join us.
Err I don;t think that phrase applies to the people on TS from my knowledge
Yes come and join our friendly community. A few of us just get on voice comms and have a laugh as we play. We also have a server that includes every map in the game and a map vote so its up to you what you play.
Yeah, I get that. I think the discussion was more about the general gameplay in HC.
comparing joining a random server on a fps game now to back in 2000-3 on something like counter strike is vey different