Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Yeah wake island is unbelievably good looking. I didn't actually even realise that some diggers and other objects were in fact orange!!! The only colours I remember on that map were gray, dark green, dark blue, bit of white with a B&W filter over it :p

Karkand as well looks fantastic in this vid, everything just looks more vibrant.

@V F, day/night transition was something that made for some epic battles in novalogics joint operations. Iirc, it featured changing weather as well.
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What I'm actually surprised at is why they didn't make some maps or all with different lengths of day to night to day transitions. You'd please everyone with something like that.

Imagine if the engine was set to time zones that the server detects and dependant on when you log on the maps could be sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times. I mean a game from 2010 on a console can do this for Gran Turismo 5.

Gameplay would be rather interesting if that was happening, no? same for rain, overcast, fog environments that change across the duration of the maps time.

In this modern age of gaming fixed weather seems so pathetic. It's always sunny. Nothing sparks up some interesting changes. You'd never get the same map sunny, fog or rain and at night whenever you go to play.

Imagine one of the maps with the containers, it's dull and overcast and there is thunder and lightning but one player gets electrocuted. I'd love to see a game like this have it's own day to night and weather system transitions.


I love this about planet side 2 :cool: (only has the day to night transition)

i know :p i call it bizar though :D

What I'm actually surprised at is why they didn't make some maps or all with different lengths of day to night to day transitions. You'd please everyone with something like that.

They've had the ability to do that since the inception of the Frostbite engine since way back in 2007.

I still argue the original Frostbite game looks & sounds better than BF3 today with better destruction.
You missed the part when I said Gran Turismo 5. They have day to night transitions and a weather system.

More than likely a chunky performance hit though considering theres bound to be more going on than cars scooting around a track.
More than likely a chunky performance hit though considering theres bound to be more going on than cars scooting around a track.

This is what I think aswell. As much as dynamic weather system would give the game a new unique style and would be nice, I don't think consoles can handle such amount of new data to be processed along with constant explosions, bullets flying about, vehicles shooting etc.
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I still argue the original Frostbite game looks & sounds better than BF3 today with better destruction.

I agree, although the way the buildings collapse are basically all the same, it would've been nice if they were a bit more dynamic, same with the sounds of the buildings collapsing, but it's better than BF:3's destruction if you exclude Close Quarters, but even then some walls don't get destroyed, so i guess BF:BC2 does have better destruction overall.
I'm not sold on those colours. Look's bland and boring.

And the fact that it removes any sort of sun glare/shadows is wrong imho, pretty much cheating.
What I'm actually surprised at is why they didn't make some maps or all with different lengths of day to night to day transitions. You'd please everyone with something like that.

Imagine if the engine was set to time zones that the server detects and dependant on when you log on the maps could be sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times. I mean a game from 2010 on a console can do this for Gran Turismo 5.

Gameplay would be rather interesting if that was happening, no? same for rain, overcast, fog environments that change across the duration of the maps time.

In this modern age of gaming fixed weather seems so pathetic. It's always sunny. Nothing sparks up some interesting changes. You'd never get the same map sunny, fog or rain and at night whenever you go to play.

Imagine one of the maps with the containers, it's dull and overcast and there is thunder and lightning but one player gets electrocuted. I'd love to see a game like this have it's own day to night and weather system transitions.

If someone mentions it or has mentioned it to DICE, then i reckon it will be in BF:4 as will a number of other things which should have been in this game from the get go which DICE and EA will use to advertise the game so people will purchase it.

I'm going to be in the BF:4 beta because i pre-ordered MoH:WF yonks before it was mentioned that pre-orders for MoH:WF got BF:4 beta access, but i'm going to be very skeptical and critical this time round when i play (i really mean when i analyse the **** out this game) in the beta compared to when i participated in the alpha (alpha was better than the beta imo) and the beta of BF:3.
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I'm not sold on those colours. Look's bland and boring.

And the fact that it removes any sort of sun glare/shadows is wrong imho, pretty much cheating.

I agree, but this wouldn't be a problem if DICE didn't add the blue filter in the first place, so you can't blame people to resorting to these measures, and the majority won't be using it for the advantage (hell, some of them probably don't realise it does give them an advantage), but for the fact it looks better.

For example; I've been playing some BF:BC2 lately and it looks really nice, lob a blue filter on it and it will look like the beginning of the apocalypse, so the blue filter sucks, period.
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If someone mentions it or has mentioned it to DICE, then i reckon it will be in BF:4 as will a number of other things which should have been in this game from the get go which DICE and EA will use to advertise the game so people will purchase it.

I'm going to be in the BF:4 beta because i pre-ordered MoH:WF yonks before it was mentioned that pre-orders for MoH:WF got BF:4 beta access, but i'm going to be very skeptical and critical this time round when i play (i really mean when i analyse the **** out this game) in the beta compared to when i participated in the alpha (alpha was better than the beta imo) and the beta of BF:3.

Good one, but I suspect you will be disappointed :p

I agree, but this wouldn't be a problem if DICE didn't add the blue filter in the first place, so you can't blame people to resorting to these measures, and the majority won't be using it for the advantage (hell, some of them probably don't realise it does give them an advantage), but for the fact it looks better.

For example; I've been playing some BF:BC2 lately and it looks really nice, lob a blue filter on it and it will look like the beginning of the apocalypse, so the blue filter sucks, period.

I agree. BC2 has better colour vibrancy
Yeah bc 2 destruction is far better overall, such a game changer. Where as with bf 3 I doubt we would even really notice/care as much if they removed it completely. Only time I destroy any walls is on bazaar and seine and even then a lot of walls can't be destroyed despite being no different looking.

Also found the alpha far better than bf3 in its current state. Hit reg was perfect, although there were a lot more bugs, obviously :p
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