Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Find an empty server with a 1P start that has a map with aircraft and learn.

This ^^ I spent time, mostly with the heli's to learn, I'm no pro but feel I am at a decent level now, as for jets though I still kinda suck will them but that doesn't bother me.

I think the problem is I've managed to find a keyboard/mouse setup I'm comfortable with for the helis..but have't yet with the jets.
Randomly ran into neo202020 last night and had quite a good game, I've never played properly in a squad quite like that before. Even playing through tethering on my phone was no problem apart from in jets where there'd be a bit of lag. Under 100ms ping a lot of the time, quite impressed.
Anyone else who hass BT infinity still getting lag? i have it on every game even with low ping, for people not in the know there were issues with 3rd party server and if you had infinity you couldn't get on certain sites such as EAs and others.
Is it possible to play on servers with 3D spotting disabled? Is that even possible?

Would really like to play with it turned off. I think it would work miracles for this game.
Is it possible to play on servers with 3D spotting disabled? Is that even possible?

Would really like to play with it turned off. I think it would work miracles for this game.

It's called Hardcore mode, but HC mode has a minimap which shows you spotted players, but with the minimap off (like on Jimlad's server), no spotting exists.
Is it possible to play on servers with 3D spotting disabled? Is that even possible?

Would really like to play with it turned off. I think it would work miracles for this game.

My old clan server did run it for a while. They still might even. We just ried to replicate BF2 settings as much as possible so not 3d spotting, no kill-cam etc etc.
Further to this I have read that C.I.A 2 being disabled in the mobo bios can also help. I do not know too much about this, bit have done a bit reading. When i went into the BIOS this setting was missing/didn't exisit.

Really frustrating, can anyone help get rid of this damn rubber banding / lag ?

Can anyone please help with this ???? tks

This is so xxxxxxxx pathetic of DICE/EA, it is unreal! Remember the thread I posted where some guy posted a huge wall of text about DICE's responses to a lot of the stuff, well the OP got deleted and the thread locked........

He didn't swear, post any abuse to anyone, just stated facts with hard evidence through links/screenshots etc.

Reposted here and the thread was locked again:

I really hope BF 4 and any other DICE game flops big time :p, unfortunately it won't though :(
I think the glory days of DICE have long passed us by, it's just another extension of the EA corporate machine now.

And when sales drop, and they will, EA won't have any qualms about disbanding the studio should the need arise.[/IMG

This is so xxxxxxxx pathetic of DICE/EA, it is unreal! Remember the thread I posted where some guy posted a huge wall of text about DICE's responses to a lot of the stuff, well the OP got deleted and the thread locked........

He didn't swear, post any abuse to anyone, just stated facts with hard evidence through links/screenshots etc.


Reposted here and the thread was locked again:


I really hope BF 4 and any other DICE game flops big time :p, unfortunately it won't though :([/QUOTE]

Doesn't surprise me really, they really can't stand it when people make valid lists of complaints. =/
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