How are they getting hacked though?
Sean said:
There is an undocumented maximum length for passwords.
I changed my password after seeing a message in Origin that my account was logged in on another computer. I used a password generator/storage app to make a new password and got into a nasty cycle of resetting my password and then my password being rejected by the Origin login, as well as their support site when I tried to log in with it. I tried a shorter password and the problem went away.
Afterward I found a post on EA’s forums from another user that indicates the max length is 16. This isn’t documented anywhere when you change the password, nor are you notified when changing your password that it is too long.
I guess this is insult added to injury.
I agree, owning up to a problem yields much more good will from the customer base than standing mute, or worse, denying/spinning it.
Nice video Westie, surprised that they allow 3P vehicle cam and show enemy name tags. Why isn't it set to HC?
Joe missed this one didn't he, problems with Origin. He wasn't a happy bunny.
hardcore is easier then softcore.. it really is punch has already proved that on 24/7 server dont think hes not been on there and got over 100 kills a map even as inf on grand bazaar!
How long will it take playing online to get a fully upgraded tank? I've been playing for quite a while but never see anyone with the extra armour on the tank...
Also best map for tanks as atm I play rush or Conquest on firestorm or whatever it's called, the one in the desert with all the oil pump smoke..
I think you will find it was 90 kills as infantry...Penquin just beat him to the top with 97 in LAV.. If you hadn't bugged out that round, you too woulda enjoyed the mass raping. Prob one of my best rounds ever that one, kept punch alive as much as shooting fools.
I have to agree that HC is easier to kill, but much easier to die as well. I really do not like 3D spotting but hey, for Level it is all good. Would you agree that SC mode is easier for vehicles tho? I mean external camera makes things much easier to spot etc. Not to mention in SC you never shoot at people (when in vehicles), you just shoot at Doritos's.
For me it's more the fact that I can bombard a tank with RPG after RPG but it is repaired faster than I can damage it.