Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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^^^ As to whether there are many cheats on BF3, I would say no. We are extremely vigilant on our server but others are less so. I got called a hacker last night when I was on a roll (rare occasion) so a lot of people just accuse people of hacking when they are either just good or it looks like a weird kill when in fact it's just the game doing it's thing..On your screen I might be reloading but on mine I have finished and have started to shoot you etc etc.

TS is much better than the lame "party chat" feature in battlelog and easy to use as well. Our TS details are on the forum, pop in say hi.

Fair enough. Is it Team Speak 2 or 3 I want?
havent played this in ages so after the new DLC had downloaded thought i would try it out

new maps are really good but this game for me is broken as long as the terrible lag/rubberbanding issues continue with these games (bc2 was the same for me) where people kill me in a 1 kill insti-shot and I can pump a full magazine into peoples heads and get nothing but hit markers and they still dont go down

is it the network smoothing factor thing? what is it best to put this on?
I get about 5mbps download speed and have an "A" rated latency/loss test on pingtest website

its ok somedays and then other days i cant kill a single person
havent played this in ages so after the new DLC had downloaded thought i would try it out

new maps are really good but this game for me is broken as long as the terrible lag/rubberbanding issues continue with these games (bc2 was the same for me) where people kill me in a 1 kill insti-shot and I can pump a full magazine into peoples heads and get nothing but hit markers and they still dont go down

is it the network smoothing factor thing? what is it best to put this on?
I get about 5mbps download speed and have an "A" rated latency/loss test on pingtest website

its ok somedays and then other days i cant kill a single person

Theres nothing you can do tbh.

I got a beast computer, beast internet with better ping on the UK server I play on from Holland then most UK players.

Some days everything is how it should be 5/6 bullet burst on a player and they go down or a little burst after. Other days i feel like I have to put half a mag of even more into a person to get them down. I gave up trying to figure it out because it's Dice and host side i guess. Not much you can do.
If you are seeing lag ie people moving around not that smooth..make sure your network slider is set to max interpolation. I have mine on about 10-20% and people jerk all over the place as I prefer to know where they actually are rather than perfectly smooth motion.
oddly people move around smoothly when they are running / walking moving normally

its only noticible when people vault over things, also players seem to have worked out that constantly running / jumping makes them lag all over the shop and impossible to hit,

I seem to get lag when I shoot as well - the guy will walk in front of me smoothly and as soon as I press the fire button they start lagging (and usually turn round and insti one shot kill me)

so even if i get the jump on people who are stood right in front back of me back turned - i'll start shooting before they have even seen me and I will still loose the firefight to them :(

i have played with that darn slider a lot and cant see any difference either way

Oh and just a tip, if you are running as you start firing your spread will be terrible. I was a 0.7 KD kinda player for months until I watched Westie, Punch, Jimlad, CK88 and others. Since doing that I am 1.5 - 3 kdr daily now. Oh and I turned my sensitivity in game down a whole load which was the main help. That and using guns rather than my knife all the time.
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I was a little bit silly and didnt think.

But I saw BF3 Premium was on offer today for £16 and bought it which effectively gives me access to Aftermath and then End game.

However I think it could be upto 50% off on xmas day so I should have held off...

Also got so many games in steam yet to play thanks to sales, when am I going to find the time to get my £££ worth from BF3 and all the expansions! :o

Where did you get it from?
Have to admit, I love the XBOW.

EXCELLENT tool for giving yourself a ranged option when using SMGs/Shotguns or other low range weapons.

Also a great way to get some anti light armor/helo as Recon with the explosive bolt.

I carry the scoped version exclusively when I do not need the 3rd/4th slots of certain classes.

It's a shame the bolt swapping is such a ballache as I would like to use the spotting bolt more often but cycling through four bolts slowly just to get back round to balanced is not worth it.
was hiding in forest last night as recon just with xbow! never laughed so much was right laugh.. got a jet too with explosive bolt but wreckage landed on me & killed me :( lol

some nice tanks shots from viper here

i got owned at 0:55

I'm a bit late to the BF3 party but just started playing it. Great game but one problem; I reckon the game actually manages to launch maybe 1 out 5 times. Half the time it doesn't invoke the exe, if it does manage to run it, it sits there running minimised unable to launch full screen.
Commence opening/closing Origin shenanigans. This is ruining an otherwise very enjoyable game. I don't remember having any of these issues playing the demo.

Googleage shows lots of people having the same issue. Anyone got a fix before I... keep putting up with it some more? :p
Just realised I had my network smoothing on max! :eek: No wonder it seemed bullets were flying around the corners!!

Lowered to 0 and it may be coincidence but I'm rubber banding like crazy. I get to the stairs at A at Ziba Tower and it's like get stuck in quick sand. Cost me a few deaths tonight that place.
Just picked up the ultimate shortcut bundle which is half price on Origin.

Regards network smoothing, whats the ideal setting to aim for as I don't really understand it.

Thanks for all your help and patience too guys and merry christmas.
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