Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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new maps are really good but this game for me is broken as long as the terrible lag/rubberbanding issues continue with these games (bc2 was the same for me) where people kill me in a 1 kill insti-shot and I can pump a full magazine into peoples heads and get nothing but hit markers and they still dont go down

is it the network smoothing factor thing? what is it best to put this on?
I get about 5mbps download speed and have an "A" rated latency/loss test on pingtest website

its ok somedays and then other days i cant kill a single person
Ive had this on and off since the release of the back to karkand expansion. Prior to this the game was nigh on perfect.

Theres nothing you can do tbh.

I got a beast computer, beast internet with better ping on the UK server I play on from Holland then most UK players.

Some days everything is how it should be 5/6 bullet burst on a player and they go down or a little burst after. Other days i feel like I have to put half a mag of even more into a person to get them down. I gave up trying to figure it out because it's Dice and host side i guess. Not much you can do.
Thats the most frustrating part, some days it will play fine, others it's terrible. Full mag into a guys back, only to die from what seems like 1 or 2 shots from that player. That and getting killed after going into cover, anything upto 4 seconds after i think im in cover ill drop dead. I know my net connection isnt great, but this game really favours low ping players with high speed connections. Ive played it on my nephews 80mb infinity connection, it's like a totally different game.
I find some of the original maps quite boring compared to the new ones. Really enjoying a couple of the Aftermath maps in particular, I can just never decide what game mode to play now as there's so many to choose from!!! Not a bad thing at all. There's something for everyone.
The new aftermath maps are fantastic. I still play some of the older ones. Kind of given up on the close quarters ones and very rarely play armored kill ones now. Tend to play conquest and tdm the most. Rush on bf3 is very poor compared to how it was in bfbc2.
.... I got called a hacker last night when I was on a roll (rare occasion) so a lot of people just accuse people of hacking when they are either just good or it looks like a weird kill when in fact it's just the game doing it's thing.....

Its good to be called a hacker shows you are having a good game :)

Theres nothing you can do tbh.

I got a beast computer, beast internet with better ping on the UK server I play on from Holland then most UK players.

Some days everything is how it should be 5/6 bullet burst on a player and they go down or a little burst after. Other days i feel like I have to put half a mag of even more into a person to get them down. I gave up trying to figure it out because it's Dice and host side i guess. Not much you can do.

I found this even after switching to fibre to the cabinet I still get some bad days gaming where nothing goes down :(

I have had enough, Since the last patch NOTHING BUT rubber banding the game has become COMPLETELY unplayable ive tried multiple routers and every fix you can imagine.

Its entirely on EA. This game has gone from something I play all the time to something I cannot even have a single round in without lagging.

My internet is spot on so dont even mention that.
The strange thing is though. You can play on a server one game and it's fine. Go back to that same server a bit later and it's terrible. Players warping about like crazy, banding and terrible hit reg. It's got progressively worse since aftermath came out. Ive tried using that network slider, but tbh im convinced that it does nothing whatsoever.

Heres a link to a video Majnu posted on youtube.

If you watch it carefully youll see a slight stutter every now and then as he's moving. Im getting the same except it's way more pronounced. It's like taking a few steps forward, then getting dragged back.
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occasionally I get some lag, but not much, can't say it's every game, the bigger maps are bad sometimes, I think it's to do with the size of map, network smoothing I have all the way to the right.
Im having no fps issues, except for on the b2k maps which run at a few fps less than the rest, but this seems to be common across all users. Usually average 70 or so. And theres no dips when the stuttering starts. The first few days after the aftermath release were fine. It was only on the sunday after release that i started to get this.
Im having no fps issues, except for on the b2k maps which run at a few fps less than the rest, but this seems to be common across all users. Usually average 70 or so. And theres no dips when the stuttering starts. The first few days after the aftermath release were fine. It was only on the sunday after release that i started to get this.

Do you ask in chat if anyone else is getting it? if you do and the're not, what graphics settings are you running at?
Happy Birthday, setter. :)
Cheers mate, hope youve had a good christmas. And same to everyone else.:)

Do you ask in chat if anyone else is getting it? if you do and the're not, what graphics settings are you running at?
Yep, quite often in the chat log youll see others mention it too. Im running at the following.


But with x2 msaa and occlusion on HBAO. Gpu is clocked at 1310 mhz core, 7586mhz on memory. Very high for a gtx 670, cpu @4.2ghz.
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