Ive had this on and off since the release of the back to karkand expansion. Prior to this the game was nigh on perfect.new maps are really good but this game for me is broken as long as the terrible lag/rubberbanding issues continue with these games (bc2 was the same for me) where people kill me in a 1 kill insti-shot and I can pump a full magazine into peoples heads and get nothing but hit markers and they still dont go down
is it the network smoothing factor thing? what is it best to put this on?
I get about 5mbps download speed and have an "A" rated latency/loss test on pingtest website
its ok somedays and then other days i cant kill a single person
Thats the most frustrating part, some days it will play fine, others it's terrible. Full mag into a guys back, only to die from what seems like 1 or 2 shots from that player. That and getting killed after going into cover, anything upto 4 seconds after i think im in cover ill drop dead. I know my net connection isnt great, but this game really favours low ping players with high speed connections. Ive played it on my nephews 80mb infinity connection, it's like a totally different game.Theres nothing you can do tbh.
I got a beast computer, beast internet with better ping on the UK server I play on from Holland then most UK players.
Some days everything is how it should be 5/6 bullet burst on a player and they go down or a little burst after. Other days i feel like I have to put half a mag of even more into a person to get them down. I gave up trying to figure it out because it's Dice and host side i guess. Not much you can do.