Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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You have said that you won't play the game because its 'unbalanced', now you want compensation for not been able to play a game that you don't want to play. Honestly we have DG for trolling BF games/EA, and you just aren't in the same league :D

If you or any other posters from the EA forums (I'm assuming by the general tone of your posts you are a regular over there) want to blame someone, then blame the *****s that attacked the servers. EA should have responded quicker but seriously wake up and give yourself a shake you are making yourself sound like a serial nut job. This has been one week out of something like 2 years of gaming.

You don't like the game, you constantly quit because you are losing (subtle hint, this is what causes the balance issues) and most of your posts are winging about a computer game.

Well I don't play the game anymore, but even if I wanted to, now I can't, thanks to EA world class security that they have. Since this is the first time something like this has happened in two years (clearly forgetting the sims fiasco about 1 month ago, where millions of people could not play the game they bought). But lets excuse EA, their sims servers were probably also hacked. :rolleyes:

EA is such a great company, that it has won the worse company in the US title for two years running.

And the game is not balanced, not because I quit, it is because at the end of the round, players log off, yet the game does not auto balance at the beginning of the next round. Also when the auto balance does kick in, it balances the most recent players that have just joined, instead moving the top 5 players into the other team.

Battlefield as a series is now broken. Thanks to EA, you can now expect, when you buy BF4, to buy half a game, for full price, since there is going to be a day 1 DLC available and a premium pack after 2 to 3 weeks.

Also it's nice to see how they are breaking the gaming community up by not allowing players that did not buy premium pack play on the premium servers, even though server might be using a normal map from the original copy of BF3.

Anyway enjoy getting milked for £60 to £80 when BF4 comes out. lets just hope those damn hackers, find something else to do, otherwise good luck playing the game. ;)

Maybe you should try different weapons and load outs depending on the map and other players?

Seemingly all you use is LMG and 2 different Assault weapons. You rarely use any vehicles, and when you do it's tanks only. Add to this you have not bothered with any of the un-lockables via assignments.

It's no wonder you don't like the game, you only play 10% of what it offers.
Got onto a CQ game last night and played two rounds without issue. Took me a few mins to get onto the server though due to being disconnected from ea twice.
i hope they add spec mode to bf 4 as i would like to watch some of these guys with 100-3 score play.

But i think with third party mic software is the reason they don't do it? as people cheat with it...

Just add it to the server options, if admins feel people are cheating, they can turn it off.
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