Complete joke, dice basically gave in to the air jockeys and made aa weaponry for the most part useless. Stingers should be much more lethal than what they are but dice made them far too slow moving, slow to lock on, crap lock on range and put ecm into the game that's meant to stop lock ons but also doubles as flares. And the nerfing was all to do with the crying In the first few days of the game when people were still in the process of getting flares etc, and were being shot down quite frequently by stingers.
These comments only apply to jets.
The stingers absolutely rape the choppers, both scout and attack. Lock on, fire you first stinger and they will ECM. This gives them a 5 second window with which to leave the area and get out of your sight. Otherwise you can fire the next one off before his ECM reloads and its a one hit disable. Once you've got that disable the pilots only hope is to land and repair, and repeat the process as soon as they start back up again. Plus its ridiculously easy to shoot down attack choppers / scout choppers with tank shells / RPGs that are one hit kills.
The problem is the jets, which are almost impossible to touch as they can just fly out of range very quickly, something the choppers can't do.
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