Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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It's a shame the modding community was denied access to BF3. Project Reality on BF2 was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Like minded people makes for superb team orientated gameplay. All the stats 'n stuff in BF3 means that it will always suffer in comparison.

Yup, dice dangled that big carrot in front of the community before launch saying "we're considering releasing mod tools" then a little while later when they pocketed the money flipped us the bird. Was obvious they had no intentions of doing it. :(
When Piloting I find it immensely boring to sit safely over spawn and let the gunner with TV missiles and Zoom get all the glory. Boring in the extreme. When you're with a pub or even in a squad with someone you know sometimes you're never sure if they have TV or not. Often they don't. Then you have to go towards the fight. Sure it gets you K/D and assist points but I find it kinda dull.

Always nose up though!
When Piloting I find it immensely boring to sit safely over spawn and let the gunner with TV missiles and Zoom get all the glory. Boring in the extreme. When you're with a pub or even in a squad with someone you know sometimes you're never sure if they have TV or not. Often they don't. Then you have to go towards the fight. Sure it gets you K/D and assist points but I find it kinda dull.

Always nose up though!

A map like Shanghai in BF4 will be very interesting for helicopter tactics, it doesn't look like the edge of the map BS would suit that map with all the buildings (and with a bit of luck dice implements something to totally kill that "tactic" off for good), at the same time Stingers would have a hard time getting a hit because of the multitude of buildings the heli can escape behind. Almost like it has a cat and mouse quality to it, certainly a hell of a lot more interesting than hovering on the edge of a map spamming. :)
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+1 to what gerard said! Of course the heli "whores" :p will always defend what they do! :o

And that is extremely annoying when that happens i.e. the base rape by jets/helis, in the end I just sit in the AA gun for most of the match and destroy any enemy aircraft that tries that! And of course get a hurl of abuse in chat e.g. "AA noob", "camper" haha :D What makes it even more satisfying is when it is the same people in the aircraft all the time :D I wonder why DICE put AA's in the spawn/base in the first place...............

Although if your team do nothing whatsoever, the heli can just go in circles raping the ground, at which point I put my SOFLAM out and watch them fly away liked scared little children all the time! :D Shame hardly anyone bloody well uses the jav when needed though :rolleyes: i.e. happened the other night on kharg island on rush, first base the same pair in the heli were just raping the ground non stop, no one was trying to take it out at all (flying too high for the tank to hit) so I set up SOFLAM yelling at the team to use javs but nope they rather just spawn and die, rinse & repeat...... (I was safe camping up on hills picking one of every now and then), SOFLAM at least kept them at bay and made them fly way of for a minute or so, bet they were ****ed having to do that non stop! :)

The one good thing that has made me happy about BF 4 so far (supposedly) is that they have done it in such a way so now if you want to rank up quicker etc. you NEED to do more team work based stuff rather than just rack the kills up, personally I would love to see the removal of k/d, skill (such a pointless figure anyway) and just keep all the team based stuff, would solve so many of the problems with FPS gaming.
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I never did get the "AA noob" rhetoric, you see it all the time in servers when you shoot someone down. Its almost like you've done the equivalent of taking a dump in their face and how dare you use a weapon for its designed purpose. :confused:

It seems some "pilots" would much prefer you lob a pigeon at their engines and cause them to come down via bird strike than dare to shoot them down with a stinger, or face their rambling wrath as they smash their foreheads on the keyboard as they parachute their way to the ground. :eek: Or maybe we could have a turd launcher that splats on their canopy blinding them sending them careening to their demise?

Seriously wtf? If anything it just enforces the fact that it seems a lot of aircraft jockeys want to be untouchable, and no matter what you shoot them down with its "op" and needs nerfed.

The beta for BF4 should be VERY interesting to say the least, especially if it has aircraft in it. It was noted in one of the "analysis" vids that small arms fire was getting hit markers on the viper and damaging it, and its also been doing the rounds that aircraft have a limited number of countermeasures. Should be an interesting beta and can't come soon enough imo.
In reality small arms fire would damage helicopters and jets. It's crazy they don't in BF3.


Anyway :)

was in BF3 last night " Death Vally " and apart from all the aimbot monkeys messing the game up lol....i was getting a purple loading circle at the top left hand corner of the game screen every few minutes ...never seen that before ...i was thinking it might have been down to server lag ?
Exactly gerard! Jet whores just want to go back to the BF 2 days where jets raped big time! Not played it enough myself and it was so long ago so can't remember it well but supposedly it ruined a lot of matches especially with the ground bombs....

Not sure what the helis where like, imagine that they were stupidly OP too though.

Another great way of dealing with some jet/heli noob is this! :D

Indeed, can't wait to see if DICE have finally "nailed" the balance between infantry and vehicles/aircraft, if they have then I'll be impressed.....
Another great way of dealing with some jet/heli noob is this! :D

Indeed, can't wait to see if DICE have finally "nailed" the balance between infantry and vehicles/aircraft, if they have then I'll be impressed.....

lol :p

In reality small arms fire would damage helicopters and jets. It's crazy they don't in BF3.

Yup, think its only 50 cal and up damages them currently. Another weird dice decision, mad thing is the cockpit can be sniped through and that's the part that should be bulletproof..0_o
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In reality small arms fire would damage helicopters and jets. It's crazy they don't in BF3.

Neither does a Tank drivers Machine gun. :mad:

Gerard does have a point anybody who camps in a chopper over the uncaps safe from fire clearly does have not much in the way of heli skills.

I personally am just about passable at flying a chopper (more of a Tank man ) but I do love it when I jump into the gunners seat and you have an awesome pilot who can weave in and out of the action and can land frequently for repairs.

A good pilot can deal out pure ownage without having to resort to camping over his airfield.
lol if you think BF3 is bad try bf1942 at its height. Good grief but there were some insanely good pilots, the AA was useless (against a good pilot you couldn't bring anyone down), and infantry had nothing.

XDC has never been a competitive group, but we once played in a match (we managed to organise our selves for 2 whole games :D) We played one game against FVM, one of the best clans at that time. Wake Island, attacking, never made it to the beech :D lol

I don't find BF3 near as bad as BF2 or as mentioned BF1942.

edit: at least there are no maypoling hinds - BF:V ! (lover BF:V - nearly as good as BF2142 :) )
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Well, get outta my choppi!!!! I find that when I fly solo I am more effective with helping my team than flying with a random gunner.

Chief, I'll let you off because I know you can fly. The rest, well boys, you are the lot that flys the choppers straight at the enemy AA @ 20 feet..Yes as pilot you might get a few kills, but essentially you are wasting one of the best effect weapons in the game.

There are certainly times to advance forward, but that is after you have air power ie destroy the enemy chopper / AA / Jet.

I'll agree that hovering isn't as much fun as flying like a madman spamming the ground with rockets, but there is certainly plenty to do.
Well, get outta my choppi!!!! I find that when I fly solo I am more effective with helping my team than flying with a random gunner.

Chief, I'll let you off because I know you can fly. The rest, well boys, you are the lot that flys the choppers straight at the enemy AA @ 20 feet..Yes as pilot you might get a few kills, but essentially you are wasting one of the best effect weapons in the game.

There are certainly times to advance forward, but that is after you have air power ie destroy the enemy chopper / AA / Jet.

I'll agree that hovering isn't as much fun as flying like a madman spamming the ground with rockets, but there is certainly plenty to do.

You seem to be really stuck on this "20 feet" thing. Obviously flying at that height is asking for trouble on certain maps, you're probably more likely to get slapped by a tank round than anything. There are occasions where flying low is beneficial though, it gets you behind buildings stopping locks, and for some reason you seem to speed up a bit when flying low. So flying at "20 feet" isn't always a total nono.
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