+1 to what gerard said! Of course the heli "whores"
will always defend what they do!
And that is extremely annoying when that happens i.e. the base rape by jets/helis, in the end I just sit in the AA gun for most of the match and destroy any enemy aircraft that tries that! And of course get a hurl of abuse in chat e.g. "AA noob", "camper" haha
What makes it even more satisfying is when it is the same people in the aircraft all the time
I wonder why DICE put AA's in the spawn/base in the first place...............
Although if your team do nothing whatsoever, the heli can just go in circles raping the ground, at which point I put my SOFLAM out and watch them fly away liked scared little children all the time!
Shame hardly anyone bloody well uses the jav when needed though
i.e. happened the other night on kharg island on rush, first base the same pair in the heli were just raping the ground non stop, no one was trying to take it out at all (flying too high for the tank to hit) so I set up SOFLAM yelling at the team to use javs but nope they rather just spawn and die, rinse & repeat...... (I was safe camping up on hills picking one of every now and then), SOFLAM at least kept them at bay and made them fly way of for a minute or so, bet they were ****ed having to do that non stop!
The one good thing that has made me happy about BF 4 so far (supposedly) is that they have done it in such a way so now if you want to rank up quicker etc. you NEED to do more team work based stuff rather than just rack the kills up, personally I would love to see the removal of k/d, skill (such a pointless figure anyway) and just keep all the team based stuff, would solve so many of the problems with FPS gaming.