Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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You'd think anything smaller than 7.62mm would just ping straight off it.

Why on earth would you think that? There will be armoured areas around the pilot and certain key areas, but armour is heavy. You'd have to get lucky to hit a key area but you can put a lot of holes in an airframe.
In Afghanistan Taliban fighters took down one or two Apaches....and that was with old WW1 rifles

Apache have better armour plating then a jet so that'd be quite surprising. The rotor blades are supposed to be able to take a 50 cal bullet
Im sure its possible to get a lucky shot

The taliban have anti aircraft rockets
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In Afghanistan Taliban fighters took down one or two Apaches....and that was with old WW1 rifles

You say as if WWI rifles are ineffective? Something like a Mosin Nagant is an extremely effective bolt action rifle, 7.62mm so can do damage. You gotta be very lucky though!
Whiny bad players moan Helis pilots fly aggressive and gunner flares removed... Helis nerfed..

Bad players still moan good players adapt bad players are still bad...

Easy solution to a helicopter = a jet but most noobs still struggle with that!
Nothing worse than a chopper pilot who thinks he's an anti-aircraft platform or flies around looking for personal glory rather than letting you use your guns and TV. I think I've even bailed on a few 'mavericks' in my time as I'm as good as a passenger to some pilots.
Whiny bad players moan Helis pilots fly aggressive and gunner flares removed... Helis nerfed..

Bad players still moan good players adapt bad players are still bad...

Easy solution to a helicopter = a jet but most noobs still struggle with that!

Funny thing is all this would have been sorted out in the "beta" had dice not been stupid enough to limit the beta to metro. Caspian was only played sporadically when dice saw fit to give out the password to the servers.

Having 2 sets of countermeasures on an attack heli was retarded, and the fact that dice somehow thought it wasn't speaks volumes about their non existent testing abilities, with 2 players firing off ECM left and right it was virtually impossible to take them down with missiles, especially considering ECM also works as a flare if they use it after the missile is fired.

The stingers were fine at launch, all the moaning came from the fact that people found it a bit harder to fly long enough to get countermeasures unlocked, cue the typical dice kneejerk reaction and they instantly nerf stingers and in the process bug them so 9/10 they overshot the target and exploded.

Had they left AA missiles as they were at launch, removed the secondary countermeasures and left below radar as it was I doubt there would have been as many issues as there ended up being. Bottom line, Dice (as is usually the case) ****ed up and obviously didn't much thought into vehicle load outs, and their stiffy for everything being an unlock just fuelled the situation with no way to counter AA missiles until players ranked up.

You're looking at this entirely like only the Heli's got nerfed and nothing else when its clearly not the case. Stingers got bugged, their damage drastically reduced along with range, then sort of got brought back to how they were with the range limitation still in place.

And last I checked there really is no easy solution to taking out a heli hovering outside of AA range at the edge of a map with no jets, especially as they're taking the opposing heli out as its in the spawn, a tactic I'm sure you're pretty familiar with judging by some comments on your YouTube vids. :eek:
Well put!

The other big problem with this game is that DICE tried to do too much with the game i.e. the amount of unlocks you can use and the amount of choice so it just became more complicated for the players and more importantly for themselves when it comes to balance/tweaking.

Was such a joke the unlocks for jets etc. might as well have had the wings as an unlock too :rolleyes:
Having to unlock countermeasures was incredibly dumb, its not all that surprising people were swinging from the rooftops over the first few weeks about how easily they were being shot down while trying to unlock flares.

Dice just added to the problem, and the problem wouldn't have existed if they didn't have such a stiffy for unlocking things that should have been default options on the vehicles. :mad:
Whiny bad players moan Helis pilots fly aggressive and gunner flares removed... Helis nerfed..

Bad players still moan good players adapt bad players are still bad...

Easy solution to a helicopter = a jet but most noobs still struggle with that!

So true and yes, I really do suck in a jet after 1350hrs ish of play time...Must learn one day, oh well, learning AA at the moment. Getting one of the top AA gunners t give me tips. Nicetomeet01 is stupidly good in an AA
So true and yes, I really do suck in a jet after 1350hrs ish of play time...Must learn one day, oh well, learning AA at the moment. Getting one of the top AA gunners t give me tips. Nicetomeet01 is stupidly good in an AA

Are you talking about the mobile AA?
cos playing in the static AA is like doing time in solitary confinement.

Also people who cry 'noob' everytime someone mentions obvious balance issues bore me. Dice choose the balance of how the different aspects of the game interact together.

if they want one vehicle to dominate the map they can do that. ie, choppers on some maps, lav on bazaar etc. If i want to play, hunt the LAV i can go as engineer with a load of other engies and try and take it out, but then i'm not capping flags. or i can queue up in spawn and try and take the LAV out with our LAV (assuming our current driver isn't doing that)
this happens all the time and the key problem is unlimited vehicle ammo. which means for the most part the vehicle in question can simply outlast whatever the infantry is throwing at is (assuming a reasonably good driver/pilot) then go back to harvesting kills.

Dice can choose to have this gameplay or not. i think for the most part dice setup the gameplay to work with average players, and either never tested it with elite players or didn't care what happens when an extra good player take the controls.

really hoping bf4 has some rearming mechanics in it to give respite to infantry players
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