Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Your Missing out if you haven't played on them maps they're nice balance between infantry and vehicles.

Hmm, will reluctantly hand my money over to DICe/EA :mad:


Although not many servers running those maps currently! (normal, non premium, 32-48 player)

Where is the cheapest place to get the DLC pack?
Hmm, will reluctantly hand my money over to DICe/EA :mad:


Although not many servers running those maps currently! (normal, non premium, 32-48 player)

Where is the cheapest place to get the DLC pack?

Well if you get Aftermath try:

Talah Market Server PHX2 (French Server!) TDM, Totally amazing action I've played hundreds of hours just on this map. The battles can be so epic i start to perspirate!!!! Maddness

Be careful though because you can get the occassional roof glitcher!!! look me up if you play combatevolved

£12 is nothing for the action you'll get on this map alone....
Whats the best engineer gun to go for? Usually play assasult but when I jump in as an engineer for some rocket backup I don't know which would be best to use/aim to unlock

Try These Dude (All need to be unlocked, M4a1 needs unlocking as its automatic verse burst fire in M4)

The M4A1 is a tool of a weapon arguably better than the noob m16, ACW-R is a mid/high Range 6.5mm round great stopping power and the Mtar 21 has the highest rate of fire in the engineer class so can really lay it down in close quarter combat.
Try These Dude (All need to be unlocked, M4a1 needs unlocking as its automatic verse burst fire in M4)

The M4A1 is a tool of a weapon arguably better than the noob m16, ACW-R is a mid/high Range 6.5mm round great stopping power and the Mtar 21 has the highest rate of fire in the engineer class so can really lay it down in close quarter combat.

I've seen people call the m4 a "noob" weapon as well. I've actually been in servers where any version of an m4\m16 is banned outright =/
Try These Dude (All need to be unlocked, M4a1 needs unlocking as its automatic verse burst fire in M4)

The M4A1 is a tool of a weapon arguably better than the noob m16, ACW-R is a mid/high Range 6.5mm round great stopping power and the Mtar 21 has the highest rate of fire in the engineer class so can really lay it down in close quarter combat.

M4A1 + FG + HB for all round awesomeness (30 kill streak with it on Caspian last night). ACW-R Bipod + HB for long range maps (bipod for those extra long shots). Mtar + foregrip + Laser? (can't remember) great close quarters weapon, the AEK of engi guns. Mtar is also ideal as a tank driver weapon. Get out and hipfire the C4 dudes away.
Can anybody tell me why I get CPU spikes after a while, it seems to happen after a certain amount of messages have been displayed in the chat window.

From then on I get CPU spikes every time a message pops up and makes my framerate drop by 10-15 FPS.

I7 920 @ 4GHZ
2 X 7970s
Asus P6TD Deluxe (latest BIOS).
6GB Triple channel ram.
Corsair H50.
Corsair HX 850W PSU

I've tried everything known to man to try and fix it, all barring buying a new cooler (tops out at 65C in game). Ran the CPU at stock and it still does it.

Cheers fellas.

your cpu is holding you back on them cards quite a bit
Have no interest in the other DLC map packs (hate vehicle orientated maps and besides, most people seem to think that end game and armoured kill are pretty poor??? [unless you're a vehicle whore/lover :p] I also already own B2k and CQ map packs) and certainly no interest in the other extras :p As well as refusing to buy premium, complete and utter joke that and it has somewhat ruined the game community imo.

I might just hold of for the time being as £12 is a bit of a rip of imo and there seems to be VERY few servers running aftermath only (32-48 players, normal, non premium). If I see it for about £5-6, I'll probably pick it up :p
I've seen people call the m4 a "noob" weapon as well. I've actually been in servers where any version of an m4\m16 is banned outright =/

Well they can call you Jesus of what ever else so long as your killing the No swearing - Davey. They usually call players noobs who have weapon mastery. Unfortunately there are players that have 100 service stars plus with an m16 and wont try other weapons....

My Favourite weapons are

General assault TDM Lsat, L86a2 with x6 Scope and for really close battles M5K with laser and tac light...

For Sniper L96 and JNG.

I really love using the Scoped Cross Bow with balanced Bolt. (Red Arrow) Last Night I was recon and was up against a sniper in Karkand and I killled him with a head shot from 200+metres whilst he was trying to shoot me. (Probably one of my best single shots ever.)
Have no interest in the other DLC map packs (hate vehicle orientated maps and besides, most people seem to think that end game and armoured kill are pretty poor??? [unless you're a vehicle whore/lover :p] I also already own B2k and CQ map packs) and certainly no interest in the other extras :p As well as refusing to buy premium, complete and utter joke that and it has somewhat ruined the game community imo.

I might just hold of for the time being as £12 is a bit of a rip of imo and there seems to be VERY few servers running aftermath only (32-48 players, normal, non premium). If I see it for about £5-6, I'll probably pick it up :p

If you can buy it for £6 before BF4 is launched that will be amazing..

I understand that EA fractured/divided the gaming community which was totally unreasonable.

But Talah is so damn good its worth 12 quid all day long. Its only half a bottle
of vodka....

Just go for it, if its a turd you can ostracise me!!!
I have found CQ maps great for people using a wide range of weapons and same for myself, I now use a ton of weapons as they are all pretty good on those maps.

Hopefully DICE will give it away for free like they did with CQ :p

I'll watch some videos and decide later :p Also want to keep an eye on the servers today as since last night, there are literally only 2-4 servers that have players and only about 2 of them are near full :(
I have found CQ maps great for people using a wide range of weapons and same for myself, I now use a ton of weapons as they are all pretty good on those maps.

Hopefully DICE will give it away for free like they did with CQ :p

I'll watch some videos and decide later :p Also want to keep an eye on the servers today as since last night, there are literally only 2-4 servers that have players and only about 2 of them are near full :(

Hopefully. :)

Its you'll call but you could be missing out on what might be your best BF3 experience yet :)

So you've not tried the crossbow, with the superflight bolt and the high explosive bolt damn its a killers paradise!! lol There is also a scan bolt that has a locator!!! (I've not unlocked it yet though)

Close quarters, particularly Ziba and 925 (why is it called that?) are amazing. HD destruction is jaw dropping especially with eyeinfinity.

Sometimes I cant believe what i am seeing. Point in case is that in 925 there are paint buckets at the rear of the unfinished offices, if you shoot the buckets, paint splashes out explosively almost like someone has thrown paint over your monitor, its so well done. And in the parking lot the weapon flashes and projectile sparks are in a word Scintillating!!!!!!

The bits of paper flying everywhere because of shock waves from bullets as they whizz down the office, plaster blown out from walls, paintings and pictures and lights and tvs and cubicles all blown to pieces, its very atmospheric you know awesome....

You can hate dice and/or ea as much as you like but by **** is this a great game. Infact I cant believe how good it is. Take a look at planetside 2 as a FPS, BF3 makes it look like a dx9 game. I cant wait for EA/DICE to take my money because if I get half the game play from BF4 im in and with interest and then some.

They need money to pay for the development costs of games and as long as they produce world class material i'll keep paying.

I like the Lsat in close quarters. its not the best close up weapon but i can easily put a 100 rounds down the office on target hopefully killing at lest 3-4 enemy combatants. I also am very naughty and claymore strategically i know its dirty but its a great way to defend choke points..

Me and my Bro play Talah every evening for at least two hours, admittedly we opt for PHX 64 man and mayhem, a british server which is a 64 man (mainly 30 players though peak) server.

So if you were to put a value on close quarters what would it be honestly?
Got to be worth at least a tenner!!!
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Nope not yet, if I do get aftermath, it will be the first thing I will try to unlock though! :p

Yup the detail to the fine destruction in those maps is really good and does give a really nice feel/atmosphere of war and pure chaos.

Hmm, will have to find those paint buckets now! :D

I would say around £10 for that map pack, all very good maps, get some good unlocks, gun master mode is superb and it is great the way I don't encounter the annoying issues (for me) such as no problem finding good servers in a minute, hardly any landslide wins, people use a range of weapons including myself.

The LSAT is amazing! For CQ maps though, I tend to prefer the p90, m5k, MTAR and shotgun.

Personally BF 3 "overall" hasn't impressed me and certainly haven't found it as fun/good as BC 2, the biggest things that have disappointed me:

- destruction isn't as good as BC 2 (when it comes to buildings, walls, trees, terrain [this area was really good in the alpha/beta, however, due to a glitch where you fall through the map, instead of fixing it, they just removed it completely] etc.)
- suppression system annoys me so much in BF 3, if done right (like what it is supposedly like in BF 4) then it is a nice addition
- found the map design very poor for most maps, even though CQ maps aren't "true" BF maps, the actual design of them are great along with B2k and a few vanilla maps like caspian (haven't played the other map packs but they don't really impress me), most of them just look so bland and boring as well imo, most of them all have that same industrial look/feel (at least for vanilla)
- messed the classes up, imo they should have kept it the way they had in BC 2 so recon gets c4 and support gets things like TUGS and MAV (very rarely do I see a recon use these two items correctly, always just for their own need i.e. camping way back in some bush or on top of a building and at least with C4 they would be able to hold their own against a tank etc.) Assault is by far the best followed by the engi/support
- unnecessary amount of unlocks and how it all works imo, it also affects DICE as it made it a right pain for them to balance weapons etc. then
- poor vehicle to infantry balance (and with the aircraft being overpowered and poor map design overall i.e. lack of cover, they just rape the ground when you have a crap team) I also preferred the vehicle damage system a lot more in BC 2 and miss my key weapon, the AT4......
- terrible UI, not as practical, quick and easy to use as the one in BC 2
- whilst the graphics are technically better overall, DICE's decision to use lifeless depressing filters i.e. drab grey colour on wake island and a blue filter on pretty much every other map completely ruined the look of the game for me
- landslide wins 8 times out of 10 (nowhere as much of a problem with the CQ maps though)
- in general DICE/EA, the way they more or less lied and manipulated people about things like commo-rose, destructible tower on caspian, the possibility for mod tools, doing nothing about cheaters (had some lame 3 strike policy so stats just get reset and then they get banned, however, only an account ban iirc), I reported so many cheaters with so much hard evidence i.e. screenshots, even videos and posts on battlelog forum where they more or less admit to cheating and they still did nothing after like 7 months, thankfully I haven't encountered as many cheaters recently (only really played CQ maps though) so who knows, either they have finally started to do something or the cheaters have got bored and moved onto something else.....

Main things that are so much better over BC 2:

- animation and doesn't feel clunky
- sound system overall
- better spotting system and normal mode is a lot better i.e. damage is better, took like an entire mag to kill someone in normal mode on BC 2 :o

Only played a small amount of PS 2 and I liked it overall, however, it has "too much" going on and most fire fights usually just ended up standing with about 60 other guys camping outside a spot spamming grenades etc. into the enemy base where there are about 60 people too, also spent too long just running around and I don't like the pay to get better weapons etc. stuff, graphical etc. it is exceptionally good though.

From what we have seen/heard so far about BF 4, it is what BF 3 should have been from the start imo (in terms of the core game mechanics such as suppression, class arrangement etc.). I am going to hold out for the final game and the consumers thoughts this time round as imo the alpha/beta of BF 3 was better than the final game :o :p
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