Hey Gerard funny you should talk about swearing because i was kicked from a server on Monday for swearing. Bit silly when the game is seeded with scripted foul language and curses. I think it's only an issue when you specifically swear at your opponents or team mates it becomes problematic.
I took a different approach and went for gold. I'd joined my favourite server and map and we were 50 tickets down in a 1st to a 1000 TDM in Talah, i'd just racked up a 20-0 kd for the lagging team and we caught up and then started to surpass the opposition. Admin then killed me and put me on another team. I kicked off big time because i was in a squad with a couple of mates and said something like wtf is admin playing at swapping me to a different team when id work my spuds off to pull it back with my squad. Well I got a kick for that with the reason being "bad language". I then begain to monitor game progress in battlelog live game score feed and noticed the SWEARING swapped me because he wanted his team/clan member on his team...
You got balanced by a plugin not an admin IRL. Some balancers like the one we use on the metro server take good players and balance them to the other team to try and balance the team for a more interesting fight overall.
It comes up with a message killed by admin (doesnt count as a kill though) blame BF3 for that.
If he just swapped you to get his clanmate in there thats a ****** thing. (still didnt cont as a death but can imagine you peed of about that)
bout the swearing ingame: theres a whole lot of difference between saying **** this ****, and verbally abusing a player.
I'd say most servers kick for abusing a player, not saying the random F word.
don't quote obvious swearing like that, surely you should know better?