Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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hate jets in this game, had 2 rounds earlier on rush where they just raped the ground completely (2 of them! They were very good pilots as they weren't just dominating tanks and our heli but also the infantry [and that is where these maps suck, lack of cover from aircraft........]) and it is even more frustrating when there is **** all that you can do about it :rolleyes: Soflam is useless as they just kept flying away each time, oh and one thing that I just love is when the team are just completely dominating but instead of arming the coms (could have done at any point), they just base rape for about 15 minutes :rolleyes:

Going to buy aftermath later tonight, jet free FTW!
The main problem with the jets is they can do that 5mph rocket barrage crawl which is utter bs, floating along like a friggin kite. They can do one barrage, reload then start firing again at an angle where a Tank can't do much against it, all in the same run.

There's some maps you can take cover, others you're pumped.
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Indeed :( The whole aircraft situation/balance is just a complete and utter joke and it the game is just unplayable when you got "pros" playing.

This was on kharg (I think that is the correct name), only decent place you get cover is on the last base.
When jets are peeing me off I go play hardcore. No spotting means jets really struggle against inf

Shall we keep the cq247 discussions out of this thread and handle that on our own forums please?

This aint the place for it.

Funny that. Possibly half this thread is about 24/7.
Don't see you complaining when the chat is good.........just sayin.

Indeed :( The whole aircraft situation/balance is just a complete and utter joke and it the game is just unplayable when you got "pros" playing.

This was on kharg (I think that is the correct name), only decent place you get cover is on the last base.

You still playing it but still moaning? Jeez.

Only started playing since CQ was free ;) Before that I hadn't touched the game for several months (i only have 164 hours of gameplay and about 30 hours of that is probably on CQ) And the game is much more enjoyable on those maps as you don't encounter the broken/crap stuff that ruins the game on vanilla/b2k maps i.e. aircraft, landslide wins, much better map design (despite not being true BF maps), people actually use a variety of weapons and not just the OP m16/416 etc. etc.

Plus it is hardly "moaning", just pointing out how broken the game is ;)
3 tk autokick on a 2100 ticket 64man server?

**** i only got kicked once by our 10 tk limit on metro server once in like 2 years, 3 tk autokick seems a bit harsh..

I mainly play as a sniper on there so I dont have too many misshaps.

No Butthurt admins either. :p
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Been playing a lot on this server its pretty good and the rounds are long lasting.

Only bad thing is that its auto kick after 3 team kills. Prefer the punish system myself.

Thanks :)

But two problems......... :p

1. hardcore
2. I hate servers with a stupid amount of tickets, like the games to only last 10-15 minutes

Just having a look and there isn't a great selection of servers running these maps for my custom server setting :(

What are the aftermath maps like with 64 players?
I mainly play as a sniper on there so I dont have too many misshaps.

No Butthurt admins either. :p

why would you make the butthurt admin comment after accepting what i said about you NOT being kicked.
can't you accept you were wrong about that?
why would you make the butthurt admin comment after accepting what i said about you NOT being kicked.
can't you accept you were wrong about that?

Is your Server the only one with Butthurt admins ?

No need to get sensitive now as It was only said in jest.

but anyway any admin who tells players to **** off is a butthurt in my book so deal with it.
Thanks :)

But two problems......... :p

1. hardcore
2. I hate servers with a stupid amount of tickets, like the games to only last 10-15 minutes

I don't understand why people don't play Hard Core as I hate it when I shoot people and they don't die.

I'm not really bothered if i'm on the winning team or not as long as I end up with a Boat Load of points at the end of it and I like the servers that have a lot of tickets as I find it to be far more immersive.

So don't think anything I can say to you regarding servers would be anything of value as I only play Hardcore.
Yeah I prefer the concept of hardcore (played it non stop on bc 2 and at the start of bf 3) but with this game and ever since a patch, it just became broken, the suppression is the main thing that ruins it for me as from my experience, who ever shoots first wins pretty much (as your screen gets blurry and your aim/bullet spread goes to crap) and then other things like:

- more camping in hc
- less teamwork i.e. revives etc. Probably because people are too afraid to die :p

My only serious complaint with normal core in bf 3 is infantry being able to take a tank shell and walk away :rolleyes:

Likewise, couldn't give a toss if I am on the losing/winning team (as long as I am in the top 5 :p), what ****** me of though is the landslide wins (regardless of what team I am on), not an issue with the CQ maps though.

In fact, how is this with the aftermath maps? Both rush and conquest mode.

The long matches just don't suit me and I get bored quickly :p
Is your Server the only one with Butthurt admins ?

No need to get sensitive now as It was only said in jest.

but anyway any admin who tells players to **** off is a butthurt in my book so deal with it.

We don't have any butthurt admins. Only butthurt players.

It seems

Anyone able to answer these questions before I pull the trigger:

- are there many landslide wins with the aftermath maps in rush and conquest game modes?
- how is 64 player? Too chaotic like the rest of the vanilla maps?
the suppression is the main thing that ruins it for me as from my experience, who ever shoots first wins pretty much (as your screen gets blurry and your aim/bullet spread goes to crap) and then other things like:

That is why I prefer to play on the larger maps as you tend not to notice it as much as if you were on say metro. Most often I am in a Tank or sniping so seldom get a blurry screen.

Rush is very good on the aftermath maps as is conquest.

I had a break from BF3 for a few months as I was disappointed with the vehicle based map pack thought BF3 had gone down hill but when I first played aftermath I dived straight back in. I've just had so many awesome games in that map pack than I can remember.

Main thing that I don't like about Hardcore is that if you are a passenger in a helicopter and you take a bit of damage when you parachute you always get killed when you land on the ground due to bad luck.
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