Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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That is why I prefer to play on the larger maps as you tend not to notice it as much as if you were on say metro. Most often I am in a Tank or sniping so seldom get a blurry screen.

Rush is very good on the aftermath maps as is conquest.

I had a break from BF3 for a few months as I was disappointed with the vehicle based map pack thought BF3 had gone down hill but when I first played aftermath I dived straight back in. I've just had so many awesome games in that map pack than I can remember.

Main thing that I don't like about Hardcore is that if you are a passenger in a helicopter and you take a bit of damage when you parachute you always get killed when you land on the ground due to bad luck.

Yeah metro is terrible for that! spend the entire match around b with a blurry screen :o :p Shame how that map turned out as it could have been so much better.

I hardly ever snipe, more of an aggressive player i.e. up close so suppression is quite a big problem for me :( So glad they have tweaked it in BF 4, shame they didn't do this with the first few patches like we all begged for though :rolleyes:

Indeed, definitely avoiding armoured kill, bad enough having to put up with the heli and jets let alone the Ac130! :p

How are 64 players with these maps, too chaotic/too packed still? Do you encounter landslide wins often? (imagine this will vary somewhat between normal and hardcore though)
How are 64 players with these maps, too chaotic/too packed still? Do you encounter landslide wins often? (imagine this will vary somewhat between normal and hardcore though)

They are Large enough to accommodate 64 players don't find any bottle necks for my part now and again you my find your self penned in at the uncaps but this is seldom and more often than not its on account of having a really crap team.

But you never encounter situations like Metro where your hemmed in for the whole duration of the round as the maps are quite open so you have plenty of opportunities to sneak out and cap a flag if your a whiley player.

I hate it when you manage to finally cap a flag and nobody bothers to spawn on it.

Dont experience landslide wins as I play on high ticket servers so it generally ebbs and flows. One minute your team are on top next its the other team.

I always try to cap and defend the flag where Tanks spawn if you keep that flag you generally win the round but then I am only a mediocre player at the best of times.:D
Ok thanks, think I'll go ahead and order it then as that was holding me back, the lack of 32-48 player servers (normal, non premium). From watching a few videos, the only problem so far seems to be people camping on top of the rooftops!

I know the feeling! Damn annoying especially when you have a number of enemies approaching to take it back :mad:

hehe, I can never stay in one spot! Have to keep moving and going from one flag to the other :o :p
From watching a few videos, the only problem so far seems to be people camping on top of the rooftops!

I love the suckers that do this.:D These are suckers that dont get the concept of sniping they spend all the round striving to get onto the roof where they are most visible and get knocked off pretty quickly.

I love sniping on these maps I have 3 or 4 spots on each map that I like to go and they are very innocuous locations if that be the right word.

One is a bush right in the center of one map where people run past me all the time and just don't think to look racked up some right kills. :D

I suppose it's camping in a way but then thats what a Sniper does and after all he is the most vulnerable.
At least it is better than those noobs who sit on the rooftops or miles from the action i.e. in their base:p

Annoys me so much on the b2k maps, end up just mortaring them every time or using the LAV and of course get a ton of abuse in chat about being a noob :rolleyes:

And yup, recon is a pretty useless class, good to see that DICE have given them back the c4 and motion balls from bc 2. Have been recently playing as recon with the sks which is pretty damn good up close. Have only recently been able to play with recon and long range sniping as with my last GPU, it was impossible, as soon as I scoped in, my FPS dropped to like 10-15 :o lol
I find that HC actually encourages camping. Far better to stay in one place and let the enemy come to you. With Softcore you at least stand a chance of reacting or shooting back or getting into cover or something, but with HC you basically go 'huh? Damnit. Where will I deploy next?'. That's why some people prefer it I guess and that's why some people hate it.

The 3D spotting thing really helps the jets and helicopters see the targets, one of the reasons I'm so immediately suspect of those jet pilots that home in on you in HC games like you have a flashing light on your head. I know that flying over, say, Caspian Border at speed in an F-18 on HC it's next to impossible to see individual soldiers never mind a Tank/AA yet some jet pilots manage to fly past, turn and aim straight at you on the return journey which always says to me 'hax!'
I know that flying over, say, Caspian Border at speed in an F-18 on HC it's next to impossible to see individual soldiers never mind a Tank/AA yet some jet pilots manage to fly past, turn and aim straight at you on the return journey which always says to me 'hax!'

Really? Wow, just wow. Ever heard of using your mini map? Roll onto your side, press Q while free looking and turn to engage?, the first call of a sad man.

Think thats all of them, does it give anything beyond the first couple

Yeah metro is terrible for that! spend the entire match around b with a blurry screen Shame how that map turned out as it could have been so much better.

Should have had way more scenery destruction, make the game dynamic. Like the subway damage on die hard 3. If bf4 had tat it might even be good to play
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I think metro would be far better if it was bigger and included that section that is open when you play Rush.

When they first announced that all maps including Metro which we were at that time playing in beta would be available to 64 player conquest I pictured in my head that it would be Metro completely opened up from Rush then with something along the lines of Sienne Crossing above that to play on... because they couldn't possibly just have the rush version, that would be silly :p
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When they first announced that all maps including Metro which we were at that time playing in beta would be available to 64 player conquest I pictured in my head that it would be Metro completely opened up from Rush then with something along the lines of Sienne Crossing above that to play on... because they couldn't possibly just have the rush version, that would be silly :p

Exactly what I was expecting too :(
Despite what I say in game, I find the 247 servers well admined. I hate people using the m320 to kill me though. I find that what happens is as follows;

1. I get hit from the side/rear
2. I spin to the target and shoot but due to being suppressed I cannot hit ****
3. They duck to cover and I duck to cover
4. They M320 fairly close to me
5. I die
6. I spawn
7. Repeat #1

Id say we at 247 treat you how you treat us 95% off the time.

If people can't be bothered to type !rules, and just complain and moan about every little thing, you will get warned twice most of the time.

If a person continues to be retarded he can expect a time out.

People that appeal a ban in a normal way will always get unbanned.

But in the end we all have our bad days. So a FO will occur from time to time :D
Thing is we have to handle people like this all day. So if your number 214 that day, it could be that our patience ran out.
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Been playing a bit of bf3 on my second rig/account today. Every time when im killed the screen flashes black briefly. Never seen this on my main setup in sig. Second rig is.

i7 930 at stock
asus p6 x58de
6gb ocz 1333mhz ram
gtx 650ti boost 2gb

Running at 1680x1050, high preset, x2 msaa, 16x af, ssao on. Also, afterburners g15 lcd display doesnt show fps but displays all other gpu info ive selected, using the latest afterburner and nv driver 314.22.
What's the cheating/hacking/aimbotting situation like these days in BF3?

I don't play all that much anymore and I will admit I'm nowhere near as sharp as I used to be at aiming, but I've played the game (and BF games in general) long enough to know when someone is a bit dodgy. I'm seeing loads of level 100 players, with absurd accuracy and killing efficiency. The type of players that seem to know where you are all the time, regardless of distance and cover, kill almost instantly (even with weak rifles) and do this over and over again like a machine. They also seem to be strafing left to right or just coming out of a jump when killing you, which isn't what you expect from someone who has just killed you with such amazing accuracy and speed.

There always seem to be a bunch of these guys on every server and the disparity in killing efficiency between them and all the other 'normal players' (even high ranking ones) is huge.

Someone please tell me I'm not imagining things. It's either that or I've become a massive noob.
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