That is why I prefer to play on the larger maps as you tend not to notice it as much as if you were on say metro. Most often I am in a Tank or sniping so seldom get a blurry screen.
Rush is very good on the aftermath maps as is conquest.
I had a break from BF3 for a few months as I was disappointed with the vehicle based map pack thought BF3 had gone down hill but when I first played aftermath I dived straight back in. I've just had so many awesome games in that map pack than I can remember.
Main thing that I don't like about Hardcore is that if you are a passenger in a helicopter and you take a bit of damage when you parachute you always get killed when you land on the ground due to bad luck.
Yeah metro is terrible for that! spend the entire match around b with a blurry screen Shame how that map turned out as it could have been so much better.
I hardly ever snipe, more of an aggressive player i.e. up close so suppression is quite a big problem for me So glad they have tweaked it in BF 4, shame they didn't do this with the first few patches like we all begged for though
Indeed, definitely avoiding armoured kill, bad enough having to put up with the heli and jets let alone the Ac130!
How are 64 players with these maps, too chaotic/too packed still? Do you encounter landslide wins often? (imagine this will vary somewhat between normal and hardcore though)