Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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wanted to play rush tonight but as usual landslide wins..........14 matches in a row, all landslide wins :rolleyes:

If this isn't fixed in bf 4 I am not touching it!

You realise most landslide wins aren't due to uneven sides. Most maps have a tipping point where if one side captures a certain part or dominates in one particular thing it makes it easier for that side to score.

And it takes a big concerted effort by the losing side to turn things around.

Try coming up with a plan and organising a squad to implement it.

I often find just one organised squad can turn a match around if the opposition are just disorganised randoms.

This is why close quarters and Tdm matches are normally balanced. It's cos those maps are pretty homogenous so there is no way to get the upper hand in them, and they are more about work rate and individual skill, than map tactics
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Yup there are a number of factors involved and what you said is a very big one! Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed, very rarely had this problem with bc 2........

So true! Just had a few rounds of CQ and all were extremely close and just soooooo much more fun :o

Such a shame as it is the main thing that ruins this game for me when it comes to "fun"

Unfortunately trying to do any form of a plan/teamwork in this game is impossible unless you are on teamspeak with friends etc. I just type in chatbox where enemies are flanking etc. but chances are most people just ignore it anyway......


Just looking through servers on battlelog and pretty much every single one there is a difference of at least 400 tickets and for some 800........

How does this not annoy more people!? :confused:
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Yup there are a number of factors involved and what you said is a very big one! Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed, very rarely had this problem with bc 2........

So true! Just had a few rounds of CQ and all were extremely close and just soooooo much more fun :o

Such a shame as it is the main thing that ruins this game for me when it comes to "fun"

Unfortunately trying to do any form of a plan/teamwork in this game is impossible unless you are on teamspeak with friends etc. I just type in chatbox where enemies are flanking etc. but chances are most people just ignore it anyway......


Just looking through servers on battlelog and pretty much every single one there is a difference of at least 400 tickets and for some 800........

How does this not annoy more people!? :confused:

It annoys everyone on the losing team, believe me. Mostly you need to grit your teeth and bear it, but the one thing you MUST MUST do is get a squad of like-minded players in order to have a decent game. Don't squad up with random players because most don't have a clue. A good squad can make or break your game experience, and many times, can also turn the tide of the match.
It even annoys me on the winning team! :p I just don't know why people want an easy win. The gameplay is just so much more enjoyable when the round is close. Don't know why I stayed on last night for 14-15 matches, should have left after 3 and found another server. The funny thing is, after every round, the majority of our team left and so we would have had new players each time and yet we still lost badly....... Won the last match eventually and had to laugh as then most of the players in the other team left (had been playing for the same amount of rounds as me and on the winning team every single time) :p

At first I thought that having commander mode, squad perks, VOIP etc. would help with this problem in bf 4 but chances are it will just make it even more of a problem as a good team working together will just destroy the other team even more now.

Hopefully team death match in bf 4 will have some of the levolution stuff as if I do get bf 4, I'll probably just stick to those game modes :(
It even annoys me on the winning team! :p I just don't know why people want an easy win. The gameplay is just so much more enjoyable when the round is close. Don't know why I stayed on last night for 14-15 matches, should have left after 3 and found another server. The funny thing is, after every round, the majority of our team left and so we would have had new players each time and yet we still lost badly....... Won the last match eventually and had to laugh as then most of the players in the other team left (had been playing for the same amount of rounds as me and on the winning team every single time) :p

At first I thought that having commander mode, squad perks, VOIP etc. would help with this problem in bf 4 but chances are it will just make it even more of a problem as a good team working together will just destroy the other team even more now.

Hopefully team death match in bf 4 will have some of the levolution stuff as if I do get bf 4, I'll probably just stick to those game modes :(

You could try to find a decent squad to play together. That way you can balance things out a bit even though you might still lose against a superior team and even with a big ticket difference.
its simple like westie mentioned in my video for eg most public players play for their own k/d not as a team.

then you often have one decent group of players getting all the kills. most of the others are retards. this wont ever change in big games on big severs and is like shooting fish in a barrel.

bf4 will be exactly the same.
At least you will be able to talk to your squad mates over integrated VOIP in BF4. That way you can at least try to get some squad play going.

Which most people will probably disable once the halfwits descend into calling everybody "fags", the n word, or just accusing people of cheating because someone is better than them. Standard. :D
You could try to find a decent squad to play together. That way you can balance things out a bit even though you might still lose against a superior team and even with a big ticket difference.

In this game!? IMPOSSIBLE!


Probably should join a clan again or something.

its simple like westie mentioned in my video for eg most public players play for their own k/d not as a team.

then you often have one decent group of players getting all the kills. most of the others are retards. this wont ever change in big games on big severs and is like shooting fish in a barrel.

bf4 will be exactly the same.

Yeah had to laugh last night at my team in a few rounds, no one tried defusing despite running past the thing, no one tried arming (armed a fair amount myself and had to defend them myself as the team were just sitting back :rolleyes:), no one stayed around the coms, most were pushing into the attackers base etc.

Which most people will probably disable once the halfwits descend into calling everybody "fags", the n word, or just accusing people of cheating because someone is better than them. Standard. :D

I am hoping DICE have included a "mute" option for squad players and for the text box chat, so much **** is written in that and it just makes any organised team work much harder as useful info. is lost in constant spam of c4/m320/sniper/aa/stinger/m16/heli/jet etc. noob, cheater, stupid team etc.

I might just skip bf 4 [unless some how they have fixed this!] and wait for battlefront (couldn't care less about landslide wins in that as it will be so awesome [hopefully :p]) as I am not overly fussed on team death match etc. game modes and I would lose interest after 100-200 hours of gameplay.

DG haven't you still got bc 2 installed? Are there a decent amount of players and servers still?

Really need a new multiplayer game as this and bc 2 are the only ones that I have played in the last few years as they are the only games that seem to hold my attention these days :( Don't like counter strike, quite enjoy the fun stuff like l4d etc.


TBH, I think I really just need a break from "modern" shooters, they have been done to death now, would have been great if DICE went with world war, vietnam or a future shooter this time round.
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BC2 still has plenty of servers up and is still more fun that BF3, if BF4 could capture BC2's fighting spirit rather than just pure run 'n' gun COD I think it could be a winner. Here's to hoping, though I am loathe to give DICE/EA more money after BF3 falling short in every way other than gfx imo...
Should I feel bad that after a couple of weeks the most fun I've had is TDM on nosehair canals?

As a Humble Bundle Noob with no unlocks, I've had a lot of fun with recon in the container maze - PP2000 (or whatever the all-kits SMG is) with red dot, spotting beacon thing, amazing fun.
Should I feel bad that after a couple of weeks the most fun I've had is TDM on nosehair canals?

As a Humble Bundle Noob with no unlocks, I've had a lot of fun with recon in the container maze - PP2000 (or whatever the all-kits SMG is) with red dot, spotting beacon thing, amazing fun.

Im the same, but Ive been playing for a while. I like instant action though, so Canals is very suited to me. Each to their own.
I've finally got my mouse sensitivity sorted :D I have been having some great games this weekend. Went 100-43 last night (which is pretty good for me) having got it just right now. Despite spending half the map afk as a spawn point for my squad whilst I was alt-tabbed hunting down glitchers to ban them.

With regards to landslide wins, as other have said it only takes one squad to work hard and coordinate well for the tables to be turned. I really enjoy being on the losing team and turning it round with people on TS.

It's the most fun you can have imho. It's not fun being on the winning team and just completely smashing to other team before they even get to a flag.

I don't think that it is something wrong with the game that needs addressing at all.

There was only a 50 ticket difference in this game last night because people were playing well as a team :) I wasn't on TS with anyone who was on in this game, but the squad worked hard and it paid off.
Im the same, but Ive been playing for a while. I like instant action though, so Canals is very suited to me. Each to their own.

Any other recommendations? I'm generally getting 20-30 minutes gaming time to sneak something in, so short TDM ticks the boxes of
a) quick to start, instant action
b) less team focussed on public servers, so you don't feel bad about dropping out mid-match

I hear the CQ maps are good for this sort of thing - any specific ones?
BC2 still has plenty of servers up and is still more fun that BF3, if BF4 could capture BC2's fighting spirit rather than just pure run 'n' gun COD I think it could be a winner. Here's to hoping, though I am loathe to give DICE/EA more money after BF3 falling short in every way other than gfx imo...


Think once the bf 4 beta is over and if I am not impressed, I'll just put bc 2 back on and wait to see if DICE actually fix/improve whatever issues there are rather than just doing what they did for bf 3 i.e. tweaking weapons etc. non stop when there was no need.......

CQ maps are amazing:

- very rarely landslide wins, most of my matches have been <100 ticket difference as opposed to the >500 ticket difference on every other map......
- great design i.e. you can't get bottlenecked at all as there are a number of ways to go
- fine detail to destruction is cool
- no vehicles to worry about :p
- instant action
- no team play focus whatsoever other than taking flags and on the odd occasion, revives, supplies etc.
- superb choice of servers, most servers run all maps, not too many tickets and only a few have certain rules i.e. no m320, no c4. With other map packs, I have to spend 10 minutes finding a good server that doesn't have a stupid amount of tickets, only 1 or 2/3 maps on rotation etc.

Plus you get good weapons from the assignments and gun master is good fun. All in all, out of the 3 map packs I own, it has been the only one worth the money imo.
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