You could try to find a decent squad to play together. That way you can balance things out a bit even though you might still lose against a superior team and even with a big ticket difference.
In this game!? IMPOSSIBLE!
Probably should join a clan again or something.
its simple like westie mentioned in my video for eg most public players play for their own k/d not as a team.
then you often have one decent group of players getting all the kills. most of the others are retards. this wont ever change in big games on big severs and is like shooting fish in a barrel.
bf4 will be exactly the same.
Yeah had to laugh last night at my team in a few rounds, no one tried defusing despite running past the thing, no one tried arming (armed a fair amount myself and had to defend them myself as the team were just sitting back
), no one stayed around the coms, most were pushing into the attackers base etc.
Which most people will probably disable once the halfwits descend into calling everybody "fags", the n word, or just accusing people of cheating because someone is better than them. Standard.
I am hoping DICE have included a "mute" option for squad players and for the text box chat, so much **** is written in that and it just makes any organised team work much harder as useful info. is lost in constant spam of c4/m320/sniper/aa/stinger/m16/heli/jet etc. noob, cheater, stupid team etc.
I might just skip bf 4 [unless some how they have fixed this!] and wait for battlefront (couldn't care less about landslide wins in that as it will be so awesome [hopefully
]) as I am not overly fussed on team death match etc. game modes and I would lose interest after 100-200 hours of gameplay.
DG haven't you still got bc 2 installed? Are there a decent amount of players and servers still?
Really need a new multiplayer game as this and bc 2 are the only ones that I have played in the last few years as they are the only games that seem to hold my attention these days
Don't like counter strike, quite enjoy the fun stuff like l4d etc.
TBH, I think I really just need a break from "modern" shooters, they have been done to death now, would have been great if DICE went with world war, vietnam or a future shooter this time round.