Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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BC2 still has plenty of servers up and is still more fun that BF3, if BF4 could capture BC2's fighting spirit rather than just pure run 'n' gun COD I think it could be a winner. Here's to hoping, though I am loathe to give DICE/EA more money after BF3 falling short in every way other than gfx imo...

If you are playing BF3 run and gun that is probably why you don't enjoy it.
So after 2 years ....


Every attachment for every gun and every attachment for every vehicle unlocked. Every Camo unlocked, every assignment completed.

Wonder how long it will take to do in BF4 lol.
So after 2 years ....

[Every attachment for every gun and every attachment for every vehicle unlocked. Every Camo unlocked, every assignment completed.

Wonder how long it will take to do in BF4 lol.

Well done Frodders , that must have taken some incredible patience. I get the urge to go through the assigments but really cant be bothered as I know theres a few i'll never get no matter how long I play.
LOL nice frodders, I will never unlocked everything on BF3, just don't really care about 6x scope for fraghammer. Well done tho, it must have been horrible to fully unlock the pp-19.

Battlefield has some truely horrible guns

The PP-19, the Druganov, the Jackhammer, the PDW-R, The QBU-88, The M60 and the KH2002 all spring to mind.

The PP19 is stupidly weak, and the PDW-R is just so average. Quite why anybody would use these when the UMP and AS-VAL exist in the vanilla weaponry I have no idea. And once you get premium and get the M5K and Mp7 ... well you'd be daft.

The Jackhammer just got nerfed to oblivion, like most auto shotguns. Its alright for running amongst the crates on Canals TDM, but that's about it.

The M60 just seems to have horrific bullet deviation when used with a foregrip and running and gunning. Bipod pro mode only for that gun. The M240B is just so much better with foregrip there's no need to use it.

And I found the KH2002 painful to use. Its as tricky to master as the AN-94 but without that ludicrously accurate second bullet and no auto mode. Horrible Horrible GUn.

As for the druganov and QBU-88, again, why would you use these when the SKS and M417 exist that are just so much better. Both have a really high kick making it hard to keep multiple shots on target, but need multiple shots on target to kill.
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KH2002 is an amazing bit of kit of you put endless hours into learning it. Unlike M16's etc etc you can quick peek with it ie side straf while ADS'd really quick. For that reason the F2000 + AUG + KH2002 and others do have some very good points.
I am pretty new to the game, bought it a couple of years ago but wasn't able to play it until I upgraded my rig recently.

Are there other ways of searching servers and loading in? Or, do you have to use Battlelog only?
TBH, I think I really just need a break from "modern" shooters, they have been done to death now, would have been great if DICE went with world war, vietnam or a future shooter this time round.

I agree with this, BF needed a change as the modern theme is a bit old hat now. We did have WW2 / modern / Vietnam / and future. Then modern and modern.... :(
I agree with this, BF needed a change as the modern theme is a bit old hat now. We did have WW2 / modern / Vietnam / and future. Then modern and modern.... :(

Vietnam's never appealed to me really, as a game setting. It feels a bit too "nearly modern warfare" - I mean, the weapons aren't sufficiently different to make it anything but a setting I think. I suppose it makes more of a difference for vehicles than for infantry.

WWII has so much more in the way of bolt-action rifles, and so much less in the way of dominant assault rifles, that it changes the infantry game a lot more, I feel. That and the lack of guided rockets.
Finally going to get a headset soon now that I've got my monitor. So I can start team playing rather than lone wolf. Does BF3 have it's own com system like the PS3 version? Or does everyone use teamspeak or what ever it's called? How does it all work?

I would positively wet myself if they sneaked in a 2142 sequel but with BF4, mirrors edge 2 and SW Battlefront 3 I just can't see it happening before 2015. :(

Really I would like too but on second thought I shudder to think what another thread with nexus, dg and neil bitching about the same things over and over again would do for my sanity.:o
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