Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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The iron gator map in bf2 special forces was basicly the LHD with no flags on land and 5 flags inside and outside the carrier. The usa was defending and the arabs were trying to assault the ship from an uncap on land. Great fun to be had.
The iron gator map in bf2 special forces was basicly the LHD with no flags on land and 5 flags inside and outside the carrier. The usa was defending and the arabs were trying to assault the ship from an uncap on land. Great fun to be had.

Ah that takes me back , I loved that map. Nearly impossible to stop the arabs getting a foothold and then the fun started. Up and down the stairs constantly and dont go on the deck or you were raped by the heli.
Then its just "Fight way into base and blow it up a bit at a time" :(

I want titans. And drop pods. And capturing bases to fire missiles at the enemy titan. And death defying leaps off of the titan after you have blown it up. And hovering a gunship just outside to shoot a path through the first door for the attackers. Oh, and those rocket things where you set the detonate distance so that it would blow up just behind the wall the enemy is hiding behind!

Come on dice - 2142 had a million engine problems and was still great! Make 2143 on the new engine. You KNOW you want to.

Ah that takes me back , I loved that map. Nearly impossible to stop the arabs getting a foothold and then the fun started. Up and down the stairs constantly and dont go on the deck or you were raped by the heli.

Very possbile when you had the aa on the carrier and the ah-64. One of the best maps to use flash bangs and tear gas.
ALso snipping the chopper pilots when they peeped into the hangar also made pilots rage
A stupid question I'm sure, but once I find a server I like on gametracker, how do I join in? I know it won't launch, but how does it link in to the battlelog server page?

I'm sure the answer is obvious but I can't bloody work it out.
Errrrrrrrrrrr firstly just search from battlelog, it's a whole load easier. Secondly just look for an identifier so for example I want to play on one of Lecro's SaS servers but don't have it faved I can do a search for it. I'll break it down completely for you tho ;D

BLog Multiplayer > Server browser > type [SaS] in the filter box > (This is dependant on you) unclick any game size > unclick free slots > unclick mode and you can bring up all of the [SaS] servers. Ofc is you wanted a specific one you can tailor that process.

Do be aware that I used SaS as a perfect example. In their server names it is shown as [SaS] not just SaS, it's something to keep in mind if you want to make sure you get the right one.
Cheers, worked it out in the end. Was confusing me that I kept reading about hitting the 'join' button but couldn't see one! Finally realised only servers rented from a certain place have that button. And hardly any do. Seems a bit crap tbh, why can't they just link? Would save me at least 5 valuable seconds :D
Battlefield 3 deserted?

Hi there. I recently got BF3 from the Humble Bundle offer, only to find just a few active servers, less than 10, out of which some are empty most of the time:confused:
Is it because i don;t have the DLC (like Back to Karkand, Armored Kill etc)? Will there be more active servers if i buy 1-2 of them? Which do you recommend?
Many thanks!;)
Must be an issue at your end cos there was lots and lots of servers full of people when I last searched the other day. Never had an issue with battlelog myself. Maybe check your server filter options.
Must be an issue at your end cos there was lots and lots of servers full of people when I last searched the other day. Never had an issue with battlelog myself. Maybe check your server filter options.

Filters are unchecked. Could it be that you get more servers because more people have the expansions?
I've found unless you tick boxes for 1-5 and 6-10 free slots it will show you empty servers a lot, I thought it was dead last night but thats just due to battlelog forgetting all my filter options!
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