also disagree with that big time! Although I agree with some areas i.e. don't bother with aircraft as you will just get owned by the people who have spent 600-1000 hours in aircraft alone and plus since DICe thought it would be a great idea to make flares an unlockable
i.e. you will be dead within 1 minute once you have taken of
BF 3 does not require a huge amount of skill and time to be good at like some other games i.e. counter strike. If you have never played any previous battlefield games before then yes you will have a hard time adjusting but it shouldn't be impossible to get decently good at it.
Seen plenty of people who have >700 hours of gameplay and they still aren't great players and likewise for players who haven't got that many hours and yet have better stats than the max rank players.
I only have about 230 hours of gameplay time yet come in the top 5 with a good k/d etc. most of the time, in fact since I started playing again (about 3 months ago), my stats are increasing by quite a bit and should continue to if I keep playing how I am currently, it helps now that I can achieve more than 15-30 FPS too
For the first 150 or so hours, had a crappy 4850 512MB
Also, there are now a lot of newbie players since the humble bundle deal.
You just need to learn the maps really well and get some good guns and unlocks (scopes help big time in this game as the majority of iron/stock scopes are bloody awful). Also learn about some of the basic stuff i.e. how suppression works.
I would say stick with team deathmatch and rush mode and as already said CQ maps are great if you want a similar feel to COD.