Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I used to play a fair bit of COD4, which I loved.

Buy the Close Quarters expansion (about £6), it's very similar to COD4 and consists of 4 new maps and 2 new game modes, that should keep you occupied until BF4 is released. It's good run and gun pick up and play fun but without any real tactical play needed.
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Thanks Zuma, that makes sense.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting a dreadful K/D ratio on Canals, it just feels a little mindless charging around crates slaughtering each other!
Buy the Close Quarters expansion (about £6), it's very similar to COD4 and consists of 4 new maps and 2 new game modes, that should keep you occupied until BF4 is released. It's good run and gun pick up and play fun but without any real tactical play needed.

Its gone up to £11.99 now :( all the expansion packs have
Thanks Zuma, that makes sense.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting a dreadful K/D ratio on Canals, it just feels a little mindless charging around crates slaughtering each other!

It is.

I've found nobody looks at chat, so check for who on your team has a decent score - if they are Recon, be a support guy, find them and restock them with ammo, otherwise be a medic and keep them ressed. Good players will be good to you if you're good to them, lone wolves will ignore you no matter what you do.

also, top tip: To really annoy people, use the mortar on Nosehair Canals.
Buy the Close Quarters expansion (about £6), it's very similar to COD4 and consists of 4 new maps and 2 new game modes, that should keep you occupied until BF4 is released. It's good run and gun pick up and play fun but without any real tactical play needed.

its about as similar as cod 4 as is the game is to george clooney looking like madonna :confused:

only thing similar is small maps that is all.
Expansions still £6 each on Origin Russia.

DG it's exactly like COD4 but with destruction, you run around shoot a couple of people, get shot, instant respawn. It just doesn't have the silly helicopter and bomber bonuses. I'll grant you it can be a little slower and directional sound can help on a small server but otherwise what's the difference? On small maps there's even less teamplay though, so it's great for lone wolfing. Tbh Gun Master is the only part of BF3 that I can say I enjoyed.

It doesn't feel like battlefield but it's great fun.
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the biggest problem you have is the game is 2 years old and everyone else playing it is an expert now. So even if you are inherently good at fps games you will be outmatched by even mediocre players.

with the game coming to the end of it's life you should probably concentrate on just a few areas of gamplay and a small number of maps so you can get up to speed with them.

Snail advice can't be beaten.

I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. FPS game are one of those things you're either good or bad at. I haven't played nearly as many hours as some people but when I sit down and play it properly I can get near enough top of the leaderboard in many games.

What's your battlelog name?
also disagree with that big time! Although I agree with some areas i.e. don't bother with aircraft as you will just get owned by the people who have spent 600-1000 hours in aircraft alone and plus since DICe thought it would be a great idea to make flares an unlockable :rolleyes: i.e. you will be dead within 1 minute once you have taken of :p

BF 3 does not require a huge amount of skill and time to be good at like some other games i.e. counter strike. If you have never played any previous battlefield games before then yes you will have a hard time adjusting but it shouldn't be impossible to get decently good at it.

Seen plenty of people who have >700 hours of gameplay and they still aren't great players and likewise for players who haven't got that many hours and yet have better stats than the max rank players.

I only have about 230 hours of gameplay time yet come in the top 5 with a good k/d etc. most of the time, in fact since I started playing again (about 3 months ago), my stats are increasing by quite a bit and should continue to if I keep playing how I am currently, it helps now that I can achieve more than 15-30 FPS too :o :p For the first 150 or so hours, had a crappy 4850 512MB :o

Also, there are now a lot of newbie players since the humble bundle deal.

You just need to learn the maps really well and get some good guns and unlocks (scopes help big time in this game as the majority of iron/stock scopes are bloody awful). Also learn about some of the basic stuff i.e. how suppression works.

I would say stick with team deathmatch and rush mode and as already said CQ maps are great if you want a similar feel to COD.
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I didn't say "no skill", I said it doesn't require a "huge amount" of skill ;) :p

Of course any game out there will require some skill.

The thing is as well, it is hard to tell how good a player is going by just their stats as I know of quite a few people and even some players on here who just want to mess around have fun most of the time by doing things like knife only, jihad jeep and the other crazy stuff (and as a result have poor k/d etc.) but when they want to PTFO then that is when you see the "good/beast" side :p

imo Suppression takes away a large amount of the skill in BF 3.
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