Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Originally Posted by therealdrifter92 View Post
The gameplay is all form the demo mission that had scans showed of in GameInformer magazine.

The trailer's gameplay begins with the main character getting out of an APC, presumably the LAV-25, in a city somewhere in the Middle East (can't remember what region, or city). Two Humvees and one LAV-25 can also be seen along with US Marines.

The next segment shows an officer briefing a squad of Marines.

Section 3 - Moving through an abandoned building, holding an M4 with an ACOG. Note the lighting effects.

Section 4 - A Marine breaking through a door into what seems to be an underground parking lot, judging by the fact that it's very dark and there's a car visible.

Next bit the Marines are running through a narrow alley. Due to the sprinting animation, the gun's position makes it clear that it has some sort of laser pointer or flashlight attachment on the end of the barrel.

One Marine gets shot. There are blood effects. Blood has not been included in every Battlefield game, Vietnam and Bad Company 2 being the only released games containing blood effects out-of-the box without user mods. Play 4 Free will also have blood.

The player is dragging the wounded comrade into cover.

Next the Marines are assaulting in a wide open area, presumably one of the city's big boulevards. You can see a wrecked Humvee on the street and two Littlebirds flying away overhead.

After that the player has a different weapon, presumably an M249 (judging by the carrying handle on the right side) with a holographic sight and he is shooting a car wreck which explodes (or maybe it explodes due to some other effect than the player shooting it). Also to note is where the bullet case ejects. Spent cartridges are now ejected correctly, unlike some guns in Bad Company 2.

Next the player falls from a ventilation shaft. This is clear as in the first few frames the player is still inside the shaft.

Next the player is crawling (Prone has been confirmed, now we see the crawling animation) along with his squad, again holding his M4 with ACOG, behind a low wall while they are being fired at. You can see chips of the wall being blown off. Destruction in action.

The player then draws out an AT4 rocket launcher, aiming at the hotel. Presumably this is the Hotel that is said to collapse during some sort of earthquake, as written in the GameInformer magazine article.

After the bits of text, an enemy soldier hitting the player can be seen. This is set in a dark basement, maybe during an interrogation.

Dude , check the trailer again at 0:17 seconds, The bullet effect and blood. excellent Job Dice. well done
it uses the same engine as BC2 but further optimized. just to be on safe side with all MAX settings ON at 16:10 get another card.

I does not use the same engine, BC2 uses frostbite 1.5 which was designed for consoles, BF2 will use FB 2.0 which is built from the ground up for the PC so expect massively better visual then BC2 but at the same performance.
I does not use the same engine, BC2 uses frostbite 1.5 which was designed for consoles, BF2 will use FB 2.0 which is built from the ground up for the PC so expect massively better visual then BC2 but at the same performance.

If it has massively better visuals than BC2 then its going to be jaw dropping.
Now the question is what platform was that footage taken from? last time around with BC2 the pc version got ZERO media untill we downloaded the beta.

As great as it looks, im still holding the line. When iv'e played it with my own fingers, i like it, and it has the same kind of instant impact that 42 and bf2 had... ill glady clean dice's boots (with the tongue):)

Of the shorts seen in the video though, looks like the shackels are off.

All that ram we got, those mid range cards we've had for the last couple of years that have only struggled when run at silly high res or on poorly coded ports.... will serve a proper purpose.

Fingers crossed:)
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