Desert Combat was fantastic. If by some miracle BF3 is awful, I can see a lot of people playing that again.
You you should have really learned how to fire BF2 weapons, you would have enjoyed it greatly if you didno spray and pray casual gamer will get far in BF2 infantry, I make kills for fun.
Yo do talk some pish, as anyone who frequents the graphics forum will attest to.
Got any magical "sources" to give us inside info on BF3 like you did the 6970...oh wait.
If we're going to talk about skill and tactics we'll be going back to the various older Quake games anyhow, so I don't really get how people can be so elitist about BF2...
exactly there is nothing hardcore about bf2. its extremely casual compared to some other games.
New trailer! This game look AMAZING. The atmosphere, the sounds, the visuals...can't wait!
Desert Combat was fantastic. If by some miracle BF3 is awful, I can see a lot of people playing that again.
Just say if you need some advice on BF2 weapons and how to fire them with some accuracy.
LMAO, nothing more needs to be said, if BF2 is causal what does that make BC2.
Hehehe total fanboys the lot of you... Both BF2 and BC2 are very good games, they may excel at different aspects but it is not worth arguing about!