Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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It's not the same engine, frostbite 2.0 according to Dice is built from the ground up for the PC and then watered down for consoles. TBH I have no issue with the visuals I am seeing from BF3, I'm more concened about the gameplay in multi, so far we have been denied the commander form BF2 and only 4 classes from BF2s 7, it's looking more and more console orientated with the more info we get. Hope this changes and we get some info that actually makes BF3 resemble BF2 in some form.
Looking pretty sweet, some where in between MOH and BC2 I would say


They're bound to take bits from MoH, BF:2 and BF:BC2, all three of those games had good positives like weapon sounds, map size and vehicles, graphics and physics.

I watched one of the developer videos recently that said that the redid all the audio for BF3
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What's the chances of them being sneaky and releasing a commander pack/update later on to give a boost to sales when they're low or provide money through further DLC? I know I'd pay for it.
just thing that gets me is cod games do it its like ohhhh another rehash forget cod bf does it its ok :D

they both do the same.

the thing is i dont mind them saying they reuse stuff but when they say oh weve totally remade it from the ground up its a lie. they basically made some new stuff to stick onto moh and bc2 :)

this is what cod does this is what bf3 will do.

its not a new game its a remix

guess its me fed up with games people taking the pizza you only have to look at eas recent offerings moh and crysis 2 to see theyre as bad as activision.
What's the chances of them being sneaky and releasing a commander pack/update later on to give a boost to sales when they're low or provide money through further DLC? I know I'd pay for it.

I think that would be too much to ask it would take a lot of work to implement a commander mode and then change whatever they implemented in the first place to replace the commander, plus you alienate a lot of players from matches who have not purchased the DLC, Dice would rather foolish to pull that stunt IMO.
the thing is i dont mind them saying they reuse stuff but when they say oh weve totally remade it from the ground up its a lie. they basically made some new stuff to stick onto moh and bc2 :)


The engine IS new, it's not an update for the BC2 one.
Commander won't be in BF3, they've made it pretty clear.

There will probably be some type of thing to replace it, like the UAV hubs in BC2, but not a commander position.
Well obviously the guns look similar across games if they are all based on the same rl gun -.-

Thank god someone said it, they are using the same weaponry and armament in each game...of course they look the bllody can some be THAT stupid with a comment.

ANd if its a new engine they cant just lift older models from other games on other engines..everything ahs to be remodeled.
lol UAV hubs from BC2, they game will die quick death if that happens, the everyone gets to be a commander thing is not a good concept from looking at BC2, the team and squad play is not a patch on BF2s. The squad leader maybe getting some of the commander duties but the hubs will not make a return in BF3.
lol UAV hubs from BC2, they game will die quick death if that happens, the everyone gets to be a commander thing is not a good concept from looking at BC2, the team and squad play is not a patch on BF2s. The squad leader maybe getting some of the commander duties but the hubs will not make a return in BF3.

But looking at the interviews they've kinda stated they want anyone to be able to be a commander, so it looks like it will be something like that, just from what they've said, will have to see of course, I hope it won't be like that but never know with DICE. It wouldn't just be the UAV hub ofc, other duties too. But no idea how it'd work. I really want squad leaders back in BF3, commander doesn't bother me that much.
its like watching a movie, the technical achievements with this pre-alpha is amazing:
so tempted to record one of moh and use same gun wouldnt even noticed the difference :p

Go for it, I'd like to see!

:edit: Something that does catch my eye is the difference between other character models and the player's own. Other player models tend to swing their rifle back and forth as they sprint, whereas the player's weapon stays relatively still.
They appear to have put a lot of effort into making foot contact work more realistically, which is great. I'm not being sarcastic here! It's always off-putting when you see players sliding all over the shop.
Am I right in thinking you will be able to drag downed team mates to safety?? Oh man, medic class just got even more fun :P

not sure what it was like in bf2 as haven't played that in ages but in bf2142 it took a split second to revive so i'm hoping this wont be the case as it'll be much slower to help your team

not seen anyone mention bf2142. was the best one imo. put so so so many hours into that game, got pretty much eve single badge you can get. still play it and have as much fun as i did when i first got it
Go for it, I'd like to see!

:edit: Something that does catch my eye is the difference between other character models and the player's own. Other player models tend to swing their rifle back and forth as they sprint, whereas the player's weapon stays relatively still.

Having the gun swing around in your view might have motion sickness issues, I'm guessing
Just finished watchign that video and I think it looks top notch!!!! Granted its only SP and I'll be jumping straight into the MP no doubt but parts of that looks like you are watching a movie!!!
Am I right in thinking you will be able to drag downed team mates to safety?? Oh man, medic class just got even more fun :P

Its been confirmed that the " drag your team mates to safety " is a feature of single player only, god knows why they made a big deal about with it when it's not even in the multiplayer aspect of the game.
You don't have to remodel because of a new engine.

Yep you do, hence why its such a big deal with starting off on a new engine, you might be able to take textures etc, but lifting a render from an old engine and placing it to a new one, with animations etc just isnt somethign you can do, plus theirs absolutly no point.
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