Battlefield 4 - Performance FIXES Thread (Good or Bad)

Ive installed BF3 then this beta to try it out.

All I get in the browser when I try to join a server is "Could not contact Battlelog, please try again"

nm, I've been trying all day but as soon as I post this it works :p
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Just tried a test on ultra, high and medium settings (with FX6300 and 2GB 7850).


2013-10-05 21:32:31 - bf4
Frames: 17644 - Time: 610344ms - Avg: 28.908 - Min: 0 - Max: 60


2013-10-05 21:44:31 - bf4
Frames: 14130 - Time: 490797ms - Avg: 28.790 - Min: 0 - Max: 69


2013-10-05 21:55:57 - bf4
Frames: 37202 - Time: 1216937ms - Avg: 30.570 - Min: 0 - Max: 91

The max frame rate gets better as I lower the settings but strangely the average framerate seems pretty similar.

It's got me puzzled.

I was also surprised how good it looks on only medium settings. It won't bother me if I have to use that setting for the main game.
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Try the tweaks mentioned in op, otherwise Windows 8 may help you being as you are on an I5

Same as me, ended up going Windows 8 and perfectly happy which I wasn't on Windows 7 :)

I'm using Start8 so it looks like Windows 7 anyway, none of that Metro ****

nothing wrong with i5s lol . they are getting same fps single cards as 4770ks lol.

win8 yes does improve but a i5 is fine . my performace on win7 was fine just better on win8. might be nvidia for you niel but you do have problems on any game nearly at setter level ! ;)
nothing wrong with i5s lol . they are getting same fps single cards as 4770ks lol.

win8 yes does improve but a i5 is fine . my performace on win7 was fine just better on win8. might be nvidia for you niel but you do have problems on any game nearly at setter level ! ;)

Incorrect and old, you're still using the same joke from the Q6600 :o.
You were wrong about Windows 7-8 as well :)

I also have an I5 and didn't say anything was wrong with them, again incorrect :)
Ran like **** for me. Tried updating to latest beta drivers after a clean sweep and also reinstalled/updated PB. Game is still kinda unsmooth :s

I think my 3570k is holding me back quite a lot
I made a user.cfg file copied most of it but tweaked it a little to test somit. (the config.cfg as mentioned in OP doesnt work btw if u put in doc/bf4 folder it needs to be in your origin/bf4 folder where the exe is and named user.cfg.)

PerfOverlay.DrawGraph 0
PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
PostProcess.DofMethod 0
PostProcess.BlurMethod 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOMethod 0
GameTime.MaxVariableFps 30
Render.VSyncFlashTestEnable 0
WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionForceOn 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotlightShadowmapResolution 256
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 0
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0
RenderDevice.Dx9Enable 1

Helped a lot with fps drops/stutter. 30fps might be it i dunno but 30fps seems perfectly playable to 60 with this so :/ Dunno if the dx9 enable thing works i just gave it a go.

Edit 60fps works too i just checked. :) Barely any stuttering now with this new cfg file im using compared to when i didnt use one or have it in the wrong place (op).

Heres my bench. 32 man server domination i think it was.

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
11367, 197513, 15, 61, 57.551

300secs i set it to ish. Even tho min is 15 it never felt a hard drop or stutter like it used to. So no new drivers needed, or win 8 or a i7. ;)
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My FRAPs for a single map on 64 man server

2013-10-06 11:35:49 - bf4
Frames: 71910 - Time: 1801781ms - Avg: 39.911 - Min: 20 - Max: 64

Everything set to Ultra, 2560x1440

Ati 7970 with latest beta drivers
I7 3820 @ 3.9GHz

Game is installed on an M4 SSD

I generally knock it all down to medium for a stutter free experience.
6 minute fraps taken throughout the game.

Frames Time (ms) Min Max Avg
12927 360000 6 52 35.908

Frames Time (ms) Min Max Avg
14016 360000 3 54 38.933

Frames Time (ms) Min Max Avg
14360 360000 4 79 39.889

On low/high. Makes no difference if its all on low. But its really not playable.

Going to try the config files next. The fps although not good shouldn't be as bad as it is.
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CPU: 4930K
GPU: 2x GTX 780
RAM: 16GB Quad Channel
OS: Win 7 HP x64
Drivers: 331.40 beta
Problems: (If any): None what so ever apart from my lack of talent. Have tested at a range of settings, everything set to high with 2xMSAA and post AA off is providing the best balance of performance and image quality. Didn't make any graphs for this as it was late last night I was testing but average FPS was 64.

All of these were run for at least 7-8 minutes on well populated (60+ man) servers.

Custom - everything set to Ultra, post AA off


Ultra Preset


High Preset


High Preset - CPU overclock

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