Brundle has been around for a long time, I'm unsure why people feel that he cannot do the lead role
Generally speaking over the years, we have tended to have 2 commentators.
Commentator1: This guy doesn't have a technical background and has probably never driven race cars, however, he is a commentator by profession. His job is that of a presenter and bridges the gap to inform the audience of what is actually going on the track, in layman's terms. His job is also to bring some excitement to the proceedings. Murray Walker was good at this. No one expects this guy to be technically correct all the time. This guy must have charisma and likeability is important.
Commentator2: This guy is usually a former F1 driver. His technical knowledge is sound and if ever Commentator1 needs assistance in explaining to the audience exactly what a technical term means or even to simply provide an in-sight of what goes on inside a team or a driver's head, this guy will provide this information. Most of the time, Commentor2 will sound less exciting, will have less charisma and will be less likeable.
The idea of having 2 different types of commentator, is that the 2, together, will cover all the bases when it comes to informing the public of what is going on the track.
If you are a casual F1 viewer, then you probably won't understand much of what Commentator2 is talking about. But then, you don't care. You merely want to a charismatic commentator (1) to inform you of what is going on.
If you are a hardcore F1 viewer, chances are that everything that Commentator1 says - you already know. hence, in order to provide greater insight, you will more than likely want to hear from Commentator2. Notice that on this forum, where there are many hardcore F1 viewers (to be posting on an F1 forum, you probably are hardcore), most people dislike Commentator1. There was much hatred towards James Allen (when he was Commenator1 on ITV). Then we had Leggard who was Commentator1 and he is also hated. My suspicion is that if you were to ask casual F1 viewers who they prefer, they will probably say Leggard, simply because he brings some excitement and talks in simple terms.
Now, if you have 2 of the same types of commentators, you risk alienating one group of viewers. For this reason, it makes sense to have 1 techie (Brundle) and one professional commentator (someone like Croft would be good for this).
Notice that Coulthard talks in a very matter of fact (factual) way. He rarely shows passion or excitement in his voice (even when he is excited). Brundle is similar, though not as extreme.
For all of the above reasons, some people are a little sceptical about having 2 technical commentators on the team.