BBC Top Gear - Series 23 discussion thread

Didn't watch it, not sure I'll bother.

Twitter was silent this week except for the usual 'evans is rubbish' and there hasn't been much commentary from here either so I'm assuming viewing figures are down massively. Oh and Top Gear Extra is featured on iPlayer but the main show isn't; it's sat third in the 'most popular' list behind Casualty and Eastenders...

What a wasted opportunity.
I have to say I agree withthe consensus that this week while not amazing was better than last week. Evans was annoying as usual though in the extra bit with the F1 where he wasn't shouting he was at least tolerable. Matt seems to be more settled in this week and works well as a presenter. Rory doing the whole of extra too was good, never heard of him prior to TG but I have warmed to him.
What the hell is that thing where one guest reads some stuff about the other guest really badly from autocue? Please stop that. Otherwise much better. I think it'll find its feet although Evans always gonna grate. Looking forwards to CH in the main show.
Didn't watch it. The telly box recorded it but I just can't imagine a scenario in which I'd rather watch that than anything else on tv or NowTV or whatever I've got from lovefilm... I've got a load of walls to paint which I'd probably sooner watch dry.
Much better than last week, but Evans is dragging the show down.

A McLaren segment is always going to pique my interest, and I thought JB showed he'd be an absolute natural as a presenter.

As much as he talks absolute drivel most of the time, I though Eddie Jordan was surprisingly good in his assigned role and having guests with the presenters certainly added to the feature.

Studio segments are still painful to watch, and the rallycross car looks incredibly slow and uninteresting to watch.

It's a pity that the shows biggest problem is the one least likely to be fixed.
The overwhelming consensus seems to be that it could work, but Chris Evans has got to go.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. As silly as it sounds, I just can't stand to watch it with him in it. Everything about him is irritating :p.
Agreed about the guests, SIARPC was always the weakest segment for me and I was kind of hopeful they'd ditch it but I guess it's good for celebs to push their latest whatever. Some celebs are really good, others not so much.

Other than that I really liked the show this time. Sure Chris is still very shouty (so was Jeremy though so it's nothing new) but overall I enjoyed it.
Just watched it, same old Top Gear, got a bit more used to the new presenters this week, more interesting, Evans is a complete **** - much as Clarkson was to many eyes, content the same, but certainly an improvement from the first episode.

It has many flaws, much as the old series did, people will watch this for Le Blanc as much as some watched it for May or Hammomd, the Evans / Clarkson figure is effectively the same annoying **** from a different angle.

Don't like the RallyCross, looks tame and boring (although I'm sure its far from it to the drivers) - I'd much prefer a Star in a reasonably priced exotic! :D

Enjoyed it, and made a point of not checking comments here prior to watching the episode - Its had a better reception than I expected from here....
I'm gonna say that was actually slightly worse than episode 1.

The main film was dull and seemed to completely forget about the cars, and again, the star segment was so bad I had to skip it.
I think I've run out of my monthly quota of cringing already and it's only the 6th :(

But yes, Matt was still the best of the lot and I'm certainly enjoying his bits the most.
I love how people feel the need to come on here and tell people they didn't watch it but it must have been terrible...

I watched it again as the missus still likes it, thought it was much better if still nowhere near as good as the original.

Chris is still terrible, but at least getting Jenson Button to drive the McLaren gave it some credibility talking about the car.

SIARPC needs to drop all that guff around the edges where they read from an auto cue about each other and have someone who knows about driving to commentate.

MLB continues to surprise.
Just as awful as before. They seem to realise the actual presenters can't carry it themselves so they have to throw a load of "celebs" into the challenge to try to make it more interesting, then back at the studio it descends into a full on chat show including a massive Billions / Sky Atlantic promotion that Sky must have been rubbing their hands at - obviously the only way they could get Damian Lewis to appear.
I haven't watched it yet but fully intend to. However, 90% of the negativity seems to just be related to Chris Evans really.

Being that I don't love or hate him really I have a feeling I will be able to get along with this but not love it.
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