Beat saber

Done the bugger on expert+. Be there for you. Exactly what I thought, easier to get a good ranking on Expert with modifiers, than to even place with expert+, think I'm around the 51k mark in position.

Well done :) It's a good feeling to finally do one in Expert plus.
just tried "be there for you" on Expert, i hate the part where it going up down up down up down the of at an angle, up down up down

missed a few, but got 502,000+ wtf?

then tried Expert+
errm , no way

Keep Trying man. The thing is once you start doing expert plus, you can't go back.

And, Be there for you on Expert plus doesn't have as many of those side angle ones. If you can get past the starting section, there is a good chance of finishing it.
Feel like I'm closing in on a 2nd expert+, can't remember the song exactly but there's a repeated lyric of Pumpin Crazy. It's generally more measured, rather just insanely fast patches.
Done it. Breezer complete on expert+, feel like I could get a better score but it's not easy to even complete again :D.
Good job!! Breezer is the one I am close on too. I completely lose it at the double blocks near the end.

Yeah, when I saw them the first time I was completely thrown too. Took me a few goes to get through it (especially as I'm not always consistently reaching that point!).
Keep Trying man. The thing is once you start doing expert plus, you can't go back.

And, Be there for you on Expert plus doesn't have as many of those side angle ones. If you can get past the starting section, there is a good chance of finishing it.

i can get half way on Expert+ then its all over :(
i can get half way on Expert+ then its all over :(

Keep going man, you will get there.

Just remember, try to hit the blocks, hitting the blocks with the wrong saber or the wrong direction is better than not trying to hit at all. Hitting wrong doesn't reduce your energy as much as a miss.

EDIT: another hint from me the useless player :) If you know you are going to miss a block, make sure you hit the next one. Sometimes you know that you will never make that swing, so don't even try, just focus on the next block.

Notice that my two pieces of advice contradict each other :p
Stopping with expert+ for a while. Doing the campaign instead. Love the minimum distance ones. Was given 120m, did it in 29m. Nice and relaxing
campaign worth doing before expert + really ;)

Campaign is fun, some odd ones in there you have to do, but good teacher

Yeah, just wanted to do something a bit calmer, but with a purpose. I'm hoping the soreness in my lower abdomen is muscle fatigue due to it being new muscle, rather than injury being made worse.
go careful

If it's the injury, I'm ****** anyway in my mind, so sod it, I'll take a little soreness, and give up on returning to rugby. It doesn't feel like a sharp pain though, so I'm hoping it's just the muscle working more, which is something I should be doing with it. May need to pull back a little on how much though.
been looking at the various multiplier options

so i stuck on the highest ones

ghost mode and disappearing arrows
did 100 $ bill on easy, think I missed 1 or 2 lol
first time doing that was very strange at first

now i see how your scores are higher than mine, even if i get max combo, didn't miss any
been looking at the various multiplier options

so i stuck on the highest ones

ghost mode and disappearing arrows
did 100 $ bill on easy, think I missed 1 or 2 lol
first time doing that was very strange at first

now i see how your scores are higher than mine, even if i get max combo, didn't miss any

Yeah, fast song and ghost notes for really high scores.
Few more country rounds attempts, there's really quick sections on angles with differig colours, and I just can't seem to get the right saber hitting the right colour in the right direction. Still, nice that I went back to be there for you, and did it first time.
Completed my first Expert just now (uptown funk off beastsabre, a fairly easy one compared to some) and my arms are like lead. It is a serious workout compared to hard. Still quite chuffed as it was my first go on expert after trying the hard. Finally bothered to sideload BMBF onto my Q2 and loving it now I don't have to play **** songs

Well done Mate :) Expert plus next :p
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