Being Sued by Atari/Davenport !

It can be argued that if your not entirely sure whether you want to part with your hard earned cash regarding a game, there are demo's released to give you a taster.

Try before you buy I suppose.
Let just for argument sake..... If I downloaded the game and receive the letter.. Can I go out and buy the game and tell them I actually own the game but I download it because I lost the disk? Isn't there something about you allow to have a copy?

You are legally allowed to make a backup copy of any piece of software you own under the Copyright, Design and Patents act. Remember that you buy the license to use the software rather than the individual copy of the software, so downloading the software would be the same as making a copy and it would be impossible to sue as they would have incurred no loss. If you use bittorrent though you are uploading at the same time, whether a court would seriously considering a couple of hundred MB's uploaded as distributing though is unlikely.
Why pay £15-20 for a dvd when I can buy a copied version (of the same quality) for £2.50-£3??

its a very short sighted and selfish attitude

you then dont reward the people who actually made the thing you watch and give your money to another criminal.
can cannot be as black and white about the law and legality in general as you're trying to be.

i'd never advocate breaking the law for some things, but other things are hardly worth such overreactions as this...

£505 for pirating a £35 computer game?

well if they 'fined' you £35 it would hardly be a deterrent would it?
If you took them to court they would be shot down in flames. The letter they are sending out is illegal for a start, you can't demand money from someone you suspect has commited a crime in exchange for not taking them to court. That is extortion. As said in the articles they only go after people when they will win the case by default because they would be crushed in court against any defense whatsoever.

They also have zero court worthy evidence that you did it. Unsecured wireless, viruses, dynamic IP adresses, etc.

surely it's just a settlement out of court and not really illegal? :S
not so much that but why not pay for it? if its worth playing get ya money out if not stop being a theif. If i fancied your tv would it be ok for me to come take it out your house?

My argument would be that most games are actually crap and not worth the money.

Demos are becoming more commonplace, but can still be made in a way that doesn't give a true representation of the game as a whole.

Every game I have downloaded and loved, I have gone out and bought.

All the others, deleted after a few hours.

I just love how the law tries with all it's might to weed out crime like this, instead of focussing on real issues like violent crime, burglary, etc.
My argument would be that most games are actually crap and not worth the money.

The option there is not to buy the game in the first place then rather than download it and not pay for it.

Every game I have downloaded and loved, I have gone out and bought.

All the others, deleted after a few hours.

And I am sure every single pirate does the same...

Wouldn't it be more honest just to say "I am cheap and don't like paying for things I can get for free instead."
I just love how the law tries with all it's might to weed out crime like this, instead of focussing on real issues like violent crime, burglary, etc.

"The Law"? These are civil cases, no fewer police are on the streets because Atari want to sue someone.
what's this assumption that there's money going into criminals pockets as well? people generally pay nothing when getting/downloading copies of media, let alone paying some randomer to copy it for them.

So should I stop buying games & movies second hand?

Doesn't work like that does it. The person you are buying from second hand no doubt bought the movie in the first place.

With piracy, The person you are buying from No doubt downloaded the movie, Burnt the movie, Sold the movie.
To make myself feel better, I feel that £540 for what I have "accuired" over the years to be an absolute bargin :mad::eek::D

Sorry, but you muppet :p, why on earth did you pay. You have been well and truly had there. :)

Ignore these silly letters or just buy the game afterwards if something does ever escalate and claim you bought it off someone via cash at a car boot sale.
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The option there is not to buy the game in the first place then rather than download it and not pay for it.

How would I know if I like it without trying it?

And I am sure every single pirate does the same...

Wouldn't it be more honest just to say "I am cheap and don't like paying for things I can get for free instead."

I'm pretty sure most don't.

I do the same with music. I don't listen to anything commercial, but I get a lot of dance. I like the track = I buy the record.

I don't see why I should have to shell out £40 for a game I might enjoy, and cannot return if I don't.
what's this assumption that there's money going into criminals pockets as well? people generally pay nothing when getting/downloading copies of media, let alone paying some randomer to copy it for them.

It was in reference to the people saying they'd buy knock off dvds (and presumably games as well). I'm quite strongly against that, I dont think anyone should profit from piracy, but I also think those that do should be the targets for companies like this and not the end users who haven't paid anything
Oh how I love these threads.
All the pirate supports come out of the woodwork and spout their usual **** as a form of justification of what they do:

1. Games & music are too expensive.
Then don't buy them or download them. Games & music are not a right and I'm sorry but there will always be people richer than others.

2. I illegally download - but I go out and buy everything I like and use.
Yes of course you that wonderful world you call dream world!
You can hear the majority of music before you buy already and I cannot remember the last time a game was released without a demo being released.
That is the idea of the demo.

3. I'm stealing from a faceless organisation - so it doesn't matter.
One of my favourites and really doesn't warrant an answer.

4. What is all this about criminals getting money - I paid nothing for my illegal, the world owes me a living stuff.
Oh boy, you've got a lot to learn - so naive, it's almost sweet.
If you think that software piracy and other illegal activities are a million miles away from other, much more serious crimes you are so wrong.

5. I wouldn't have bought it anyway
And that gives you the right to own the item how exactly?
This has got to be one of the most pathetic justifications this world has ever seen.

OP - I think I'd just recommend what others have said.
Bury your head in the sand and hope it goes away.
If however it doesn't then some of the suggestions here will fail.
Denial of knowledge is not a valid defence.
Buying the game at a date later than you illegally downoaded it is not a defence.
But good luck anyway - however you deserve what ya get if you've been thieving.

* I know that basically it isn't really theft.
However somebody stealing your car also isn't called "theft" - however in my eyes it's all the same thing.
You're taking stuff without paying for it!
How would I know if I like it without trying it?

I'm pretty sure most don't.

I do the same with music. I don't listen to anything commercial, but I get a lot of dance. I like the track = I buy the record.

I don't see why I should have to shell out £40 for a game I might enjoy, and cannot return if I don't.

I do exactly the same as this. though with me, it is more often that it is a new band that i am trying out - If i like it, i will buy the CD. If not, i delete it because its taking up HDD space that could be used to pron.
[Cas];12068128 said:
I do exactly the same as this. though with me, it is more often that it is a new band that i am trying out - If i like it, i will buy the CD. If not, i delete it because its taking up HDD space that could be used to pron.

Which brings round another interesting tangent... how many on here PAY for porn? Hmmmm?

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