Oh how I love these threads.
All the pirate supports come out of the woodwork and spout their usual **** as a form of justification of what they do:
1. Games & music are too expensive.
Then don't buy them or download them. Games & music are not a right and I'm sorry but there will always be people richer than others.
2. I illegally download - but I go out and buy everything I like and use.
Yes of course you do...in that wonderful world you call dream world!
You can hear the majority of music before you buy already and I cannot remember the last time a game was released without a demo being released.
That is the idea of the demo.
3. I'm stealing from a faceless organisation - so it doesn't matter.
One of my favourites and really doesn't warrant an answer.
4. What is all this about criminals getting money - I paid nothing for my illegal, the world owes me a living stuff.
Oh boy, you've got a lot to learn - so naive, it's almost sweet.
If you think that software piracy and other illegal activities are a million miles away from other, much more serious crimes you are so wrong.
5. I wouldn't have bought it anyway
And that gives you the right to own the item how exactly?
This has got to be one of the most pathetic justifications this world has ever seen.
OP - I think I'd just recommend what others have said.
Bury your head in the sand and hope it goes away.
If however it doesn't then some of the suggestions here will fail.
Denial of knowledge is not a valid defence.
Buying the game at a date later than you illegally downoaded it is not a defence.
But good luck anyway - however you deserve what ya get if you've been thieving.
* I know that basically it isn't really theft.
However somebody stealing your car also isn't called "theft" - however in my eyes it's all the same thing.
You're taking stuff without paying for it!