I remember in Belgium a few years ago, Button went to lap Baumgartner who was minding his own business and Button's tyre let go, spearing straight into the side of Baumgartner. Not his fault of course, and not for position, but at speed once the car's gone, you'll be lucky to get it away from where it wants to go.
two very different circumstances
1) Impossible to know when a tyre is about to let go (unless you have a VERY keen feeling for these things and a top quality car - to allow you to feel it) both of which Button didnt have at this time
2) Vettel KNEW it was damp - knew there had already been issues at THAT particular corner, and yet STILL went charging in full steam (no way would he have been able to stop from that distance at that speed in the damp). Plus Vettel has a much better car than Button did then (so the feeling for the particular circumstances should be a lot better)
I challenge you to find a negative comment towards Button, by me, ever since he has been performing well.
PS: Vettel's was a racing incident and doesnt warrant the vitriol that is being directed towards him.
You continually slated Button last season (even though Barrichello rarely did as well with the same equipment) and Im pretty certain you did the same at the beginning of this season even after his wins, putting them down to luck etc - and there are enough people around here who have mentioned the same about your posts re Button for me nto to need to bother searching through endless posts
Yes it DOES deserve the vitriol - in fact Vettel got off lightly, imo he should have got some kind of penalty for the next race (after all he did it to Webber earlier in the season, so its not his 1st "racing incident") - obviously he got penalized today but that doesnt really give him enough penalty (after all RB have REALLY gained by Vettel taking out a competitor for the title). He has had the penalty and so that is that, but doesnt imo mean he doesnt actually deserve something more severe to teach him a lession he should really have already learnt before today but he keeps on and on making the same "mistake"
He is as likely to keep on making stupid moves like that (at least this season) except maybe where MW is concerned, as either way RB win (ie any other car - which is likely to be a competitor for one of the titles), taken out of the race or losing position will by default give RB more points (or lose less which ever way you want to lookat it)
Its also arguable that in 50/50 (at best) situations like today, the other driver is likely to give way simply because they know Vettel is more likely than anyone to actually take them out - done it twice this year after all, whats stopping a 3rd? The other driver is also on for points most likely so its still best to collect the points even if its a few less than are deserved - Vettel cant be trusted to race "fairly", SV hasnt even been given a SUSPENDED ban for x races to stop him doing it again.
Lets just say SV does the same thing agian - they cant ban him straight away (I dont believe) they would have to THEN give him a suspended ban - but still potentially taking another title challanger out of hte race (and to the gain of RB and therefore himself, even if he cant win the title)