BenQ XL2730Z Freesync Owners Thread

OMG vsync off does not it's the most latency free you can get.

It's the most latency free when you're running high or consistent framerates with it off.

When frames are fluctuating between 20-60 fps then stutter is going to occur as there's huge latency changes without FreeSync or GSYNC.
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VSYNC off still has stutter which is why as I said you don't understand how it works.

Use this test:

Click the drop down and use the GSYNC simulation then choose the drop down with tearing and bad stuttering (VSYNC OFF)

Something wrong there then as many people have said the Swift is perfectly smooth when dipping below 45.

Or perhaps the many people calling it smooth also has a high tolerance for other imperfections such as color shifting or perhaps stutter? Maybe im just not as tolarent towards it? But in the end nothing is "wrong" and everything has been working as intended within specs. Those specs just doesnt suit some people including myself.

The article you linked to from blurbusters is talking about gsync vs vsync on and while the article doesnt specify that directly, which i think is kinda sad, you can clearly see this thanks to the graphs being used as they are very similar to what has been shown before from nvidia when comparing gsync to vsync on. It has always been vsync=on gives you higher input lag(specially if the fps would have gone above the locked refresh rate) and stutter when the fps cannot be maintained. Vsync=off gives you bad tear.
Good for you, it won't show anything though because of the device you'll be using to record and the framerate it's played back at.

Don't see how it's so hard to realise stutter will occur when you're dropping from say 60fps right down to the 20's then back up when it drops out of FreeSync.

Or perhaps the many people calling it smooth also has a high tolerance for other imperfections such as color shifting or perhaps stutter? Maybe im just not as tolarent towards it?

I don't have a high tolerance, in fact I'm one of the few here it seems who can notice motion blur quite easily, I also notice stutter extremely easily, especially when I've used both screens in question at low framerates, VSYNC OFF and GSYNC on.
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Good for you, it won't show anything though because of the device you'll be using to record and the framerate it's played back at.

Don't see how it's so hard to realise stutter will occur when you're dropping from say 60fps right down to the 20's then back up when it drops out of FreeSync.

I don't have a high tolerance, in fact I'm one of the few here it seems who can notice motion blur quite easily, I also notice stutter extremely easily, especially when I've used both screens in question at low framerates, VSYNC OFF and GSYNC on.

Well i cannot comment on the effect of going from freesync mode to out of freesync mode. I have not experienced this.
Good for you, it won't show anything though because of the device you'll be using to record and the framerate it's played back at.

Don't see how it's so hard to realise stutter will occur when you're dropping from say 60fps right down to the 20's then back up when it drops out of FreeSync.

I don't have a high tolerance, in fact I'm one of the few here it seems who can notice motion blur quite easily, I also notice stutter extremely easily, especially when I've used both screens in question at low framerates, VSYNC OFF and GSYNC on.

It don't stutter though! least not for me.. But I dont use Vsync.
All I know from my own opinion is GSYNC is a far smoother experience when framerates do dip that low than what the BenQ was at those framerates without any kind of SYNC.

I don't use VSYNC ever either, if it works great for you then good.

This has been rather pointless as in the end it just comes down to opinions which is what the guy asked in the first place and I gave mine and then seemingly got jumped at for it.
All I know from my own opinion is GSYNC is a far smoother experience when framerates do dip that low than what the BenQ was at those framerates without any kind of SYNC.

I don't use VSYNC ever either, if it works great for you then good.

This has been rather pointless as in the end it just comes down to opinions which is what the guy asked in the first place and I gave mine and then seemingly got jumped at for it.

Jumped at?? I just give my own option as to why anyone would want to play at them frame rates.

That's all they was to it.
Apart from coming straight in with the passive aggressive "Why would anyone let their frames drop that low" then sure. I explained why and then it escalated out of control from there.

Like it or not framerates do drop that low unless you are really lowering the settings in new graphically demanding games which sort of defeats the purpose of spending all that money on new hardware for higher resolutions.
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Apart from coming straight in with the passive aggressive "Why would anyone let their frames drop that low" then sure. I explained why and then it escalated out of control from there.

Like it or not framerates do drop that low unless you are really lowering the settings in new graphically demanding games which sort of defeats the purpose of spending all that money on new hardware for higher resolutions.

I cant remember that last time I played a PC game were my frame rate went below 40fps tbh..

I was expecting the worst coming from 1080p to 1440p I am shocked how well the 290x handles games.

And you call that aggressive? Why? it was a Question Why would anyone!
I asked the question you give me the answer, I then continued to answer back..

They was "No Aggression in any of it"

Video uploading

Battlefield 4 test range here I can freely change the frame rates. Freesync on vsync off

I went using my 140fps cap to 60fps, 40fps 30fps and 25fps

Game was very playable in them all, as I said before the main difference for me is massive amount motion blur. running 25 or 30fps @144hz isn't a good idea anyway. I bet 30fps/30hz would look better.

I didnt get any stutter at all.
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That's a nice coincidence that your games don't drop below the 40fps your monitor allows for FreeSync, any modern demanding game with settings maxed easily drops below 40fps at 1440p on a single 290x.

I said it was passive aggressive as instead of directing the question at me who it was clearly aimed at you said "Why would anyone".

You seem to have contradicted yourself a bit there as well, saying 25fps was very playable but then you've asked me the question why would I play at low fps, which is obvious because GSYNC makes it even more playable if 25fps without sync is playable. The fact is I don't play at low fps, I was talking about when it dips that low which follows on to this next bit...

Capping framerate to consistent fps isn't what I was talking about, sure it will look smooth when it's running at a consistent low frame rate like consoles do, but when you're running along at a nice 60fps then an explosion happens and it drops into the 20's that isn't the same thing.
That's a nice coincidence that your games don't drop below the 40fps your monitor allows for FreeSync, any modern demanding game with settings maxed easily drops below 40fps at 1440p on a single 290x.

I said it was passive aggressive as instead of directing the question at me who it was clearly aimed at you said "Why would anyone".

You seem to have contradicted yourself a bit there as well, saying 25fps was very playable but then you've asked me the question why would I play at low fps, which is obvious because GSYNC makes it even more playable if 25fps without sync is playable. The fact is I don't play at low fps, I was talking about when it dips that low which follows on to this next bit.

Also capping framerate to consistent fps isn't what I was talking about, sure it will look smooth when it's running at a consistent low frame rate like consoles do, but when you're running along at a nice 60fps then an explosion happens and it drops into the 20's that isn't the same thing.

Playable but not enjoyable! input lag can be felt also.. High amount motion blur seeing is abit hard.

I haven't ran into any games so far. If by maybe FC4 then yes but that game is just shocking anyway least on AMD.
Most demanding game I played recently Metro LL all high setting without SSAA "Not Needed" game locked high 100+

Crysis 3 maybe but again I dont run with crazy over the top AA never have never will. I go with FXAA or my personal fav SMAA
Then that's great, but for me I'd rather max the settings as much as I can, 4xSSAA offers a far sharper image to FXAA or SMAA which tend to soften/blur edges and other details.

Again it comes down to opinion and as seen as you don't let your frames drop that low then you can't really compare anyway. You would only notice what I'm talking about if you maxed the settings and watched your frames fluctuate between freesync on (40 fps and above) then into the 20's and back.
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As I said above capping a consistent framerate won't show it, you need it fluctuating up and down running about playing as normal.

Trying recording Metro LL maxed out.
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As I said above capping a consistent framerate won't show it, you need it fluctuating up and down running about playing as normal.

Trying recording Metro LL maxed out.

Done maxed out SSAA 4x 1440p frame rate was 17-25fps

Still felt smooth but noticed input lag more than anything.

Just thought to really capture this you need to use a camera facing your screen, recording directly from the screen with software isn't the same.

Look at Greg's gsync video at an average of 25fps for example, looks very smooth to me.

Nope the game will still record any stutter that happens.. What wont be recorded is the effect Freesync or Gsync as on the frame rate. Am way out of the freesync spec.. So anything am showing here is just what you would get from any monitor out there.

I can record from a phone if that's what you really want.

Video still processing

Noticed Raptr had couple out of sync audio.. Think it was the super low frame rate though. when I changed back it sorted itself out.
Just saw your new vid and doesn't look anywhere near as smooth as Greg's and that's recorded from a phone, yours via software would have a slight advantage. It's a different game though so maybe it's just Metro LL.
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