BenQ XL2730Z Freesync Owners Thread

Refreshing isn't adding FPS like you believe!
29fps @58hz is still 29FPS with one extra frame draw!

Watch from here

So you need to educate yourself, "Brother"

The last FPS the Gsync stops at is 36hz after that it remains at 60hz and doubles or triples the same frame.. etc

LOL in you thinking 20fps on Gsync was 40fps!!!!
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Refreshing isn't adding FPS like you believe!
29fps @58hz is still 29FPS with one extra frame draw!

Watch from here

So you need to educate yourself, "Brother"

The last FPS the Gsync stops at is 36hz after that it remains at 60hz and doubles or triples the same frame.. etc

LOL in you thinking 20fps on Gsync was 40fps!!!!


One extra frame draw per refresh when the frame rate is under the monitors refresh rate (30 = 60 frames sent). Watch the video a couple of times and you might understand it better. Anyways, I am far too tired to argue, so believe what you want (even thought they clearly explain it on the video). I messed up slightly, as when it goes so low, it triples and quadruples to keep the frames smooth.

Watch from 12 minutes to hear him say "pacing those inserted frames"

Enough schooling.

One extra frame draw per refresh when the frame rate is under the monitors refresh rate (30 = 60 frames sent). Watch the video a couple of times and you might understand it better. Anyways, I am far too tired to argue, so believe what you want (even thought they clearly explain it on the video). I messed up slightly, as when it goes so low, it triples and quadruples to keep the frames smooth.

Watch from 12 minutes to hear him say "pacing those inserted frames"

Enough schooling.

30fps = 60hz two frames of the same match sent = no screen tear and two frames at 30fps fit into 60hz
You still gaming at 30fps, or 20fps or anything for that matter.. They is no extra frames. 30fps doesnt become 60fps.
30+30 = 60hz that matching of frames is how the display stops games from tearing..
The VVR stops doing 1to1 at 36hz meaning 36fps=36hz 40fps=40hz and so on.

I would like if they test input lag though on both Freesync and Gsync at this low end frame rate.. Adding in extra frames am sure adds more input lag.. For example ever gamed on a TV with the fake refresh rate? interpolation of frames not very enjoyable. That works the same way by adding in frames t smooth out an image.
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You being teached a thing or to.. You should accept that..

If only. I mean no disrespect here and I expect that Freesync will be sweet in time with the way it deals with the lower frames but G-Sync does deal with the lower frames in a far better way and there is no point at all in doubling the refresh rate but sending no extra frames, as that would be silly and pointless.

Oh well, I did try and I thought I explained it fairly well but did slip up myself with missing out on the tripling and quadrupling of frames being sent to keep the game looking as smooth as possible.
You haven't taught him anything.

You can't even listen to the video you linked.

If the frame is being doubled then you are seeing that frame it doesn't just disappear. GSYNC would not work if the fps was at 25 and the monitor was refreshing at 50. The FPS and hz need to be synced.

So yes, at 25 FPS with gsync you are in fact being fed 50 frames, 2x25 of the same frame.
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If only. I mean no disrespect here and I expect that Freesync will be sweet in time with the way it deals with the lower frames but G-Sync does deal with the lower frames in a far better way and there is no point at all in doubling the refresh rate but sending no extra frames, as that would be silly and pointless.

Oh well, I did try and I thought I explained it fairly well but did slip up myself with missing out on the tripling and quadrupling of frames being sent to keep the game looking as smooth as possible.

Again at what point did I say Freesync was better at the lower end??

All I was doing was correcting Ayahuasca about stutter he was having..
40hz is something I will never coming to play with I would rather lower resolution or setting before I hit that range.
You haven't taught him anything.

You can't even listen to the video you linked.

If the frame is being doubled then you are seeing that frame it doesn't just disappear. GSYNC would not work if the fps was at 25 and the monitor was refreshing at 50. The FPS and hz need to be synced.

So yes, at 25 FPS with gsync you are in fact being fed 50 frames, 2x25 of the same frame.

The same frame yes doesn't make it 60fps, we had this for years with Triple buffering or double buffering! How did that end up? now its back to help stop screen tear in Gsync its the best thing since sliced bread.

So yes, at 25 FPS with gsync you are in fact being fed 50 frames, 2x25 of the same frame. = 25FPS
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The same frame yes doesn't make it 60fps, we had this for years with Triple buffering or double buffering! How did that end up? now its back to help stop screen tear in Gsync its the best thing since sliced bread.

No because it's cleary not the same as triple buffering.

It does make it that fps because you are seeing all them frames even the duped ones.

Jesus Christ shanks, wake up.
Again at what point did I say Freesync was better at the lower end??

All I was doing was correcting Ayahuasca about stutter he was having..
40hz is something I will never coming to play with I would rather lower resolution or setting before I hit that range.

You have lost it Brother. I never said anything about you claiming Freesync was better:confused:

I responded to Ayahuasca's post on what G-Sync did at the lower frames. And if you are happy with never dropping to lower frames, happy days.... That still doesn't make you right though and you have come across as a little bit daft with trying to school me :D
No because it's cleary not the same as triple buffering.

It does make it that fps because you are seeing all them frames even the duped ones.

Jesus Christ shanks, wake up.

Mate its NOT!

If I take two picture frames hold them side by side how meny frames do I have = two
If I take them two picture frames and put one behind the other how meny do you see? = ONE!

Adding the same frame doesn't give you extra its a mirror from the old. You gain frame rate by the GPU drawing new frames..

Honestly!" :o
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You have lost it Brother. I never said anything about you claiming Freesync was better:confused:

I responded to Ayahuasca's post on what G-Sync did at the lower frames. And if you are happy with never dropping to lower frames, happy days.... That still doesn't make you right though and you have come across as a little bit daft with trying to school me :D

Trying? I did you think 20fps @40hz = 40fps ................................. WOW!
Mate its NOT!

If I take to picture frames hold them side by side how meny frames do I have = two
If I take them to picture frames and put one behind the other how meny do you see? = ONE!

Adding the same frame doesn't give you extra its a mirror from the old. You gain frame rate by the GPU drawing new frames..

Honestly!" :o

What the Dickens :confused:

There really is no helping you, it's right there in the video and I've explained it as simple as possible.

You're seeing both frames it doesn't matter if they're both identical they are still being fed to the display as separate ones.

There really is no helping you, it's right there in the video and I've explained it as simple as possible.

You're seeing both frames it doesn't matter if they're both identical they are still being fed to the display as separate ones.

You not seeing both frames you see ONE frame the other is behind that frame to stop screen tear. It doesn't become two frames its still ONE bloody frame.

So if I am gaming at 60fps and I go and force double buffer does that now mean I am gaming at 120fps?
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Answer that question!
So if I am gaming at 60fps and I go and force double buffer does that now mean I am gaming at 120fps?

Because double buffer adds a matching frame so that must now mean I gaming at 120fps yeah!

What a great way to use a 120hz monitor just lock frame rate to 60fps and force double buffer sweet am running 120fps

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