BenQ XL2730Z Freesync Owners Thread

Ok my bad it doesn't lock at 60hz on the lower end!

G-Sync treats this “below the window” scenario very differently. Rather than reverting to VSync on or off, the module in the G-Sync display is responsible for auto-refreshing the screen if the frame rate dips below the minimum refresh of the panel that would otherwise be affected by flicker. So, in a 30-144 Hz G-Sync monitor, we have measured that when the frame rate actually gets to 29 FPS, the display is actually refreshing at 58 Hz, each frame being “drawn” one extra instance to avoid flicker of the pixels but still maintains a tear free and stutter free animation. If the frame rate dips to 25 FPS, then the screen draws at 50 Hz. If the frame rate drops to something more extreme like 14 FPS, we actually see the module quadruple drawing the frame, taking the refresh rate back to 56 Hz. It’s a clever trick that keeps the VRR goals and prevents a degradation of the gaming experience. But, this method requires a local frame buffer and requires logic on the display controller to work. Hence, the current implementation in a G-Sync module.

" If the frame rate drops to something more extreme like 14 FPS, we actually see the module quadruple drawing the frame, taking the refresh rate back to 56 Hz. "

So back to that frame rate would this mean you now have 56fps or 14fps ??

What would MSI AB report ? or Fraps? would that say 56 or 14 and so on.
On screen counter would show 14 but the module would be feeding 56 frames to the display.

I think you've finally figured out how it works! :D

Anyways I must go to sleep or I'm going to be a zombie at this works company meeting in the morning.

Night mate.
On screen counter would show 14 but the module would be feeding 56 frames to the display.

I think you've finally figured out how it works! :D

Anyways I must go to sleep or I'm going to be a zombie at this works company meeting in the morning.

Night mate.

Correct but out of them 56 frames only 14fps is viewable.. You dont gain anything like 30fps to 60fps its only there to remove flicker and screen tear..

Posted by Ryan Shrout
The extra redraws are invisible to the game and graphics card setup, so no.

Night man.
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Wow guys. This thread has become a bit messy, hasn't it? :p

I'm not going to name names, but some of what everybody who has contributed to this thread has said is correct. But there is also a bit of misinformation (or confused logic, if you prefer).

Regardless of whether a variable refresh rate technology (such as G-SYNC or FreeSync) is used, low frame rates remain low frame rates. It is always optimal to seek out the highest possible frame rate, which on this monitor means triple digits if you can manage it. The advantages of high frame rates include a significant reduction in motion blur and a more 'connected feel' to the gaming environment. It is something that lower frame rates simply can't match, regardless of what refresh rate the monitor decides to run at. You can see my assessment of low frame rates on any of my G-SYNC reviews. It is something that's quite subjective, of course. Some users can tolerate lower frame rates better than others. I personally find sudden dips very jarring and generally find the experience on a 144Hz monitor to be best in the triple digits, even approaching 60Hz/60fps is far from ideal.

Regardless of frame rate, though, there is obviously a huge bonus to matching the frame rate and refresh rate. This it seems everybody contributing to this thread grasps, the elimination of tearing and 'mismatch-related' stutter. However; when things fall below the floor of G-SYNC (<30Hz) things are always going to be sub-optimal, because the frame rate itself is so low that there is an obvious disconnect between the user and the game environment. There is an advantage to how G-SYNC does things, in that it makes sure the frame rate still multiplies evenly into the refresh rate. That gets rid of the sort of stuttering and tearing you can get from lack of 'alignment'. But low frame rates remain low frame rates. Motion blur levels are high and indeed motion can start to take on a sort of 'juddering' appearance, even if this isn't the same 'stuttering' you would see from the aforementioned misalignment. If for the sake of argument the game is running at 30fps and the monitor is running at 60Hz, then each frame is simply duplicated twice. This is nowhere near the same as running at a true 60fps and is exactly the same frame duplication as you get when running VSync with double or triple buffering.
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Well said PCM2, that was my understanding of the matter as well, but I didn't feel i have enough knowledge on it to speak with any sort of authority.
Nice so after all that as I orignally stated GSYNC is better at handling low frames.

Looks like we both got things wrong in the rest of the ramblings that followed.
Because it still runs smooth and in single player games I like having eye candy as high as possible. Don't be mad just because your BenQ can only make 40fps feel smooth ;)

The only game that's actually dropped that low so far though is Metro LL with 4xSSAA.

Those are average frame rates on single player.

Online frame rate frequently drops below 40.

Who's talking about online play then ? .

PCM2 has hit the nail on the head ,below 40 is the issue not the monitor you use somthing else needs fixing .

And another 3 pages of thread banter Begin ...:rolleyes:
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No, PCM2 has quite clearly said gsync handles the low end better which was why this all started when I stated that was an advantage on the swift when the guy asked me which I preferred...

Shanks then went on to even say things like "gsync wouldn't of helped here" when it clearly would have if you read what PCM2 has said.

I'm out of this thread, enjoy the monitor for those that have it, it's great for what it does.

Just to add neither me or Greg ever said GSYNC doubled 60fps to = 120fps we're both fully aware of when gsync starts doubling the frame rate. You're the one who used 60fps and doubled it to try and prove a point.
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I just wanted to provide you that Most of what I said is indeed true. Yeah sure I made couple mistake and then had to read a little deeper. But most of what I said is true.

30fps =30fps not 60fps like you and Greg believe this was the biggest one.
The adding of frame is also true like I said to how triple Buffering works or double Buffering. It's something amd could easily do. In fact what happens if I force triple Buffering? And play metro again.

I just found it funny that Gregster came running for you help and dropped an egg bomb... 60fps on Gsync is 120fps the magic has been found. No long most we push graphics card to hit that 120fps.

Thanks PCM2 clearly some things up.
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FreeSync can run at whatever the screen can. You could sync to 10hz as long as the screen can, but I'm not sure what use that would to anyone because I wouldn't want to game at sub 45Hz/FPS from what I've seen with Gsync.

Buffering and throwing in an out of sync frame just defeats the object of syncing up the frame and refresh rate. If people perceive the added buffered frame as better to the eye, then I would expect them not to notice the latency from regular Vsync in the first place. Gaming at the point buffering starts would maybe also feel smoother than gaming at higher refresh rates too. If what some people are saying is correct then this tech will be wasted on people and I really don't think they are the people to listen too because they probably can't notice the problems in the first place.....
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To those who have the monitor, how is it?

By that I mean as quality and with freesync on. I read few pages ago about ghosting etc.
(please keep it strictly to those who own the monitor or had one and returned it)
I have an XL2410T for many years now (early 2011) and tbh if it wasn't for the lightbleed, and that is 1080p I could have kept it.

Ghosting is something I haven't noticed tbh, however I do not run benchmarks nor trying to find out if it has one. :)

However indeed on the other side, splashing £500 on a monitor that isn't as good as possible, is something that will keep me holding off then, as I have done over the last 9 months. Maybe the Samsung ones are going to be better. (shame the LG isn't 3440x1440)
To those who have the monitor, how is it?

By that I mean as quality and with freesync on. I read few pages ago about ghosting etc.
(please keep it strictly to those who own the monitor or had one and returned it)

I have the screen, I can see no ghosting when gaming or running at UFO blur test at 144hz. Screen is incredible, nice build quality, lots of options in the menu, colours are very good for a TN panel, gaming at 144fps with this screen is a game changer for me. This isn't a biased view, I would honestly buy this screen again at £500, so at the reduced rate of £430 its a no brainer to me. Honestly you will not be disappointed, I really think the reports by most are a little OTT. I just can't see any of the ghosting that ppl talk of, but then again I'm not using Freesync so maybe for that there is. As it stands, it really is a fantastic screen and I'm incredibly happy with everything about it.
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What is/does the thing do on the stand?

I can get VAT off so its £350... but still a large some of cash for a monitor. I only have a 290 as well, so not going to manage to hit the larger frames at all. Would it be a bit of a waste until I 390'd or went crossfire?
What is/does the thing do on the stand?

I can get VAT off so its £350... but still a large some of cash for a monitor. I only have a 290 as well, so not going to manage to hit the larger frames at all. Would it be a bit of a waste until I 390'd or went crossfire?

You see I am partially on the same boat as you.

Many games I play (and I mean are 90% of my gametime), do not support CF and they will never will. Hell they are CPU limited to 1 core also. (World of Tanks/Warships) so expect framerates at 50fps or below, with reduced settings (80fps on WoWs). On contrary WT (war thunder), delivers constant 100+ fps on maxed out settings!!!

So the single GPU of the 295X2 will work only. Hence why I keep an eye on this res because

a) Freesync isn't working for CF for now, and if it does we will be happy regardless
b) no 34" 3440 monitors planned-announced.
c) 27" seems about right resolution for me for gaming, given the distance to the monitor.
d) having used 120hz for all those years, even without freesyc, I am afraid about a 60hz monitor. Tried once last year, and put me off straight away (and was IPS also).

And believe me I am very tempted to buy the XL2730Z this weekend.... and just saw is on offer here (OCUK) for 429
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I have an XL2410T for many years now (early 2011) and tbh if it wasn't for the lightbleed, and that is 1080p I could have kept it.

Ghosting is something I haven't noticed tbh, however I do not run benchmarks nor trying to find out if it has one. :)

However indeed on the other side, splashing £500 on a monitor that isn't as good as possible, is something that will keep me holding off then, as I have done over the last 9 months. Maybe the Samsung ones are going to be better. (shame the LG isn't 3440x1440)

If it means anything am using both the 2730z and 2420T

Side by Side colours are much better on the 2730z, IQ better because 1440p 144hz, can't say I notice any difference between 120hz vs 144hz though.

The winner here is Freesync that really sets them apart.

I also notice no ghosting on either of them, early on I said I did notice ghosting before adjusting settings it turns out what I was seeing was colour shift and it was only csgo that pointed it out. Little tweaking of the contrast and it's perfect.
Backlight bleeding I get a tiny amount on the bottom, and it's only noticeable to me because I look down on the display, if I was to put it more head hight I don't see it.

I honestly couldn't be any more happier with this display.

If you unsure I would try and go somewhere that will let you see it first hand.

Let's put it this way if you like the 2420T you will live this, it does everything and better.
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If it means anything am using both the 2730z and 2420T

Side by Side colours are much better on the 2730z, IQ better because 1440p 144hz, can't say I notice any difference between 120hz vs 144hz though.

The winner here is Freesync that really sets them apart.

I also notice no ghosting on either of them, early on I said I did notice ghosting before adjusting settings it turns out what I was seeing was colour shift and it was only csgo that pointed it out. Little tweaking of the contract and it's perfect.
Backlight bleeding I get a tiny amount on the bottom, and it's only noticeable to me because I look down on the display, if I was to put it more head hight I don't see it.

I honestly couldn't be any more happier with this display.

If you unsure I would try and go somewhere that will let you see it first hand.

Let's put it this way if you like the 2420T you will live this, it does everything and better.

Cheers :D

Easter is the new Christmas ;)
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