It doesn't even need answering, gsync isn't the same as double or triple buffering.
Your answer is right there in the video you linked that you can't even listen to properly.
No it isn't.
Double or triple buffering doesn't store the frame on a module like gsync does.
You really need to stop arguing about a technology you fail to even understand the basics of.
It's not the same.
Go learn about the tech.
I'm done as there's really no other simpler way of explaining it.
You really haven't but if that helps you sleep then that's okay princess.
Maybe after a good nights sleep you'll have worked out how double and triple buffering on their own aren't the same as what GSYNC does.
Because double and triple buffering don't sync the frames to the refresh rate like GSYNC does with the stored frames
Was that really so hard to work out?
Yes that's because it would be working alongside freesync.
Until we see it though that's just more speculation.
Learn what? You've given me an article on what someone thinks can be done.
GSYNC does do it, simple.
Oh dear...
GSYNC is not limited to 60hz on the low end.
This is getting tiresome now, night.
Once it hits 36hz? You've just said gsync is limited to 60hz lol?
So tell me how do you double 25 frames to sync with 60hz..
If gsync kicks in past 36 with 1to1 then that means 37fps = 37hz so the monitor isn't limited to 60hz.