BenQ XL2730Z Freesync Owners Thread

Hey guys,
I have been following this thread for awhile now and purchased the XL2730Z based on all of your experiences. I received my monitor a little over a week ago and have encountered a problem.
Upon initially receiving the monitor I set everything up as fast as possible to ensure no screen damage had happened during shipping. Everything set up fine and I had the monitor running at 144Hz and 2560x1440. It was amazing.
I then powered everything down properly in order to cable manage everything. Once this was complete and everything powered back on I could only achieve 60 or 100Hz at 2560x1440.
I have tried new DisplayPort Cables, plugging the Monitor into my Second 290, rolling back drivers, reinstalling Beta Drivers. It still will not allow me to go above 100Hz at 2560x1440.
Anyone have any thoughts on what might be causing this?
Not literally i hope :eek:

Literally :(

Anyhow, the monitor arrived today, just unboxed it :cool:
I need to configure it because it has set everything maxed out.

However, and might seem silly but as the "avg monitor owner" few quick things I see.

a) Is big :D me likes. The 1080p background looks tiny in the middle of the screen. But is scaled nicely and I do not need magnifier like on the 28" 4K screen at work.

b) I LOVE THE DAMN HEADPHONES HANDLER. LEGENDARY ADD ON. Thank you BENQ guy who thought about it. SOD IPS. The handler pays off.......

c) I do not see any discolouring due to TN light bleed around the frame etc. The screen looks uniform (if not calibrated yet).

d) using the DP cable that came with the monitor, plus the passive adaptor, the catalyst drivers picked up that a freesync monitor is connected, and asked me to activate it (a check box on the form loaded).

e) Comes with cover bag, of good quality apparently!!!! (huh a nice feature).

f) has it's separate controller (if you want to use it) to set monitor presets and change settings without going through the screen menu buttons. (edit another great feature for quickly setting the monitor as I did).

I will tell you how it performs on games that do not get more than less than 60fps due to CPU (1 core) and GPU limitations (1 gpu). Like World of Tanks, World of Warships, or how it performs when drops to 40-60 area on TESO or Attila.

After all I bought the monitor for that reason. To smooth the games that are crappy made, but very addictive. Games like Crysis 3 or Tomb Raider doubt going to benefit from it, since they stick above 90 fps constantly on max settings (or near about) and you can play them so much.
On the contract 27K battles on WoT is a lot of time :D

But the damn headphone handler should be one of the top features of that monitor. :D
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Glad you are happy so far Panos.

Here are the settings I use, taken a long time to tweak but i'm very happy with them. Oh and I also knocked the gamma in windows down slightly using the Windows Calibrate Display utility.

Blur reduction Off
Black eq 0
Colour vibrancy 10
Low blue light 0
Instant mode on
Auto game mode on
Brightness 30
Contrast 45
Sharpness 5
Gamma 4
Colour temp normal
Ama high
Dynamic contrast 0

I'm so happy with this monitor, everything is smooth as silk.

Glad you are happy so far Panos.

Here are the settings I use, taken a long time to tweak but i'm very happy with them. Oh and I also knocked the gamma in windows down slightly using the Windows Calibrate Display utility.

Blur reduction Off
Black eq 0
Colour vibrancy 10
Low blue light 0
Instant mode on
Auto game mode on
Brightness 30
Contrast 45
Sharpness 5
Gamma 4
Colour temp normal
Ama high
Dynamic contrast 0

I'm so happy with this monitor, everything is smooth as silk.


I used your settings and but for my liking raised the Colour Vibrancy to 12. The rest is spot on :D Cheers.

(I need to get used to all that proper grey colours, up to now were washout white with the xl2410t)
Another day to wait still for me, very jealous :(

I have only to say this. You will love the monitor.

I have played more than 27000 battles in World of Tanks. First battle (Kharkov) with the game looking so good. It ditched to 45fps during the heavy gunfights, and the game was as smooth as if it was running at 70+ fps with the previous monitor.

And the colours, ah the colours. Every single little shadow and effect on burned trees looks so realistic. And only raised the resolution!!!!!!!!

It seems the Freesync to work, not only does need to have a game profile setting the CF off, but on the beta driver you need to de-select the "Enable AMD CrossfireX for application that have no associated application profile".
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That's good to hear Panos, unfortunately I'll have to wait a little longer for the full impact as with the 295x2 I can't disable xfire so no FreeSync until the next drivers but coming from a 6+ year old crappy tn, 22", 60hz, 1080p just the jump to 1440p/144hz should be massive improvement :)
Pcm2 any eta on your review fella?

Also panos I love company of heroes do you think I'll like world of tanks?

WoT is bit more arcade. If you want more simulator with tanks War Thunder.

However nothing to lose. Both games are F2P so you download them and give them a try :)
That's good to hear Panos, unfortunately I'll have to wait a little longer for the full impact as with the 295x2 I can't disable xfire so no FreeSync until the next drivers but coming from a 6+ year old crappy tn, 22", 60hz, 1080p just the jump to 1440p/144hz should be massive improvement :)

You can create custom profiles to the game and turn off crossfire..
Also activate ULPS (if you have it off) to be on the safe side. :)
Hmm, I thought people had tried that without success and even AMDMatt has said it's not currently possible on the 295x2. I'll give it a try though :)
Hmm, I thought people had tried that without success and even AMDMatt has said it's not currently possible on the 295x2. I'll give it a try though :)

I spoke to Matt and indeed he is adamant that isn't working. Seems is my perception :)
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Yay, mine's been delivered to my neighbour now so should get to play with it tonight. I really hope it's good and I don't regret not waiting for the ASUS IPS one....
Just picked mine up but it's definitely been dropped.:(


Here's hoping the packaging has done it's job.
It looks like it could've just been smushed by another box or a wall. The monitor inside should be just fine, they are usually very well protected.
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