BenQ XL2730Z Freesync Owners Thread

If you have cleaned the screen (with a damp microfiber cloth, preferably with a screen cleaning solution if you have one) and this persists then it is likely the matte screen surface. It is quite high-haze ('thick' or 'grainy' as some would describe it) on this and similar monitors and that can give the image an appearance of something being 'smeared' over the screen. Do you find this more noticeable on white or particularly light colours? Perhaps if you move this window across the screen for example?

Could you guys let me know the severity of the anti-glare coating's 'smeared' or 'grainy finish' look on your XL2730Z? Mine is more noticeable than I would expect of a monitor at this price, but it's the first 'high-end' monitor I have had so I have nothing to compare it to. I'm starting to consider replacing it with the MG279Q or doing an RMA.
Thanks for the help.
Doesn't appear to be any physical damage, it's pretty sturdy packaging to be fair, but there's also another big dent elsewhere on the box too, which brings me to a concern:


Getting a lot of flickering on the desktop, be it 120/144Hz, wasn't a problem at all on my S23A700D@120Hz so don't know if there has been damage incurred or not.

Either the screen can give a quick flash or you get a grainy grey horizontal (almost)transparent 10cm band at random heights stretching across the whole screen.

Is anyone else getting flickering or have an idea if it's a faulty screen or not?

Any feedback appreciated.

Not had much time on it as yet, my lad kicked me off after I put FreeSync under the hammer on SE3 Mantle BM, FreeSync-Game Changer, has to be seen tbph.
Just this minute got mine connected up and using it now.

First impressions, wow, it's big and the jump in desktop space from 1080p is very noticeable. Initial powerup did cause temporary blindness due to the factory settings being only slightly dimmer than staring directly at the sun! A quick fiddling with the settings and that's sorted though.
Right, I'm off to try some games to see what 144Hz is like, alas without FreeSync so far due to no xfire drivers.
First impressions, wow, it's big and the jump in desktop space from 1080p is very noticeable. Initial powerup did cause temporary blindness due to the factory settings being only slightly dimmer than staring directly at the sun! A quick fiddling with the settings and that's sorted though.

Sounds about right.:D

Hi Tommy. I haven't noticed flickering to the extent you have, but I'm only running a 7870, so no freesync.

Thanks Aydin7 for the feedback.

Iv'e captured the flickering, vid incoming soon.
Just this minute got mine connected up and using it now.

First impressions, wow, it's big and the jump in desktop space from 1080p is very noticeable. Initial powerup did cause temporary blindness due to the factory settings being only slightly dimmer than staring directly at the sun! A quick fiddling with the settings and that's sorted though.
Right, I'm off to try some games to see what 144Hz is like, alas without FreeSync so far due to no xfire drivers.

For freesync, create custom profile for the game and turn off CF. Also deactivate the forces CF when no profile. Activate ULPS if off, turn off Raptr and enjoy :)
Doesn't appear to be any physical damage, it's pretty sturdy packaging to be fair, but there's also another big dent elsewhere on the box too, which brings me to a concern:


Getting a lot of flickering on the desktop, be it 120/144Hz, wasn't a problem at all on my S23A700D@120Hz so don't know if there has been damage incurred or not.

Either the screen can give a quick flash or you get a grainy grey horizontal (almost)transparent 10cm band at random heights stretching across the whole screen.

Is anyone else getting flickering or have an idea if it's a faulty screen or not?

Any feedback appreciated.

Not had much time on it as yet, my lad kicked me off after I put FreeSync under the hammer on SE3 Mantle BM, FreeSync-Game Changer, has to be seen tbph.

Just a thought. You have set up the hz for the monitor correctly yes? By default W8.1 seeing it as 60hz monitor not 144. Had to adjust it manually
Yes, tried it on 120/144Hz, here's some of the screen flicker I'm getting:

Doesn't matter whether 120Hz or 144Hz, both flicker.

Anyone else getting similar?
I echo that, it's a sensational monitor, could not be happier with mine.

Best settings I found for me personally which I've now settled on are

Blur Reduction - Off
Black Equaliser - 5
Colour Vibrance - 12
Low Blue Light - Off
Instant Mode - On
Auto Game Mode - Off

Picture - Gamer 1
Brightness - 45
Contrast - 50
Sharpness - 7
Gamma - 5
Colour Temp - Normal
AMA - High
Dynamic Contrast - Off

Just a ref for you if needed.


I tried your settings and had the best results :D
Thank you for sharing them. TESO looks so amazing, even inside the dark dungeons. :D
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Yes, tried it on 120/144Hz, here's some of the screen flicker I'm getting:

Doesn't matter whether 120Hz or 144Hz, both flicker.

Anyone else getting similar?

Nope nothing like that at all or anything. The screen is perfect stable.
yeah that's what I would try first, a few different cables if you can. And shorter ones too.

Display port cables are so hit and miss.
Something to do with the 290X DCuII DP port, could be the problem.

I swapped DP over to the 2nd gpu which is a ref 290X, although it hasn't completely fixed it, before it was constant, now I've only had one in about half an hour.

Might be the cable or a faulty DP connection/DCuII DP specific problem.

Going to have to swap them round for mgpu, cba but don't have to do it until FreeSync CrossFire driver arrives.

Thanks for the help everyone, hopefully that's it sorted.:)

Updated, still flickering:( see post below.

Due to COD being terrible for tearing, I just played a level of COD WF and wow, amazing tear free experience, to echo Shankly's words, I can't believe I'm getting that experience only using one of my 290X's@1440p!

I echo that, it's a sensational monitor, could not be happier with mine.

Best settings I found for me personally which I've now settled on are

Blur Reduction - Off
Black Equaliser - 5
Colour Vibrance - 12
Low Blue Light - Off
Instant Mode - On
Auto Game Mode - Off

Picture - Gamer 1
Brightness - 45
Contrast - 50
Sharpness - 7
Gamma - 5
Colour Temp - Normal
AMA - High
Dynamic Contrast - Off

Just a ref for you if needed.

I used them too, thanks tt.:)
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I was playing EVE last night (after quite some time), and is it my monitor or is normal, that except the dead centre of the screen I am looking at, the rest (against pure black background), looks glowing grey?

If I move my head-screen and centre is one of the "affected" corners, that place is black and the rest of the screen a glowing grey.
Does this means viewing angles are small? FYI it is very annoying but only against black backgrounds.
FYI. The monitor doesn't look that black. Is more like grey on that screen with 40 Brightness and 50 contrast.

I fixed the issue.

If you want to play black background games, or you want PERFECT blacks you need the following settings

Blur Reduction ON
Blur Reduction Intensity 10-12

The rest of my settings are

Black Equializer 0
Color Vibrance 11-12
Low Blue Light 0
Instant Mode ON

Auto Game Mode ON (idk what that does)
Brightness 50
Contrast 50
Sharpness 7
Gamma 5
Colour Temp Normal
AMA off
Dynamic Contrast off

Might be bit dark for general use, but is absolute stunning with Elite and EVE online.
Other games like TESO, WOT require less Blur Intensity (or even Blur Reduction OFF), however that is the controller and multiple profiles for.

I was so scared that I have to return it back, and is a great monitor tbh.
Such pure blacks not even the Dell U2410 (IPS) at work doesn't have.
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glad I could help with those settings guys.

And Tommy, that flickering is not normal, hope you have it sorted now though as it appears you have found the issue/possible issue.

and sorry for the quiet period, had a week long suspension again by another power hungry mod.
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I'm joining the club. :)

Tommy, that flickering is not normal, hope you have it sorted now though as it appears you have found the issue/possible issue.

Updated that post, it's still doing the flickering regardless the gpu, it just manifests the amount of flickering at random.

Ordered OcUK DP cable, see if that clears it up, if not, I'll try and source an AMD DP approved cable, don't want to start throwing extra cost into the mix though if the monitor has a fault due to looking like it's been dropped/bashed somewhere in transit.

I'm joining the club. :)

Couldn't resist.:D

nice Matt, it's a stunning screen and does not deserve the blown out of proportion negative remarks regarding the non existent ghosting.

Envious Nvidia fanboys who have to pay more for a comparable product.

I have no noticeable ghosting at all.

Outwith the flickering, surprised how good the XL2730Z package actually is considering the stick it took, wouldn't want to send it back so hopefully I can get rid of the flickering.
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