BenQ XL2730Z Freesync Owners Thread

How did you report it to Benq?
I haven't seen a single link to contact them (besides a phone#).

Was it Benq's UK office?
Because I'd love to explain why single strobe is absolutely needed...this was the entire selling point of the benq over other blur reduction capable monitors...strobing over consoles...

I have a bizarre feeling that vertical total tweaks at 120 hz will still work, because even if the VT tweak forces the 60hz backlight pulse widths (as they do on XL2411Z/XL2420Z/XL2720Z and XL2430T), with V4 firmware, full strobe adjustments were possible with VT tweaks even if single strobe were off. But this ONLY applied to VT tweaks at 100 and 120 hz.

91 hz with single strobe OFF on my XL2720Z would still single strobe (using VT 1500 tweak for advanced warfare/91 fps @ 91 hz refresh rate+single strobe ON= CRT type heaven), but no strobe adjustments took effect (it acted like it was at strobe duty 010 and strobe phase 100).
85 hz with single strobe off would double strobe.
85 hz with a VT tweak (1350 or 1500) and single strobe OFF would single strobe but no strobe adjustments would work.
75 hz would double strobe.

Single strobe on fixed all of this.

Sorry if I'm acting depressed and raging. I *AM* depressed. These shenanigans by Benq is going to turn the 27" XL2720Z with V4 flashed firmware into a collector's item!
(improved overdrive. new hidden AMA high mode toggle, 60 hz single strobe, console CRT type blur reduction, no gamma degradation at high refresh rates.....)
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Sorry, i should have made that clearer. I reported it to BenQ UK and Taiwan via my contacts (as i run TFTCentral). i've been communicating with them about the FreeSync bug which is their main priority to fix. the strobing issue has been reported to them, but ive not had feedback yet on it.
Oh you're simon :)
Thank you for reporting it.

I guess I'm just on tilt because I was looking forward to this monitor. I was satisfied with the XL2720Z in FPS games but the over aggressive overshoot was extremely annoying and noticeable, an there was no way to do anything about it. Benq apparently "knew" about this and silently released V4 firmware which turned the XL2720Z into a completely new screen.
The overdrive fixes are drastic. A hidden new setting changes the RTA overshoots into normal ghosting. The default setting has been toned dow so while it still lags behind the Acer Predator Gsync (ULMB) and the Rog Swift ULMB (though the Rog only beats the 2720Z at 120hz), it's still drastically improved over V2. In fact, the V2's default AMA high has been moved over to a hidden premium (toggle on existing premium) on V4.

The problem is, very few people know about it because they still have V2 firmware up on their website. And it's hard enough to flash to V4 as it is, although a Ubuntu flash drive is the best way, for those without mstar ISP units (requires an internet connection if using a laptop (VGA), though. The Ubuntu way is 98% successful and safe (people even reflashed totally bricked monitors). It's rather sad because V4 firmware is a HUGE upgrade to V2 on the XL2720Z. The overdrive looks like XL2730Z's on V4, but on V2, it's just a big overshoot mess.
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WoW good reading but going a bit over my head now chaps , i hope i don't have to fiddle with the service menus , and that Benq can come up with a easy tool for us to flash the firmware from within windows if a fix comes out of course,, fingers crossed.
Yeah the screen is very nice (and it has a 1:1 1080p) option with borders.
I just can't get over the lack of single strobe option (which had to have been an oversight).
And I rarely use 120hz with blur reduction. it's much easier to use 100hz/100 fps and maintain that than to use 120 fps/120hz.

Anyway I did some V4 overdrive testing (compared to V2 firmware) on the older XL2720Z. may make a thread for that :)
I do not see where is the whole issue with response times etc

I play competitive WOT and I haven't encountered anything that some are complaining about. No ghosting, no lag. And the Freesync smooths out all scenes making my aiming much much better on heavy gun fights.
I do not see where is the whole issue with response times etc

I play competitive WOT and I haven't encountered anything that some are complaining about. No ghosting, no lag. And the Freesync smooths out all scenes making my aiming much much better on heavy gun fights.

I hope this came across in my review, but I was actually pleasantly surprised by the overall motion handling of the monitor under FreeSync. For the most part it made good use of whatever refresh rate it was running at. And personally I am on the fence as to whether I prefer somewhat lower trailing for some transitions at the expense of some overshoot or an overshoot-free experience with some extra trailing in places.
Depends on the user in the end, I am extremely sensitive to motion clarity/blur now so would prefer to have it as low as possible.

I never use to be as bothered about motion clarity as I have been in the last year though :(. Not really sure on the exact figures of my 29um65 but with the high setting, motion clarity seems a bit better, however, there is overshoot on all shades of the cyan ufo ghosting test.
Nothing firm yet although working on how I can flash the firmware on my sample and re test. Should know more next week

See if you can't get them to release a firmware with lower freesync minimums as well badass.

Even down to 35 like the asus would be better. Hope they sort out the AMA and AMD crossfire soon
See if you can't get them to release a firmware with lower freesync minimums as well badass.

Even down to 35 like the asus would be better. Hope they sort out the AMA and AMD crossfire soon

In the PCper video Freesync cut off was around the 37 point.

What I would like if they tested again and see if the refresh rate now jumps back to 144hz when at the cut off point.

They was a post on twitter couple weeks ago saying PCper got it wrong ill try and find it.
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Hey guys

havent checked the thread for a while so thought id pop in and see what peoples impression are of the panel after having them a period of time, still may take the plunge and purchase one!

Hey guys

havent checked the thread for a while so thought id pop in and see what peoples impression are of the panel after having them a period of time, still may take the plunge and purchase one!


Idk about the others, but I love it. Is fantastic.

Freesync works wonders, colours & blacks superb and can go to almost pure pitch black if you want on some dark games (Elite, EVE)

I am happy and is spot on resolution - screen size and distance from the monitor.
Absolutely love it - picture is fantastic. Haven't even got Freesync drivers yet for crossfire and I love it :)

I have turned off CF with profiles on the 3 games I want Freesync.

Either way two by default do not support CF (WoT & Warships) and the third (TESO) runs smooth with one 290X at low fps in Cyrodiil where I want Freesync most.
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