BenQ XL2730Z Freesync Owners Thread

I'm very happy with mine, lovely screen in every way. The lack of xfire Freesync drivers is starting to get annoying though I will admit.
Good to see there is a monitor out there atm that a lot of ppl r happy with!

What r the viewing angles like with the TN panel? i only use my PC for gaming so i think a TN panel maybe suitable for me
I never understood what viewing angles have to do with a computer monitor. Is not like I am going to play a game looking at it's side.
I never understood what viewing angles have to do with a computer monitor. Is not like I am going to play a game looking at it's side.

TN Film panels show fairly obvious colour and gamma shifts with even small movements of your line of sight, especially vertically. so if you move your viewing position around you will see a less stable image. PArticularly problematic if you're doing colour work/photo editing etc where accuracy is important. also for movie viewing where you might be trying to view from different viewing positions and angles, or with multiple people.
If i knew that the freesync + timing issue could be fixed without sending the monitor back (if at all) id buy this right now :D

However as it stands the Asus MG279Q is looking like the winner (if OC gets stock before the above is fixed / clarified)
I never understood what viewing angles have to do with a computer monitor. Is not like I am going to play a game looking at it's side.

Your eyes subtend different angles when viewing different sections of the screen. The viewing angle limitations on a 27" TN panel are such that shades lose saturation further down the screen. This applies from a normal viewing position and is explored extensively, with exampled from games, in my review of this model.
Well yesterday and today I'm having problems again with mine , or it the nvidia drivers that don't like this pannel ,for some reason i keep get display driver stopped responding and the panel goes black and then slips back to 60hz and cant change back to 144hz without restarting the PC again , or sometimes the panel will just flash black for a second.

this seems to happen every few days or so , sometimes can be fine for 4 days with no problems , i've tried a few different drivers and all seem to give same problems also i'm on a clean install of win 8.1 64 bit , i've tried different display cables as well .

This seems to happen only when on the desktop and has never happened whilst in game
so i haven't got a clue what it could be causing this , i just hope that when i swap over to AMD with the release of the R390 that this problem goes away.

Any help or insight into this would be very much appreciated . :)
Well yesterday and today I'm having problems again with mine , or it the nvidia drivers that don't like this pannel ,for some reason i keep get display driver stopped responding and the panel goes black and then slips back to 60hz and cant change back to 144hz without restarting the PC again , or sometimes the panel will just flash black for a second.

this seems to happen every few days or so , sometimes can be fine for 4 days with no problems , i've tried a few different drivers and all seem to give same problems also i'm on a clean install of win 8.1 64 bit , i've tried different display cables as well .

This seems to happen only when on the desktop and has never happened whilst in game
so i haven't got a clue what it could be causing this , i just hope that when i swap over to AMD with the release of the R390 that this problem goes away.

Any help or insight into this would be very much appreciated . :)

Tried it on another PC or output from the GFX card you have ?
Hi Apache ,
No i haven't tried on another PC , but i have tried it on different connections which all seem to work , but i can only get the 144hz from the display port i think or that whats ive seen .
I have a sli set up so i even swapped the cards around just i case there was i problem with the first one .
before this i had a 32 inch 1080p IPS panel and never experienced any such problems in fact i use to have two displays connected and still had no problems ever.

I think it has something to do with the 144hz and the nvidia drivers maybe also the fact that its for AMD hardware maybe, as i cant find anyone else having the same problems as my self , i suppose that not many people would buy this display with nvidia cards.

. i just hope that the display its self isn't at fault here , like i've have said it can be great for 4 days of so and then play up again , but once i've manage to get it back to the 144hz setting again it will be great for another few days , its realy strange and i just cant put my finger on whats causing this to happen.
Just a heads up :)

AMD Catalyst™ 15.4.1 Beta for Windows® - AMD FreeSync™ technology updates

This release enables optimisations and fixes for some AMD FreeSync™ technology capable products and displays while retaining all previous updates from the AMD Catalyst™ 15.4 Beta driver.

For more information on AMD FreeSync™ technology, supported products and displays, please visit the official AMD FreeSync™ technology page located here.

For more information on the AMD Catalyst™ 15.4 Beta optimizations included in this release please visit the AMD Catalyst™ 15.4 Beta release notes located here.

The AMD Catalyst™ 15.4.1 Beta Driver can be downloaded from the following link:

AMD Catalyst 15.4.1 Beta Driver for Windows 7 & 8.1 32/64 bit

AMD Issue Reporting Form
This driver release incorporates suggestions received through the AMD Issue Reporting Form. To provide us with your feedback, visit the AMD Issue Reporting Form.
Good news. Looks like those are the updated AMD drivers needed, but current screens will still require a firmware update to fix overdrive + freesync bug. Working with BenQ to find out more and hopefully test new firmware soon
Good news. Looks like those are the updated AMD drivers needed, but current screens will still require a firmware update to fix overdrive + freesync bug. Working with BenQ to find out more and hopefully test new firmware soon

Thats good news :D
How would we update this display?
Benq would have to release their own I2C driver in order to upgrade the firmware.

It's POSSIBLE it can be done through windows, but it's unknown if it can be done through the DVI port directly, as windows does not allow direct access to hardware.

On the older Z series, it could be flashed through windows, but this required the monitor to be connected through an i2c programming device through the VGA port of the monitor (here's an example: ( )

And then the windows software for the device to program it.
I'm not sure why you need the LPT (self built) or mstar (vga to USB) device, however. It may have to do with a limitation of windows itself.

Linux (Ubuntu) has a mstar i2c programmer driver where you can program the monitor through an i2c driver, whether it's connected through VGA or DVI (sometimes, DVI required the windows benq driver installed for the flashrom driver to detect the monitor).

If this monitor used a Mstar scaler, then you could flash it the same way.
The problem is, it uses a realtek scaler, and I couldn't find any reference to a realtek driver in flashrom.
Mstar said they were making freesync compatible scalers....I wonder why they went with realtek?

It shows that mstar DDC devices are supported (This is why you can update to V4 firmware on the blur reduction 1.0 Z series monitors, through Linux), but there's nothing on that page about realtek.
I can't find anything anywhere about the realtek 2796B scaler. We'll see what Benq comes up with.

Maybe there's a command line (MS DOS) flasher for this?
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Having received my XL2730Z last Monday, I decided I'd share a few thoughts and maybe get some feedback from you informed folks here. I do apologize for my English, not a native speaker.

First of all, I'm very impressed with the build quality, the monitor feels rock solid and the inclusion of extras such as the S-Switch makes this feel like a premium quality monitor.

As for the picture and panel quality, I don't have professional grade equipment to test with, so all I can do is try to share my own experiences as concisely as possible.

Coming from an Eizo Foris FS2333, I was used to a certain degree of uniformity, viewing angles and color vibrance, which I knew I wouldn't get with the XL2730Z due to it using a TN panel as opposed to the Foris' 60Hz IPS panel. But I deemed that an acceptable tradeoff due to the XL2730Z's support of Freesync, 2560x1440 resolution, low response time and 144Hz refresh rate. I had read about the issues with the AMA (Overdrive) and Freesync, but I decided I'd test it out, since Badass reported in his review on Tftcentral that AMD and BenQ were working on resolving that issue.

I installed the monitor via DisplayPort, using the included cable and everything went smoothly, all I had to do was grab the drivers from the BenQ website and point Windows to them, and the monitor was properly listed as BenQ XL2730Z(DisplayPort) by Device Manager. Note that not having that driver didn't seem to impact overall functionality, but it was just nice to have, as opposed to Generic PnP Monitor.

Using TurboTony78's settings I started testing, and after three days I couldn't get over how bright this seemed to make the screen. Like, it was almost blinding whenever a yellow or red colour popped up on screen, and only at 45 brightness. For reference, I ran the Foris at 65 brightness, and even accounting for the different panel types the Foris was much more comfortable.

I mainly tested this monitor out in terms of gaming, using Dragon Age Inquisition, Battlefield 4 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. All games I play regularly and have got a feel for how “should” handle for me to have a comfortable experience.

The AMA/Freesync issue has caused some eyestrain for me, and I could not figure out why, but in SWTOR where framerates frequently go from 30-100 and fluctuate constantly (I'm using a Club3d R9 290 RoyalAce card) the image seemed a bit...fluid. Which I had severe problems really putting my finger on, because on paper, the XL2730Z has so much better specs than the Foris FS2333 in terms of response time and refresh rate that I felt it impossible that the Foris' 1080p 60Hz panel could make for a much more crisp image. After seeing what people have been posting in these forums on the thread about the ASUS MG279Q I think what I'm seeing/feeling here is the disjointment of the XL2730Z's very high refresh rate, combined with the higher response time resulting from Freesync disabling the monitor's Overdrive circuit. Your milage may vary, but this, in combination with the colour issue (will get to that shortly) does make this monitor a greater strain to use than my old Foris FS2333.

After this, I decided to test out if the AMA circuit would really improve my experience, so I turned on the Blur Reduction Mode, which disables Freesync, but activates AMA. I left it on High as Badass recommended in his review and left refresh rates at 144Hz across all the games I played.
And here is where it gets strange. When I hit the switch to turn the Blur Reduction Mode on, the panel dimmed. I hadn't altered any settings, I was still running TurboTony78's settings, but the best way I can describe it is that it felt like when I'd been running Freesync, someone had been sitting behind the monitor, shining a light in my face, making me squint harder and making the colours seem brighter but with a tendency to wash out. With Blur Reduction Mode on the strain in my eyes is significantly less and the image is now much more “calm” than it was before – it's closer to the Foris FS2333, thought the colour reproduction still isn't as good as the IPS panel used in the Foris. The nature of this issue perplexes me, that enabling Freesync would cause such a switch in how the XL2730Z handles brightness and colors, I'd even go so far to say that my experience without Freesync has been better, due to the lessened strain I'm feeling when using it. Assuming that this issue centers around the panel being able to make proper use of its Overdrive circuit, I can honestly say that AMD and BenQ fixing that issue should be an absolute top priority as the “disconnect” between the panel's high refresh rate and slower response time makes my experience using this monitor fairly uneven, drifting towards uncomfortable at times.

I've resolved to evaluating this monitor through the weekend, and if there hasn't been a clarification from AMD or BenQ on the AMA/Freesync issues (or if any of you professionals can help me shine a light on the odd colour/brightness problem) then this monitor will be going back to the retailer next week, before the two week period is up. In many ways it is a solid monitor, but the fact that the lack of AMA w/Freesync seems to cause that other colour/brightness issue means that the usability experience just isn't where it needs to be for me. For £500 I need a monitor that's 100% feature complete and comfortable to use, even 90% won't justify that price range.

I hope this was of help to anyone considering this monitor. I'd recommend looking at reviews but ultimately you need to sit in front of it and use it (which I'm actually doing now, in OpenOffice, it's quite comfortable to type on) and decide if the various potential issues cause a problem for you. In many ways the XL2730Z is a superb monitor, but the combination of growing pains with some of the new tech included in it has just come together and made me think it's not the one for me.
When not using blur reduction, 45 brightness is a bit too high on these screens. And for your XL2730Z, it's DEFINITELY too high.
TFTcentral used 17 brightness for the 2730Z and 20 brightness for the XL2720Z.

20 brightness is usually recommended for normal daytime viewing. If you're in a dark room at night, 10 brightness is probably best.

For blur reduction mode, you usually set 100 brightness (due to the sharp reduction in lumens) then adjust the persistence (strobe duty) to adjust level of blur reduction vs brightness. Strobe duty is called intensity in the OSD for this model.

If you enabled blur reduction at 45 brightness, your screen is -much- too dark. Set the brightness to 100 and then you can improve the amount of motion clarity by changing the intensity value, which will lower the brightness for you while at the same time improving the clarity of motion.

You can use the S-switch to toggle quickly between presets so you can go back to your 17 brightness when blur reduction is off (the presets can save the blur reduction osd state also).

Please note that the overdrive (AMA) setting does NOT affect colors at all. it only affects ghosting of moving images.
You can test that easily by turning on your 144 hz blur reduction and then turning off AMA.
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I appreciate the advice, Falkentyne. You've shown me a few issues worth further tweaking. I'm going to wait another day or two before making a final decision, I think. But right now it's probably going to come down to how BenQ responds to the firmware issue. If all monitors have to be sent back regardless, I think I will simply ship mine back for a refund.
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