Having received my XL2730Z last Monday, I decided I'd share a few thoughts and maybe get some feedback from you informed folks here. I do apologize for my English, not a native speaker.
First of all, I'm very impressed with the build quality, the monitor feels rock solid and the inclusion of extras such as the S-Switch makes this feel like a premium quality monitor.
As for the picture and panel quality, I don't have professional grade equipment to test with, so all I can do is try to share my own experiences as concisely as possible.
Coming from an Eizo Foris FS2333, I was used to a certain degree of uniformity, viewing angles and color vibrance, which I knew I wouldn't get with the XL2730Z due to it using a TN panel as opposed to the Foris' 60Hz IPS panel. But I deemed that an acceptable tradeoff due to the XL2730Z's support of Freesync, 2560x1440 resolution, low response time and 144Hz refresh rate. I had read about the issues with the AMA (Overdrive) and Freesync, but I decided I'd test it out, since Badass reported in his review on Tftcentral that AMD and BenQ were working on resolving that issue.
I installed the monitor via DisplayPort, using the included cable and everything went smoothly, all I had to do was grab the drivers from the BenQ website and point Windows to them, and the monitor was properly listed as BenQ XL2730Z(DisplayPort) by Device Manager. Note that not having that driver didn't seem to impact overall functionality, but it was just nice to have, as opposed to Generic PnP Monitor.
Using TurboTony78's settings I started testing, and after three days I couldn't get over how bright this seemed to make the screen. Like, it was almost blinding whenever a yellow or red colour popped up on screen, and only at 45 brightness. For reference, I ran the Foris at 65 brightness, and even accounting for the different panel types the Foris was much more comfortable.
I mainly tested this monitor out in terms of gaming, using Dragon Age Inquisition, Battlefield 4 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. All games I play regularly and have got a feel for how “should” handle for me to have a comfortable experience.
The AMA/Freesync issue has caused some eyestrain for me, and I could not figure out why, but in SWTOR where framerates frequently go from 30-100 and fluctuate constantly (I'm using a Club3d R9 290 RoyalAce card) the image seemed a bit...fluid. Which I had severe problems really putting my finger on, because on paper, the XL2730Z has so much better specs than the Foris FS2333 in terms of response time and refresh rate that I felt it impossible that the Foris' 1080p 60Hz panel could make for a much more crisp image. After seeing what people have been posting in these forums on the thread about the ASUS MG279Q I think what I'm seeing/feeling here is the disjointment of the XL2730Z's very high refresh rate, combined with the higher response time resulting from Freesync disabling the monitor's Overdrive circuit. Your milage may vary, but this, in combination with the colour issue (will get to that shortly) does make this monitor a greater strain to use than my old Foris FS2333.
After this, I decided to test out if the AMA circuit would really improve my experience, so I turned on the Blur Reduction Mode, which disables Freesync, but activates AMA. I left it on High as Badass recommended in his review and left refresh rates at 144Hz across all the games I played.
And here is where it gets strange. When I hit the switch to turn the Blur Reduction Mode on, the panel dimmed. I hadn't altered any settings, I was still running TurboTony78's settings, but the best way I can describe it is that it felt like when I'd been running Freesync, someone had been sitting behind the monitor, shining a light in my face, making me squint harder and making the colours seem brighter but with a tendency to wash out. With Blur Reduction Mode on the strain in my eyes is significantly less and the image is now much more “calm” than it was before – it's closer to the Foris FS2333, thought the colour reproduction still isn't as good as the IPS panel used in the Foris. The nature of this issue perplexes me, that enabling Freesync would cause such a switch in how the XL2730Z handles brightness and colors, I'd even go so far to say that my experience without Freesync has been better, due to the lessened strain I'm feeling when using it. Assuming that this issue centers around the panel being able to make proper use of its Overdrive circuit, I can honestly say that AMD and BenQ fixing that issue should be an absolute top priority as the “disconnect” between the panel's high refresh rate and slower response time makes my experience using this monitor fairly uneven, drifting towards uncomfortable at times.
I've resolved to evaluating this monitor through the weekend, and if there hasn't been a clarification from AMD or BenQ on the AMA/Freesync issues (or if any of you professionals can help me shine a light on the odd colour/brightness problem) then this monitor will be going back to the retailer next week, before the two week period is up. In many ways it is a solid monitor, but the fact that the lack of AMA w/Freesync seems to cause that other colour/brightness issue means that the usability experience just isn't where it needs to be for me. For £500 I need a monitor that's 100% feature complete and comfortable to use, even 90% won't justify that price range.
I hope this was of help to anyone considering this monitor. I'd recommend looking at reviews but ultimately you need to sit in front of it and use it (which I'm actually doing now, in OpenOffice, it's quite comfortable to type on) and decide if the various potential issues cause a problem for you. In many ways the XL2730Z is a superb monitor, but the combination of growing pains with some of the new tech included in it has just come together and made me think it's not the one for me.