BenQ XL2730Z Freesync Owners Thread

What is the dead pixel policy like for benq?

And nex, please don't hesitate to get this screen now, just wish you lived closer to me so you could come round and see it in motion.


You have no idea how tempted I am! I just know that if I place an order, we will get a whole load of new monitors announced lol

Any thoughts on this badass or PCM2?

Exact same question here legend

I think I could deal with the viewing angles/contrast shift of TN but... would I notice or should I say... be bothered about going from CR of >1200:1 to <1000:1 and a very light AG coating to a heavier one (unless one or both have changed with the new panel/firmware)

The much improved motion clarity and freesync benefits would outweigh the viewing angle/contrast shift disadvantages I think.

I watch/play quite a bit of dark content.
You have no idea how tempted I am! I just know that if I place an order, we will get a whole load of new monitors announced lol
Lol, I'm thinking the same thing. Plus I have a 980 at the moment, so it would mean a whole new shift to the red team. That said, I would prefer an IPS monitor (and G-Sync if I keep my 980), but nothing going on there really.
That UFO test doesn't work on my screen at 144Hz (got the Asus VG278HE at the minute), the fps only goes to 134, and it keeps saying sync failure, when i switch to 120Hz, its fine, 120fps, and valid.

Just read that DL-DVI only supports 120Hz @1920x1080, so could that be why im getting the sync failure in the test @ 144Hz ?

Im pretty sure though, when i first got the monitor, i did try the UFO test @ 144Hz, and i did have a valid sync.
Make sure gpu acceleration is enabled on browser.

Already enabled, no matter what i do, its a sync failure at 144Hz, fluctuates between 131-134 constantly, even the 60 and 30 ones (underneath) fluctuate, 120 is spot on, 120-60-30, Valid.

Tried the other DVi on my card, same result. :p

I'll see what happens when i get one of these screens, via the DP.
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Well I've had a bit of time to play with the monitor since it's upgrade now and it does seem better. I wouldn't say it's a massive difference like some are reporting but on some of my desktops wallpapers in particular they seem clearer and more vibrant now. It could well just be a placebo but either way I'm very happy with the end result and must give full credit to BenQ for an excellent service.
Don't you need display port for 144Hz anyway?

Pass, ive read about only 120Hz at 1080p through DL-DVi, and DP for 144Hz, but ive got this monitor at the minute :- , which doesn't have DP, and it works at 144Hz fine, on desktop, gaming etc...., just does the above on the UFO test on blur busters when set to 144Hz, unless thats why, its only supposed to be 120Hz at 1080p, but then why it would work ok at 144Hz :p
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Already enabled, no matter what i do, its a sync failure at 144Hz, fluctuates between 131-134 constantly, even the 60 and 30 ones (underneath) fluctuate, 120 is spot on, 120-60-30, Valid.

Tried the other DVi on my card, same result. :p

I'll see what happens when i get one of these screens, via the DP.

Are you trying to use 2560x1440@144 hz over DVI?

that won't work. it exceeds the DVI-DL bandwidth limit.
You can *TRY* the pixel clock patcher for AMD/Nvidia from the toastyx monitortests forum.

This will let you do 2560x1440@120hz over DVI even though the pixel clock will be north of 350 MHz (The normal limit is 330). The ability to keep a clear screen or to have shimmering artifacts will be from the quality of the DVI cable. They weren't made for such high speeds, but some will work as high as 400 mhz.

2560x1440@144hz may fail, though, even with the pixel clock patcher. You are simply going too far beyond the DVI spec.
I can use 1440p via VSR fine, the monitor works fine @ 1080p @144Hz, im just wondering why the blur busters UFO test does a sync failure @144Hz.

When you do a request for the firmware update of these Benq screens, i guess you only have to put its for the v2 firmware update, and you wont need to include a proof of purchase ?
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This really does sound an impressive monitor... question is if I'll be able to stomach it coming from IPS?

I came from IPS... if your a graphics designer and need that color accuracy then IPS is the only way to go. If games are what you seek... you will not miss the IPS after you see the speed and smoothness of freesync on a 1ms panel.

That said this is the TOP of the line TN panel and the color shift is not harsh at all under normal viewing. The colors of this monitor are very good.

What you could notice is colors being very pure at direct eye level but just slightly cooler when looking off center or below eye level.

Really IPS for games at 60hz is just a blurry mess and IPS glow in dark games scenes, I can't stand! TN panels don't glow like IPS do so I was extremely happy to switch.

Maybe that helps? You should really try and see one in person or buy from a store with a no hassle return policy and try it for a few days.
I came from IPS... if your a graphics designer and need that color accuracy then IPS is the only way to go. If games are what you seek... you will not miss the IPS after you see the speed and smoothness of freesync on a 1ms panel.

That said this is the TOP of the line TN panel and the color shift is not harsh at all under normal viewing. The colors of this monitor are very good.

What you could notice is colors being very pure at direct eye level but just slightly cooler when looking off center or below eye level.

Really IPS for games at 60hz is just a blurry mess and IPS glow in dark games scenes, I can't stand! TN panels don't glow like IPS do so I was extremely happy to switch.

Maybe that helps? You should really try and see one in person or buy from a store with a no hassle return policy and try it for a few days.

Regarding the black I will agree.

I play Elite & EVE Online. The XL2730Z is perfect on the black backgrounds
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What about the detail in dark areas though? i.e. for these screenshots, how does it look on your screens in terms of detail being visible?



Able to upload good photos to show what you see?
Look very detailed here..

By no means how I should be doing this to show case my screen detail. I have taken a photo with my HTC one M8.. Gives you maybe an idea

But in person its 100x better
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Thanks, yeah, it isn't a great way of showing the differences especially when I will be viewing them on my screen :p This is roughly how mine looks in terms of what you can see in the dark areas on the sides, I had to adjust the exposure setting to get a more realistic shot:


TBH, probably be better just explaining to me what you can see in those 3 screenshots and how clear certain things are, as viewing your photo on my screen, I can't see any detail at the sides, it is just black.

I found a decent video comparing the 29ub65 (pretty much the same as the 29um65) to the swift (should be pretty similar to the benq) and going by this video, there really is very little difference when viewed head on (some areas the LG looks better and in other areas the swift looks better), no idea about calibration etc. though:

Although, I'm pretty sure that isn't a 29" model as it looks the same height as a 27"/34" screen....

So unless benq or someone announces more free/g sync screens in the next month and I decide to stick with AMD, I think I'll get this, viewing angles and 16.9 aside, it should be a nice upgrade in the areas I want:

- screen tear free experience with freesync
- much better motion clarity
- smooth gaming with freesync

Just need badass/PCM2 to confirm what exactly was changed with firmware V2 etc.!!! :p
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Yeah going by that photo of yours, it certainly looks it! A decent test for black levels:

You should be able to see all the squares.

A good way for you to reveal/see all the detail that I am talking about in those screenshots is to up your gamma in AMD CCC.


A good image for manually adjusting the gamma as well:
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One thing I will say is after using firmware 2 now for couple days its so much better with Freesync also.. AMA does indeed make a great difference to how clear motion is.
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