Best Retro Handheld

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Tempted to pick up a handheld for my trip to the US. 11 hour flight to kill. Up to the end of the 16 bit era will do me. Or I might just get a 3ds XL and a card.
Man of Honour
16 Jul 2009
Been using my Odin 2 a lot while on holiday this week in Greece. Performance of this thing is pretty incredible. I loved both Wipeout Pure and Pulse on my PSP but being able to up res and have stable 60 FPS is awesome.

I would have liked a white version but went with the base model at the time which was only available in black.

I think I'll pick up the super dock as was considering putting together a new retro mini pc but it isn't that pricey for the dock and looks decent, can include some some official skittle coloured buttons too.

How's the battery on the Odin 2? I've been tempted as it seems a little more portable than a Steam Deck and seems to be mightly powerful!
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Tempted to pick up a handheld for my trip to the US. 11 hour flight to kill. Up to the end of the 16 bit era will do me. Or I might just get a 3ds XL and a card.

You could do that, especially if you already have a 3DSXL.

If not, then the RG35XXH or the regular 35XX or Miyoo Mini Plus is great for this purpose. USB-C charging means no need to separate charger.
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