BF Hardline Visceral Games

Youtubers are like filthy politicians and judging by the amount of people who flock to jackfrag's servers like a bat out of hell I can see them defending the game despite its inevitable faults.
well im surprised jack hasn't been taken on by EA. so hes not going to take a bad stance on it . it would harm his chances of future content.
TBH if this is a mix of payday and BF then I'll buy it.
Not for £60, but i'll buy it.

This is what intrigues me. David Goldfarb Lead Designer & Writer BF Bad Company 2 and BF 3 left to work on Payday 2.

Seems like EA simply looked at what he's doing and copied him. Or maybe Goldfarb is still covertly involved with EA. :cool:
* Cough Ronku Cough *


Exactly! Personally i don't like this type of thing but theres nothing we can do about it, If you put out a bad product that should be picked up on to avoid everyone buying it. Actually hold publishers and developers responsible for their games.
This is what intrigues me. David Goldfarb Lead Designer & Writer BF Bad Company 2 and BF 3 left to work on Payday 2.

Seems like EA simply looked at what he's doing and copied him. Or maybe Goldfarb is still covertly involved with EA. :cool:

Payday was around before Goldfarb joined Starbreeze and also games like call of juarez the cartel, Kane and Lynch and CS had a cops vs robbers theme. If anything EA probably took inspiration from this game

But it's a mish mash of a bit of everything.
At any rate the whole Battlefield franchise has been diluted into worthlessness now, a combination of overpriced DLC, shoddy rushed development, chasing after COD profits.

No integrity in the core values of the game shown by EA at all. I'm not surprised people like Goldfarb left.
lol it's a BF4 mod for $60, no wonder Dice/EA never wanted to give the community mod tools, this **** would have been made free if they had.
lol it's a BF4 mod for $60, no wonder Dice/EA never wanted to give the community mod tools, this **** would have been made free if they had.

oh come off it. DICE were still making games that people said could have been made with mod tools as far back as Battlefield 1942.

The reviews back then talked about Battlefield Vietnam being nothing more than a mod for 1942 that should have been free.

Rose tinted spectacles people.
Youtube charlatans are preparing their hype material it seems.

Various Battlefield personalities within the competitive and YouTube communities are making clear their involvement in the development process of Visceral Games’ upcoming cops vs. criminals shooter, Battlefield Hardline.

Allegedly, they’re calling it EA’s “Game Changer” program, which, judging by tweets from participants, aims to utilize feedback from some of Battlefield’s most hardcore audience members to better shape the game as it marches closer to launch this Fall.

According to reports, it appears that a handful of these individuals took part in a recent play test of sorts at EA’s headquarters where they got some hands-on time with the game and supplied Visceral developers with valuable feedback.

Obviously, no one is giving out specifics as to what they saw or played, but you can get some insight by simply checking out some of the Twitter feeds we’ve included below:
I more than likely missed a few, but that should give you the gist of things.

It was recently confirmed that Visceral is, in fact, leading development on both multiplayer and single player for Battlefield Hardline, with collaboration from Battlefield veteran studio, Digital Illusions CE.

It’s cool to see EA get some of Battlefield’s most respected community members involved in the game’s development, and it’s likely also a way to make good with gamers still shaken up over Battlefield 4′s troubled launch.

Do you think this approach from EA will have a positive impact on final release?
Just seen xfactor's video about him and other youtubers being involved in design decisions for this game, just great, going to have a bunch of clueless faggots i.e. lvlcap and jack frags involved with this game :rolleyes:

As for this game, personally I think it looks interesting and something a bit different and perhaps will buy it......... however, not pre-ordering until I know the game is running stable with very few bugs, learned my lesson from bf 3 and 4!
calling them clueless faggots is uncalled for IMO.

Neither levelcap or jackfrags claim to be anything they are not. Neither claim to be the fountain of all Battlefield Knowledge nor the worst best players. They are just members of the battlefield community that enjoy the games, and make videos about it.

If visceral wants to know what the community thinks, they are a good place to start. They will be quite easily able to guide visceral as to how the community are likely to perceive things and also what things are likely to be abused, what is going to be OP etc..

I really don't get the hate for the battlefield youtubers.
oh come off it. DICE were still making games that people said could have been made with mod tools as far back as Battlefield 1942.

The reviews back then talked about Battlefield Vietnam being nothing more than a mod for 1942 that should have been free.

Rose tinted spectacles people.

You're just the consumer EA loves, a console gamer with no standards, an Dice and EA apologist as well.

As for youtubers making video games, prepare for more BS hype and lies as they get a nice little back hander from EA, I remember when they were singing BF4 praises on release, this whilst the game was a ******* abomination. No integrity whatsoever.
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