Big Bike Thread

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So I picked up my new ride a couple of days ago...


Done about 300 miles on it so far and love it to bits. I will be racing on it on Saturday, hopefully I don't crash :eek:
Somehow managed to destroy the thread connecting the pedal to the crank, so I'm looking at a new set of cranks.. Currently got hollowtech octalinks, do you reckon it's worth upgrading to XTs or suchlike? I'm a little straped for cash atm, I don't suppose it'd be covered under warranty with shimano?

Edit - didnt realise how pricey the XTs were, what about this?
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SDK^ said:
It was a touch muddy today. All cleaned up now though :)



my £400 mountain bike is caked in it like that and has been stood in my shed for 3 years :rolleyes: im afraid of trying to clean it, it will be nackerd by now lol. i just suddenly got bored of cycling as i live in the most hilly place of all time grr :(
My bike was like that today. Plus i went off a 4 foot north shore drop, before i went off back end washed out and i went off the drop sideways, nose dived and smashed into the floor face first :(
The Spec. Sirrus is rather nice. I'm thinking of picking one up in the next few days. A used/last year one should be way within budget.
Just fitted some Larsen XC TT's to my Dawes Oxide '05.

Not as fancy as you lot, didnt have a huge budget at the time. Picked it up last october for £375. It does me getting to and from work down the canal and weekend rides :)

(Poor Images due to my nokia N73 not setup correctly)


Bennah said:
Just fitted some Larsen XC TT's to my Dawes Oxide '05.

What are the tyres like? I've got a pair sitting in a box at my parents house, just waiting for some time to fit them. They seemed pretty sweet just taking them out the packaging, look pretty cool too :D .
Looks like you have the same front mug guard as me before I broke it when I came off the bike and went head first into some railings when I aqua-plained on some standing water on the way home. I now have a scar on my cheek that isnt going to go away anytime soon :(
Bunka said:
What are the tyres like? I've got a pair sitting in a box at my parents house, just waiting for some time to fit them. They seemed pretty sweet just taking them out the packaging, look pretty cool too :D .

Personally I couldnt believe the difference they made to the ride.

Before that I had the terrible Tioga XC Factory's. I got used to them but they were bad. I finally got round to changing to the Larsen TT's and they made a huge difference.

The ride is a lot smoother. Its like gliding over the surface your traveling on. Ive tried them in the dry on the roads, roads when very wet and in the mud along the canal to and from work and they dont disappoint one bit. Could'nt fault them at all. Theres loads of grip.
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