Big Bike Thread

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Nash said:
I live in Reading (in term time). How far is that from Swinley Forest? Do you know any dirt jumping/Freeride/North Shore/4X courses nearby?


It's maybe 20-25minutes away and as for DH freeride, try Aston Hill.
SDK^ said:
I've just got a helmet camera and will be editing some footage together from another vist to Cannock chase this Saturday.
In the meantime check out one of my test clips from last week: Cannock Chase : Section 10 (31mb)

That was wicked, makes me wonder what I've been missing having not owned a bike for a couple of years. I should have come next week and I cannot wait, so excited.(no sound on the vid?)
SDK^ said:
I've just got a helmet camera and will be editing some footage together from another vist to Cannock chase this Saturday.
In the meantime check out one of my test clips from last week: Cannock Chase : Section 10 (31mb)

Great picture quality! Better than I have previously seen from helmet cam's. That single track trail was a bit crap I thought though. Its so narrow, theres no scope for attempting to negotiate it faster less the risk of clipping a tree with your bars. More like half track to me. :P
manoz said:
(no sound on the vid?)
It was just a test video. The mic was in my backpack so sound was muffled and I couldn't be bothered to put music to it.

PlatinumFX said:
Great picture quality! Better than I have previously seen from helmet cam's. That single track trail was a bit crap I thought though. Its so narrow, theres no scope for attempting to negotiate it faster less the risk of clipping a tree with your bars. More like half track to me. :P
That is one section out of 16 :)
Cannock chase - Follow the Dog, consists of a few sections like in the video through tight sections with trees either side. These are very technical and thus extremely rewarding when you get it right :)
Other sections are a lot more open with sweeping bends and fast drops etc.

e.g. Section 13 (22mb)

These are tester videos - I'm planning on doing one showing a couple of sections from various angles on the bike, add some music etc to make it more interesting. The lens that comes fitted to camera is very wide (90 degrees) so I've also ordered a telephoto one that will show a view more what we actually see (about 45 degrees). This will also give a better representation of the real speed.
PlatinumFX said:
Great picture quality! Better than I have previously seen from helmet cam's. That single track trail was a bit crap I thought though. Its so narrow, theres no scope for attempting to negotiate it faster less the risk of clipping a tree with your bars. More like half track to me. :P

Hey, that section is wide compared to the 1st bit of singletrack you get to :D
SDK^ said:
These are tester videos - I'm planning on doing one showing a couple of sections from various angles on the bike, add some music etc to make it more interesting. The lens that comes fitted to camera is very wide (90 degrees) so I've also ordered a telephoto one that will show a view more what we actually see (about 45 degrees). This will also give a better representation of the real speed.
Im looking forward to seeing these videos should give me a taste of what its like before I start riding it when im back at uni
Downloading your videos justnow and will give them a watch.

Im just in from what turned out to be a 28.39 mile ride,rode to college realised i was such a ******* idiot and ended up doing 3 laps of strathclyde park and one of chatelherault. Took me 2hours 30 minutes all in.

Was shocked because as soon as i hit 20 mile i got cramp something awful in my thighs,worst i've experienced on the bike. What really causes cramp?

Sorted the sore arse issues by having the seat at the right angle so all in all its juts my thighs that are sore now. :D
Jonny ///M said:
What really causes cramp?

Sorted the sore arse issues by having the seat at the right angle so all in all its juts my thighs that are sore now. :D

Dehydration / electrolyte deficiency. Drink extra water the day/evening before the ride, the morning before you go and approx 750 ml per hour (in hot weather like this, thats a minimum) during. You could perhaps use a sports drink for moderate to long rides (15 miles+ MTB, 40+ road).

Do you wear cycling specific shorts with a chamois pad?
PlatinumFX said:
Dehydration / electrolyte deficiency. Drink extra water the day/evening before the ride, the morning before you go and approx 750 ml per hour (in hot weather like this, thats a minimum) during. You could perhaps use a sports drink for moderate to long rides (15 miles+ MTB, 40+ road).

Do you wear cycling specific shorts with a chamois pad?

Nope to all of that. I basically decided i would go for a ride after college so it was jeans,tshirt and a beanie.

I regret not talking my camelback but i didnt really feel the need to around 16-18 miles my mouth was getting dry but up to that i was fine.

energy drink are we talking about lucozade or that stuff you have to mix up? My brother has all these little things you have to mix up that he takes on rides.
Jonny ///M said:
Nope to all of that. I basically decided i would go for a ride after college so it was jeans,tshirt and a beanie.

I regret not talking my camelback but i didnt really feel the need to around 16-18 miles my mouth was getting dry but up to that i was fine.

energy drink are we talking about lucozade or that stuff you have to mix up? My brother has all these little things you have to mix up that he takes on rides.

Things like Lucozade are a short term fix, not useful for endurance sports like biking.

Theres a brand called high5 which makes this: EnergySource 4:1 With Super Carbs 1.6kg Tub

Its a powder, has a good amount of carbs and some protein. I have also used it for recovery and it works well. A dedicated protein bar/shake is better though.

I dont use these sorts of things often. Its only twice a week or so that I will go a distance that warrents these rather expensive aids.

I have heard of pills or powder you can dissolve into ordinary drinks that give you an electrolyte boost. Perhaps some one else can share some insight on that?
PlatinumFX said:
Things like Lucozade are a short term fix, not useful for endurance sports like biking.

Theres a brand called high5 which makes this: EnergySource 4:1 With Super Carbs 1.6kg Tub

Its a powder, has a good amount of carbs and some protein. I have also used it for recovery and it works well. A dedicated protein bar/shake is better though.

I dont use these sorts of things often. Its only twice a week or so that I will go a distance that warrents these rather expensive aids.

I have heard of pills or powder you can dissolve into ordinary drinks that give you an electrolyte boost. Perhaps some one else can share some insight on that?

Hmm i may look into getting some of that stuff and fill the camelback with it for long rides. Does seem a bit expensive but so does £1 for a can of coke./ :eek:
That is intresting. Never really looked into something like that before. There are loads on the market these days.

It would be good for me when going on long rides at the weekend or after work in the week to past the time and get out and about.

Jonny ///M said:
Hmm i may look into getting some of that stuff and fill the camelback with it for long rides. Does seem a bit expensive but so does £1 for a can of coke./ :eek:

I find 50g's mixed to 750 ml spot on if its a proper ride I am doing. The packaging will say 50g's for 500 to 750 ml, half implying you might want to add more but I never found it necessary. Summer Fruits flavour is nicer than Citrus by far imo. It tastes absolutely LUSH (I am not a chav) with some Vimto cordial.

Edit: Oh and I highly recommended a decent quality cycling short. Most people recommend 8 panel for best fit. If your embarrassed about wearing them, your choices are either to wear a hardier pair of ordinary or MTBing specific shorts over them. I have also seen shorts which are one piece, tight inside with a pad for your sit bones, but a very tough thorn and crash resistant material on the outside that will take a lot of abuse. They look abit like rugby shorts.
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I used to fill my bladder with sports drink but would find by the end of ride I'd have stomach cramps. Hence I now stick to water in my Camelback but on a very hot day or longer rider, I put a bottle onto my bike with something different in. Worked will on the Dyfi Enduro (60km).

MTBing in Lycra? Baggies all the way please ;)
I dont fancy riding about with my package shown to the world :p

I might look into getting some of the paddied shorts we sell at work though,the ones that look like baggy shorts with the padding inside them.
Cannock chase bites back !!

I had quite a bad crash today in section 13. I went over the handle bars, landed on my face, got a mouth full of dirt & pebbles and my front wheel is bent beyond repair. :(
I must have looked quite bad as most people passing asked if I was okay and one nice chap even stopped to offer assistance but apart from the visual blood and cuts I was generally fine. Thanks to all of those people :)

A video of the crash - The clip breaks as I go over the handle bars because the lens was attached to the handle bar, the recording device was in my backpack and the cable snapped.

Crash video (18mb : Right Click -> Save as)

Photo of my front wheel.

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