Big Bike Thread

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I would get a Specialized Enduro SL. Tested one today and it was awesome; really plush.
Also tested a Giant Reign X and it didn't feel as planted or as chuckable as the Enduro
The Enduro SL was my first choice, I went with the SC Heckler due to the issues with the in house suspension and haven't regreted it.
Cheers for the replies guys....grrrr decision is getting harder, rather than easier :D
I think MBUK next month has a full blown "top 20 favourite bikes" etc, might hang on to read those reviews too.
The Enduro SL was my first choice, I went with the SC Heckler due to the issues with the in house suspension and haven't regretted it.
There are always teething troubles with new products. Specialized have launched a 5 year Warranty to cover suspension failures, which is pretty good ;)
Gonna go give the Reign x1 and the Spec SX a try this arvo, found a bike shop close to work.
At least a sit on both might sway me in a direction
I know it's not on your list but have you considered an Orange Patriot? I loved mine as a do everything bike. I've currently got the old enduro (same frame as the SX Trail) and it's an awesome bike too.
Ah ok^^
well all the models I looked at were all ORANGE , or GREEN etc :D
Chrome Grey, Fools Gold, Metallic Black and Pearl Black are all quite classy colours, albeit a bit boring, and suit the chunky FS frames well. I have seen a 5 in a matte black finish too but I think that must either be a '07 model or a custom job.
Chrome Grey, Fools Gold, Metallic Black and Pearl Black are all quite classy colours, albeit a bit boring, and suit the chunky FS frames well. I have seen a 5 in a matte black finish too but I think that must either be a '07 model or a custom job.

The Brighter the better i say! will see you coming down the tracks a mile off, shame my bike is black :mad:
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