Big Bike Thread

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both front and rear HDs were packed tight with mud. werent shedding at all :(

the MM is £31 from but out of stock. DD are £24 and I can get the MK for about the same.

(i should say those prices are each)
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Point is, all of those roll truly awful.

The DD is the best Mud tyre I have ever used, and is better than the Wet scream for example (but only slightly). They were however on the Downhill bike - can't imagine needing to drag them along on a trail ride. Would feel like you're dragging an anchor along with you.
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yeah i imagine you're right cow. back wheel was spinning under cranking which was a problem.

might just give up the sloppy trails for a bit and find something a bit more hard pack.
Which MB tyres do you all recommend for the coming winter mornings? I currently have a pair of Nobby Nics on but they aren't great for the wet/ slightly icy tarmac

A slick tyre will give best grip on tarmac. No rubber has any grip on ice, you need metal studs for that.
I LOVE my SS2 but I'm thinking of selling it for something a bit lighter and more do it all... Tell me not too... :( IE a Rose Granite Chief!

I just wish it was a tad lighter!
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