Big Bike Thread

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Whoops.. More upgrades. ;)

Merlin were flogging off Juicy 7's cheap. Had to have a set hehe! ;)


Swapped the tyres over for some Tioga Factory XC as well in preperation for next weeks mudbath, I mean Viking Challenge 50km. :)

Replaced the forks with the other set I got with the frame.




Yeah, they're still Manitou rubbish, but they feel better than the black fork and they're more adjustable. I'm going to get some Lyriks or something once I can afford.
Yeah, they're alright, but they have no small bump compliance and the previous fork dived massively and couldn't take big hits, despite being a longer fork (and having the same previous owner)
My Shermans were nice for the 4 months that they worked. :(
I got me a good light at last.

Trailtech 30w HiD
1850 lumens
2hrs 50 mins run time on Li-Ion battery

Nice. I just got me a Hope Vision 4 that pumps out 980 lumens which is more than bright enough for my needs. Make sure to blind all the motorists that think skimming by your bar ends is room enough.
Finally got it built last night! and took it for a good ride today around the local nature reserve!



The Family - Soon to be minus the scandal as its going up for sale :(

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Well, I got around the Viking Challenge in one piece! One puncture (loads of people suffered on one section due to the area being cleared of trees and shrubs leaving lots of small sharp bits of wood about the place.

However, it wasn't at no expense. If you managed 10mph on most sections (bar the road links to each section) you were flying. The mud was unlike anything I've ever seen, so much so that by about half way around I'd completely burned away my brake pads, front and rear. It was that thick that even trying to turn the wheel around was impossible because it jammed on the fork... Crazy stuff.

Luckily there were quite a few water splashes about, so you could hit those and clear off the majority of the muck, but the bike is absolutely bladdered and will need a total strip down. Hopefully the (new!) brake pads will be the only casualty!

I took one pic - having got back to the van and clearing up myself a bit, I took one of the bike:


Most of the real thick muck had come off, but you get the idea! :D
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Well, I got around the Viking Challenge in one piece! One puncture (loads of people suffered on one section due to the area being cleared of trees and shrubs leaving lots of small sharp bits of wood about the place.

However, it wasn't at no expense. If you managed 10mph on most sections (bar the road links to each section) you were flying. The mud was unlike anything I've ever seen, so much so that by about half way around I'd completely burned away my brake pads, front and rear. It was that thick that even trying to turn the wheel around was impossible because it jammed on the fork... Crazy stuff.

Luckily there were quite a few water splashes about, so you could hit those and clear off the majority of the muck, but the bike is absolutely bladdered and will need a total strip down. Hopefully the (new!) brake pads will be the only casualty!

I took one pic - having got back to the van and clearing up myself a bit, I took one of the bike:


Most of the real thick muck had come off, but you get the idea! :D

Nightmare to clean off? :D, So will you HAVE TO strip the bike down to clean all that off?

Quick question, you rekon these little Evans shops on highstreet allow you to take your bike in the shop? I know it sounds stupid but some places don't let you take bikes in.
I've cleaned the bike down and to look at it's fine, but the drivetrain feels a bit gritty and I'll bet the frame is swimming with the water I was riding through. One lad had it up to his seatpost... A strip down and rebuild is defo gonna be needed, might need new gear cabling too.

Bike shops here let you take the bike in. Servicing is good money for them!
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