Big Bike Thread

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Labarynth was great, so funny that there were a half dozen of us and we could see each other through the forest as the single track was so close. Dont think I did the deer hunter? or I dont know the name.
Picked my SXT up this morning, was too excited to take any pictures before I went out so took them after I cleaned when I got home.


Absolutely love it, going out again tomorrow.
Dunno about the decor but definitely going to change the handlebars, grips, pedals and saddle to black. White is way too hard to keep clean.
Jimi, superb bike there matey! Im looking at buying an '09 SXT myself.

Where did you get it from? How much did you pay if you dont mind me asking?
I meant your house its a reet mess :p

Oh right, lol. Yeah, work in err... progress.

I bought it from Eurocycles in the Isle of Man Bennah, paid £2740.42. If your looking to buy in the next few weeks, I doubt you will. My LBS rang up Specialized week before last and there were only 12 Medium SXTs left and there's a six week wait for the next batch.
Only 12 Trail II's? How many was made do you know?

It wouldn't be anytime soon, in the coming months Im going to get one so theres no rush.
Thanks :D

Bet you cant wait to go on a proper ride. I would personally take a week off work and just ride till my legs fell off :p
Only 12 Trail II's? How many was made do you know?

It wouldn't be anytime soon, in the coming months Im going to get one so theres no rush.

Don't know how many were made but the lady at Specialized said that there will be a new batch in, in six weeks time. Don't know how many in a batch though. From what I've been reading, it's the same story both sides of the pond.

That is a sexy bike Sup3rcow, have you been out on it today? Glad mine isn't white though. I've got a Stumpjumper Elite which is white and it's a right PITA to clean.
When the time comes, I was thinking of getting it from Evanscycles. There is a local one in Manchester. The only decent bike shop close to me really.
When the time comes, I was thinking of getting it from Evanscycles. There is a local one in Manchester. The only decent bike shop close to me really.

Evans are pretty good, I bought my SJ from them, got it on 12 months deferred credit with Barclays Partner finance.
That Morewood is awesome sup3rc0w, love the red detailing :D

Those Wellgo pedals?

When the time comes, I was thinking of getting it from Evanscycles. There is a local one in Manchester. The only decent bike shop close to me really.

Been in there today, if you mean the Deansgate one. Theres also Edinburgh Bicycle Co-Operative down the road in Rusholme, who've got a cracking showroom.
Deansgate one is the one I mean.

Never knew about Edinburgh Bicycles. Will have to take a trip down sometime. How far is it from Evanscycles? Ride it?
Deansgate one is the one I mean.

Never knew about Edinburgh Bicycles. Will have to take a trip down sometime. How far is it from Evanscycles? Ride it?

2.7miles according to Google, its just past the uni on the main road through Rusholme. Is a nice showroom to have a look round.

Thanks mate, yea they are wellgo's amazingly light.

Thought so, bought a grey set today! They are very light. Awesome pedals for the money.
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